20-03-2006 07:24:21
Greetings everyone,
I'm Lokasena. Former member of the Lazarus Concordence.
I wish to thank you all for welcomming me into the brotherhood.
This first week has been most fulfilling...!
Never have I seen such an efficient group of people. (and I've seen a lot)
I am now a member of the clan Taldyan/ Ektrosis.
Assigned to the Phoenix battleteam.
I'm very proud that with the help of my superiors I have rissen through the ranks quite fast.
But I am by no means satisfied, of course, until I can awake my own lightsabre...!
If you wish to know more about me, check my profile...
You are also welcome to E-mail me.
I hope to hear from you.
"I'm not perfect, but I have my moments...!"
Andan Taldrya Marshall
20-03-2006 12:04:39
I know we've already spoked a bit, but let me say welcome to Taldryan and Ektrosis. It's always nice to see new members who are active and want to work their way up the ranks. If you keep this up, I have a feeling that it won't be too long before you have a lightsaber of your own
21-03-2006 01:31:40
Well, since I cant really welcome you to Ektrosis, I shall at least welcome you to Taldryan.
21-03-2006 11:33:31
Yay new member!! Welcome aboard. Say goodbye to real life.
21-03-2006 14:36:02
"Goodbye, life!"
Hehe, welcome to Tal, Ekky, and of course Phoenix. I hope you enjoy it here.
Send any questions you have to me, Alanna, Crix, or Chaos. Email addresses are on our dossiers. Good luck in the Brotherhood!
10-04-2006 22:04:12

New members are always good.