Duga Taldrya Arkarso
12-09-2006 01:13:27
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
You can post a caption for each image if you like, no more than one for each though. The top 3 funniest captions win. You until next Tuesday to take part in this. Enjoy.
12-09-2006 01:47:45
Image 1: Shadow on his first day as a cop
Image 2: Yeah, I got nothing
Image 3: License Plate "Igetnone"
12-09-2006 02:38:57
1) Just because you're a member of the Imperial Army doesn't mean the cops won't get you.
(Halc stole the good one :@ )
2) Its only a matter of time...
3) '76 T-37 speeder, near mint condition, numbers match, 10,000 OBO (MUST SELL, NEED PASSAGE TO ALDERAAN)
12-09-2006 03:13:40
1. "Oh, so shooting someone with your blaster is illegal now!?"
3. "That's right, baby...it's a hovercar."
Hel-Pa Sklib
12-09-2006 10:52:58
Image 1: No more cavity searches!!!!
Image 2: Vaapad at it's pinnacle.
Image 3: "Pimp my... Landspeeder" ?
freshjive taldrya
12-09-2006 14:28:24
1: I swear officer, we were just having a weeklong ecstasy rave at my house!
2: Many people consider the wars of man to be the most destructive events in the galaxy, but when looking closer, the Squirrel Wars reign supreme in terms of stolen nuts....and by nuts I mean balls as well...you know, double entendre? Nevermind.
3: I WANT THESE MUTHA[Expletive Deleted F-word]IN SNAKES OFF THIS MUTHA[Expletive Deleted F-word]IN LANDSPEEDER!
12-09-2006 20:35:19
1) "Look man, WE don't care who you work for."
2) "All your nuts are belong to us!"
3) "leaves a Land Rover, comes back a Landsspeeder.... what the hell is up with that?!?"
Tarax Kor
13-09-2006 10:01:57
- Those weren't the droids you were looking for!
- Some squirrels hit their piņata with sticks. These prefer to use lightsabers.
- "Barry, go take your stupid car and get the groceries." "But I wanted to go to Toshi Station and get some Power Converters!"
Yeah...not the best. But whatever.
13-09-2006 10:13:35
Image 1: "Even after this incident the emperor still disclaims possible plans on invading earth."
Image 2: "Scientists found the true origins of the Sith race."
Image 3: "Dude, where's my car? II"
Andan Taldrya Marshall
13-09-2006 18:45:20
Pic 1: Thank you Sir, may I have another?!
Pic 2: Gonads and Strife
Pic 3: It's a simple question of weight ratios, a 2 oz bird can't carry a 1/2 ton landspeeder
Duga Taldrya Arkarso
20-09-2006 18:55:48
1st = Crix with
Pic 1: Thank you Sir, may I have another?!
2nd = Halcyon with
Image 1: Shadow on his first day as a cop
3rd = Malevolent Blade with
3) "leaves a Land Rover, comes back a Landsspeeder.... what the hell is up with that?!?"
Crescents out soon!