Welcoming Thread For Taldryan's New Members


07-03-2011 14:01:24

Greetings, young and old!

This thread is dedicated for new members who have recently joined (Or Re-joined) Taldryan to introduce themselves. So, go on and tell us who you are! This thread is also for other members within the club, whether from Tal' or not, to welcome our newest members!

So, let the introductions begin!


10-09-2011 12:19:11

Hi, I've just transferred in from the Rogues, thought it might be a good idea to try and make myself known.

If you wanna know a little on my history... well I originally joined somewhere in 2007... I was recruited by one Andryan "Ace" Queldrom. Named changed alot... and I jumped around clans alot... I was like 12 so I really didn't take anything seriously or do anything right :P

After fooling around for some 8 or 9 months I decided to jump off the DB and float around various other Role-playing clubs for 2 or so years. I then decided to join the Imperial Directorate under the name Lance. Served as there CIU on there high command for about a month... I left when real life hit me hard and I didn't like how things were being run... returned about a year later under the name Raiden... rose up the ranks and was one of the few people left in the ID who really did anything. Most notably I was a Platoon Commander, (not to toot my own horn) one of the better ones. Stayed there for about a year, on and off due to real life.

After a break from these clubs and a stint in World of Warcraft I return here to my first home. This time with maturity and a new work ethic... I plan to make a name for myself and do what I can to help Taldryan and this club as a whole prosper.


20-09-2011 02:13:12

Welcome to Taldryan, Raiden! Sorry about the late reply, but my Forum login wasn't working. However, my greeting still stands!

Thanks for sharing your history! Ace is a great member when he was around, and his brother Crix is a staple in Taldryan history. It's great to have you back, truly. I hope to get to talk to you on IRC, and keep up the Forums activity! This will go great for your promotion requirements if you keep up with the forums. If you need anything at all, feel free to respond to this thread, shoot an email to the Taldryan Summit consisting of your Aedile Ashia, your Rollmaster Rian and myself, your Quaestor, or catch someone on IRC in #taldryan! I know I've seen you around the channel since you've joined us, so I hope you're getting comfortable with the environment.

As always, For Taldryan!

- QUA Sidarace

Tarax Kor

15-11-2011 22:24:54



16-11-2011 08:06:27



09-01-2012 04:21:46

Rejoined after a 10 year break to come play TOR with you guys. Hey to everyone I know and hey to everyone I don't :)


09-01-2012 14:29:14

Hey Talon! Welcome back :)


10-01-2012 03:29:20

Hey Talon! Welcome back :)

Yay, another familiar face! Hey Bubs, come play TOR :)


16-01-2012 02:59:19

Woo, a new-old face! Welcome back to Taldryan, Talon! I wish I could say I was around when you were, but alas, I was not. However, it's fantastic to see you moving towards some activity, and although I don't play TOR, it's fantastic to see you up-and-about!

Now that we've said our hello's, is there anything the Summit can get you? Scotch? A leg rest and a pillow? A nice warm pipe? Let us know! <3


16-01-2012 08:16:50

Woo, a new-old face! Welcome back to Taldryan, Talon! I wish I could say I was around when you were, but alas, I was not. However, it's fantastic to see you moving towards some activity, and although I don't play TOR, it's fantastic to see you up-and-about!

Now that we've said our hello's, is there anything the Summit can get you? Scotch? A leg rest and a pillow? A nice warm pipe? Let us know! <3

Good to meet you! All of the above would do nicely actually :)

..and come play TOR!

Miranda Goto

29-04-2012 13:53:47


I'm Miranda
Very new to Taldryan.
My master is KP Lokasena Corvinus.
I just got on Irc today, and the ACC and the Shadow Academy.
This sure is an extensive club.
Just the ACC exam was 21 questions, pfew.

Anyway, see you around


07-05-2012 04:58:36


I'm Miranda
Very new to Taldryan.
My master is KP Lokasena Corvinus.
I just got on Irc today, and the ACC and the Shadow Academy.
This sure is an extensive club.
Just the ACC exam was 21 questions, pfew.

Anyway, see you around

Welcome aboard Miranda. Enjoy your stay!


15-06-2012 15:40:35

Greetings I'm Markus Nalju just recently joined. My extent of RP varies, I currently RP within the Facebook community which has become overwhelmingly boring. I'm truly looking for something with more writing based action then what I am involved in now. Hope to talk to you all soon!


