20-07-2013 13:48:57
Hi there,
Just noticed today looking over the HOU roster, the roster is listed by order where all the Sentinels are listed first, then all the Guardians, and then the Consulars. It is not the normal structure (that I see remains on the other units) where it is first broken by Rank and then by order. Instead, it is Order and then rank so it goes Eq4-App for Sentinels, and then Ep4-App for Guardian, and etc.
20-07-2013 15:01:28
Oops, that's what you get for adding them one order at a time instead of one rank at a time...
20-07-2013 17:48:49
24-07-2013 11:19:04
Arion made some tweaks again, should be good now?
24-07-2013 11:38:03
Good good
Thank Arion, he did the fixing