10-07-2013 22:56:22
Get your votes in here folks, and after nominations close (and I've checked that they want to be interviewed), I'll post a poll that you can vote on.
Just tell me who in Taldryan, you'd like to know more about!
10-07-2013 23:33:04
Chaosrain Taldrya is my nomination. He's the guy that has been around for a while, and didn't get a promotion for many years after long-service in Tal as a Leader. People should know more about the one we call Failbot.
I vote Rathus, he's relatively new and always on IRC and my apprentice so I'm bias.
Either that or Retden!
11-07-2013 10:09:08
I would still prefer an oldie. Howard or Mav.
11-07-2013 10:16:23
I vote SHB! But I'll nominate someone post-Exodus...let's go with Rian. He's out QUA after all, so why not know more about him?
Also, throwing out an idea here. There's a comic site I visit and they have like an "Interview Roulette" sorta thing they do with various creators. Basically a bunch of people submitted questions and the top...20 or 30 were chosen. Then about 5 are randomly chosen and sent to whoever is being interviewed that week. So you don't always get each person answering the exact same questions, but you do get to know a good range about them. Just an idea, and maybe it'll help facilitate in us learning about people a little more often.
11-07-2013 17:08:40
I vote for the House Panda, Howie!
12-07-2013 11:04:31
Tally, because Tarax said so