Well I did establish a gaming trainning for members, but as I was the only person to even partake in it....it fizzled, frosty, dox, and welsh all helped...but no others wanted to take in the help.
as for the ficition, remeber that there is monthly comps from the KHP, and weekly gaming days.
Its all boiling down to people not doing anything...and all the emails dont help...Ive emailed the new recruits myself, and I do from time to time get replys. I try to give out some fun comps. Ive asked for ideas. But when I go and implement those ideas, the ones with all the ideas for gaming well they dont sign up.
So I guess with the pending IG games, maybe some activity will pick up. The battleteam Yu has also gotten pretty inactive with only opne member playing its pretty hard to keep that afloat.
As the clan summit is trying to find ways to get all of us active, I have as well.
the ideas are there, but the people dont want to jon it. Thats the bottleneck where we need to find a way to solve.
just several months earlier, we had a large amount of activity. Dunno if the school is a big factor, but alot of members have finals and classes that are winding down, and some members have been grabbing 2nd jobs.
So the question of whats next? do we grab new mebers or train the ones we already have?
the members we have already trinning them will not a big choir, but rather getting them to respond to a simple email is the tough question.
getting more mebers isnt the smartest way either...but we have recently got a few new members that seem to be doing some SA exams, and with the new battleteam Rei, maybe the focus as a sole gaming clan will be opened to new eyes as we can now also have a nother avenue with writing.
I will stand behind any ideas we throw together....as longs as its not
well I have this idea.....and we go ahead and do it, and that person doesnt take part in it.
those of you that want gaming we can do gaming comps, those of you that want writing comps we cna do those as well. But for people to complain to me, about Krathy comps and then turn around suggest gaming stuff, but dont want any part of it, when its asked for a sign up....well those are the ones who are killing it
case in point
I had been told we needed to do some gaming comps...So in short order I go ahead and email the entire clan about XWA, JA, and JO ladder gaming before the IG games star, I got 3 total people outside of myself to sign up for this....
XWA 3 people
JA 2 people
JO 3 people
now anyone knows that a ladder tournament will not work for 3 people....only one more person would be needed.
I had better response from Clan trivia then gaming. The so called "Krathy" events gathered a respectful following..the graphics comps were a bit of a let down, but not everyone was into those.
I will agree with merlance on the Sith Wars and him being the only one to really be flying in this, Im not really good with XWA but I will die tryign to help this clan out with also JA, and JO too.
here is a list of known gamers in House of Tridens:
Rayf Bynne-JO/SWGB
Tavin Longspear-XWA/JA/JO
as you can see several people play multiple platforms..the trick getting them on-line to play, Merlance did have a few good suggestion of trying to get a massive amount of people qualified for next weeks sunday tournament. I agreed to help. So people we need to get Tarentum back in shape, if not he whole clan but the House of Tridens as well.... I hate spiels, but man we have to get ready for the Sith Wars..and honestly I really dont want my rear-end to have a missing piece from the pending ripping I will get from the Clan Summit if things dont get active.....as the saying goes.."[Expletive Deleted] rolls downhill"
Im not going to beg, or plead, or grovel. But we need to fid a way to get this bottleneck to end. I understand people need to have lifes..thats cool in all, but if you want promoted or rewarded, then do something......
When a machine is oiled right and taken care of then it will run for a long ol time. we have talented young members and talented old foggies too. If the new members have anything to say, or something they need answered then feel free to ask, dont just sit in the cold and not know, ask questions some of us dont bite....(beware there is some old foggies that do bite......not hard, but they nip.)
Im more thna willing to help ayone out to the best i can, or find a answer to your question. I was in the same shoes a few months back myself, but when you align yourself with good people as we have, the sky is the limit. The gaming well we all know when and where it takes place.....for those that dont
Tuesdays (ALL DAY) in #gmrg
Thursdays (ALL DAY) in #gmrg
Saturday (Pretty much ALL DAY) in #outerrim called ICTE or Inter club trainning event
Sundays (ALL DAY-EVERY OTHER WEEK) in #gmrg
Clan Trivia...well thats once a month unless a higher activity is started..refer to the CON Report
The DJB is all about friends, and Tarentum is pretty much the same way, but at times we need to also help those friends out and play a few games, or do some writing comps, or what have you......
Ok speil is over...if there is typos...sorry for that.
Smoke has left the building