25-10-2012 20:40:49

Hello! I'm Mirus Cavataio - a friend mentioned this site to me a few years ago, but at the time I didn't have enough time to spare to join. Now I do, and I thought I'd come check it out. I've been roleplaying for a while but I've never seen anything this in-depth. I love it!

Looking forward to working and writing with you all. :)

Draco Sangria

28-02-2013 09:51:28

Hi all,

I'm coming back after quite a long time (2 yrs), and its great to be back here! I'm not really a "rookie" on DB. Like, if you wanna know I've been here since Exar-Kun was a clan. That was a looong time ago :P And then I was also in clans Tarentium, Scholae Platinae and Taldyran.

Umm...and in rl I'm 24, doing Masters in Mass Communication, focusing on Advertising. So creative stuff are right in alley lol Here I'll be focusing on fiction activities, improving story-lines, characterizations etc...and in making new friends and in helping Taldyran in what way I can :)

Lastly, you all gave me one heck of a warm welcome :P So thank you everyone!


28-02-2013 10:13:36

Welcome again!

Do not stay away from Howlader. He is not Pennywise from the Stephen King mini-series It. You can also not see him in the following video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPdDdC4go6c


15-06-2013 14:56:06

Hello everyone :D My name is Vaclin Zongyxx Sideous (Vazosi for short) and i am completely new to all of this and have not a clue what to do next :P I completed the test of lore....I am a Huge Sith Fanatic and hope to create good relationships with all of you :)

My motto is: "Emotion is power....Controlled emotion is unlimited power!"


15-06-2013 16:54:32

Welcome Vaclin!

You should already have had a welcome mail through our mailgroup with some tips on how to get started. Right now we are in a resting period after a crusades event (a string of competitions in all fields) so you have plenty of time to get settled before the next event.

If you seek direct guidance I advise you to pair up with a Master. He or she can offer you tips and tricks and help you on your way to a rank elevation. Rian Aslar is in direct command of the house and you can always turn to him or any of the seniors (check the roster from the main db site) for questions. Rian should also be able to pair you up if you wish to. :)

Again, welcome aboard!

OT Talon Drear


16-06-2013 17:02:51

A very hearty welcome to you indeed Vaclin!

First step is going to be emailing our Quaestor Rian (rian.aslar@gmail.com) and Rollmaster Nyssa (AKA Bubbs: bubbles_taldrya@hotmail.co.uk) and seeing what they can do to help you get settled.

For right now, there's a post in this forum about current competitions Taldryan has running, and if you ever have any need of advice, or questions, feel free to email the list at taldryan@googlegroups.com

I'm also available at yacks@rigden.ca if you have any other questions :)


16-06-2013 17:16:36


Saren Al'Thane

05-07-2013 18:31:01

Hello All,

I hope that in time I'll get the chance to speak to and interact with everyone here, but for now I'd just like to say that I'm happy to be here, and I hope that I can help House Taldryan to prosper. I'm completely new to the DJB, and was recruited by my good friend Malfrost Xeon/Itachi. I have a few years experience rp-ing on Gaia, though from what I've seen rp seems to be only a small part of the DJB, and I'm excited to start writing some Star Wars inspired fiction, as well as exploring the other parts of the DJB.


05-07-2013 18:56:11

Welcome Saren! :)


Solomon Gunn

13-07-2013 10:38:21

Hi everyone,

I just joined here yesterday so everything is new to me and I'm doing my best to get to grips with it all. I'm really looking forward to getting stuck in and hopefully becoming a productive member of House Taldryan.


13-07-2013 10:46:42

Hey Solomon,
Awesome that you're interested in getting off the mark. If you need anything at all, you can email me at yacks@rigden.ca any time, or drop by on IRC on Undernet and join us in #Taldryan



29-07-2013 19:05:40


Just wanted to pop on and say hello! Introduce myself as Vaj (soft J...) Carn and I'm less than 12 hours fresh to the House and DJB entirely. Looking forward to getting to know everyone and competing in some fun competitions in my free time. For those of you who are interested, in RL I'm a 27 year old rising second year medical student in Washington, DC and have been suffering from lack of Star Wars stimulation. Hence, why I'm now in this club.



29-07-2013 20:37:39

Welcome, Vaj!



29-07-2013 21:15:50

What Tally said, welcome!