25-12-2007 12:11:45
Ok so I'm changing this message because I miss understood how things rolled around in the ACC. So I'm changing this to: Does anyone want to train with me in the training annex? So if you want to just drop one by me. Please I need to do this and I want to battle someone in tal.
25-12-2007 19:54:27
What you'd have to do is challenge one of the actual trainers. I know Sharad is one of them and he's in Tal so he'd fit your needs there
25-12-2007 20:05:40
Training practices have changed...remember?
Training is now done through the Clans, so anyone in Tal who has the time, and knows their way around the ACC, should help out.
25-12-2007 21:29:46
Training practices have changed...remember?
Training is now done through the Clans, so anyone in Tal who has the time, and knows their way around the ACC, should help out.
No I certainly don't remember, because I had nothing to do with training up until a few days ago
25-12-2007 22:51:45
And Sharad is away atm... until the new year I think...
29-12-2007 22:30:30
Wait so what changed?
Basically anyone in Tal (or another clan with it's own members) can train their own people, they'd still have to fight against an official to become a Neophyte in the ACC though