The Fleets
Taldryan's fleet has engaged Admiral Lanar above his base at Elyssia. The fleet strengths are as follows:
VEN Katarn
VSD Dark Prophet
M/INT Orthanc
A/FRG Praetorian
CGS Outcast
M/CRV Darkstorn
M/CRV Renegade
216 Alpha-3 Nimbus class fighters
168 Eta-2 Actis class fighters
36 ARC-170 heavy fighters
12 TIE Fighters
6 A-Wings
6 Scimitar Assault Bombers (to be used by Crimson Vanguard)
12 shielded TIE Interceptors
Lanar's Fleet
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer First of Lanar
Victory II-class Star Destroyer Lanar's Wrath
2 Escort Carriers
4 Lancer Frigates
4 Strike Cruisers
156 TIE Fighters
156 TIE Bombers
156 TIE Interceptors
12 TIE Advanced (Avenger)
The fleets will start at a distance of ten kilometres apart. More informatio on Admiral Lanar's fleet is below.
The capital ship formation is centred around the Imperial Star Destroyer. The two Star Destroyers sit side by side, with the two Escort Carriers directly behind them. The Lancer Frigates form a “box” around the central four ships (if the central ships are arranged in a square, think of the Lancers as being on the outside corners). Lancer Frigates are specialized in anti-starfighter warfare, and will chew any starfighter who comes too close to pieces.
The four Strike Cruisers are arranged in a horizontal line 1.5km ahead of the main capital group. The Strike Cruisers are designed mostly for capital ship warfare, and are relatively little threat to skilled fighter pilots. However, pilots beware – should you get behind the Strike Cruisers, you'll be within range of the guns on the Lancer Frigates. For capital ships, a pair of Strike Cruisers is equivalent in firepower to a Victory-class Star Destroyer, and effective out to two kilometres. It will likely be unsafe for capital ships to close in until the Strike Cruisers are destroyed.
The TIE Avenger squadron is known as “Lanar's Claws” and is an elite starfighter squadron. Each of its pilots are roughly equivalent in skill to a Sith Guardian. Because of the superior speed and maneuverability of these craft, it's unlikely that a bomber would be able to evade them; if you see them at the edge of your sensor screen, break off and let the other Taldryan fighters deal with them.
The minefield is approximately five kilometres square and is composed of over two hundred mines. It covers the area of the planet directly above Admiral Lanar's base, sitting just inside the planet's atmosphere. The range of the mines is one kilometre, slightly shorter than that of the Lancer Frigates, but within this radius they are much more deadly, since fire from the minefield will surround a fighter or transport rather than simply coming from one direction.
The shipyards are to the right of the minefield when viewed from space, approximately one kilometre away from the minefield; any boarding attempt will have to come from the far side of the shipyards. Likewise, any attempt to land on the planet will have to stay at least 1 kilometre away from the minefield to avoid destruction.