What bugs you?
Alright I copied this over from the old MBs because it is a topic I always want to have around so people can post opinions...so go ahead.
This thread is going to be a bit different from most of the threads on the MBs. In this one I'm actually going to ENCOURAGE you to bitch about things you don't like in the Brotherhood.
Now don't get carried away, and I don't want to see anyone talking about members they don't like. I just want to know what about the way the Brotherhood (and Taldryan!) works bothers you? Or how do you think things could be done better? Also if you have any suggestions for new ideas for the Brotherhoor (or Taldryan) list them here and we can talk them over.
Now let's try to keep this thread positive, the point here is to come up with the things that we all think could use improving, and also to come up with some new ideas as well. Any good stuff we come up with I'll write up a little more formally and ship it off to the Dark Council.
So get posting, I want to see LOTS of conversation!
Aidan Kincaid
28-01-2005 22:16:24
Too many DC run competitions bugs me
28-01-2005 22:39:57
I agree with the thrusting one, in a sense. We get burned out doing so many comps, vendettas, RoS, and even the Independance games. Those are next If I remember right.
Another thing that still gripes me is the lack of the newer generation knowing where we came from and what we have had to go thru to get where we are right now. Those who do not know the past will be doomed to repeat it or some such crap.
Sith Bloodfyre
29-01-2005 01:03:14
Two things. 1) Shouldn't the w.hore (since I hate [expletive deleted] crap) be using the Trooper-thrusting avatar?

2) Some of us on the DC know that it gets to be too much. And we've talked about it. The Sith War, at least, will be delayed, and I'm going to try and see if I can't get stuff bigger than Ladders and Brackets delayed a bit after the IGs, to give Clans another opportunity to do some stuff from within.
And since this is a forum to bitch about things in Taldryan, would you please, PLEASE get Shadow down to get some antibiotics? That smell reaches even Antei.

Aidan Kincaid
29-01-2005 01:36:00
Nah the thrusting trooper avatar was originally Swipes. And I have my mavhumping gif so I don't need a thrusting avatar. As for some people on the DC knowing not to run so many comps - I'm going to assume some people = you, and the rest don't care about you
29-01-2005 03:11:48
I agree... I think sometimes we're inundated with competitions and burn-out does occur. I think the DC, Clan, and House summits should work closely together to better coordinate activities.
And as for Shady, no one touches him but me! *smacks Shady's ass*
Dark Sabre
29-01-2005 10:47:44
/me yawns at this newest show of manwhorishness.
Yeah, the biggest problem is way, way too many DC run competitions. Whenever I get an idea, any timeline I draw up intersects with an RoS, the GJW, the IGs, etc. And then I forget about my awesome idea. I'm sure I'm not the only leader with this problem. Eh, well maybe the only one with the second problem.
This thread is actually for bitching about anything, not just Tal stuff.
But BF...I'll see what I can do about Shadow
31-01-2005 09:33:52
We do know about the time problems and we care deeply and passionately about your feelings on the matter... (cue bluebirds and flowers) ... infact, Chi cares so much that he's volunteered to run counselling sessions for any QUA/CON who has been mentally scarred by the DC activity >:)
hehe, no seriously, you're absolutely right - this is a real issue. I'm firmly of the opinion that houses/clans need time to run their own stuff (having been a QUA twice, I know how frustrating it can be).
It's just been a busy time recently because the GJW ran for so long and backed up all the other comps. I've been trying to run the RoS for over a year! This is really the only large comp I've run since I've been KHP (the MML and phyle-wars were specifically designed so that you could sign up or not, depending on how much in-clan activity there was at the time). But yeah, hopefully after the IGs you might get a bit of free time... :S
31-01-2005 21:40:35
IG's again already... dang, it seems like such a short time ago that I was coming in second to Arania.... AGAIN... not this year, this year she's goin down
Well, I guess this is a b i t c h board, but I can't really think of anything to bitch about. I've been in two clans where I have been the only one really busting my a s s - you don't know how frustrating it is to be the only one participating in your own clan, let alone placing. Taldryan is the F**king Sh*t!!! to have members that take so much pride in giving their all in anything and not just being a stain on the roster... whomever got this clan this way should get the biggest cookie ever!
31-01-2005 21:55:40
Your looking for Kir (Although he wouldent admit to it).
And as for what bugs me, I'm seeing the RO getting kinda downish, and it has been one of the things keeping me more active, so i was hoping people would get to posting... please.
31-01-2005 22:37:30
NO not the IG's again...
*Chaosrain crys
Anyway, what bugs me is tha lack of time in between big DB comps... yeah everyone said it so I'll jump on the bandwagon too.
When are we going to have any Clan wide comps? And around when is the O RoS?
01-02-2005 04:57:39
Anyway, what bugs me is tha lack of time in between big DB comps...
When are we going to have any Clan wide comps? And around when is the O RoS?
hahahaha! The KRoS hasn't finished and you're already requesting an ORoS! *This* is why there's never any time between big DB comps
Aidan Kincaid
01-02-2005 05:01:33
I'm not sure he was requesting so much as wanting to know because it's start would ultimately limit any time for Clan/House competitions
01-02-2005 05:47:57
*prods Lannie*
When're you going to get round to running the proper RoS??!?!?
You've been talking about it long enough.....and I've been waiting for....for....errr.....a very long time....5 years? 6 years? Anyone know when I joined the DB? Lannie?
01-02-2005 06:37:18
heheh, you mean the Ritual of Suckers? I never really felt I should run that DB wide because it was always going to be an Ekky thing...
As for how old Bubblies is, I joined the DB in my 1st year of uni.... 6 years ago. You joined after me, so probably 5 years?
And I enquired a while back about getting a timetable up on the website for large DB comps so that houses could plan stuff around them. Apparently djb.com already has one that no-one uses... but I've never been able to find it. Thanks for reminding me - I shall speak to Jamez about it again...
01-02-2005 11:34:38
NO not the IG's again...
*Chaosrain crys
Anyway, what bugs me is tha lack of time in between big DB comps... yeah everyone said it so I'll jump on the bandwagon too.
When are we going to have any Clan wide comps? And around when is the O RoS?
I was told Fall would be doable, but I'm thinking that might not be such a good idea...
Fall wouldn't be so bad, but then it depends on the length of the IGs and the Sith War. If Kaiann is running the IGs as he has in the past, they usually go pretty quick. And I would hope that BF won't make the Sith War last all sping/summer. So fall would probably work...thats my guess.
01-02-2005 14:39:33
Sith War... again...
I always assumed the big comps weant in order kinda like this... GJW, Krath RoS, Obelisk RoS, and the Sith War. Since, I joined during the last Sith War then we did IGs(which are yearly) then GJW and now the Krath RoS. According to my count, if this goes in a certain order, the Obelisk RoS would be next. But that is assuming there's some kinda order for the big comps. Also, from what i have read the Obelisk RoS was before the last Sith War and before both was the last Krath RoS.
Since the Sith War has been brought up, is it the Sith RoS? or are they completely different?
Chaos I think the order of the Sith War and ORoS is merely due to the fact that there was a OHC change and Shai was very busy previous to that, so BF was in a better position to start planning his.
And yes, the Sith War would be the Sith Rite of Supremacy (I assume).
freshjive taldrya
02-02-2005 00:50:40
Why dont we do a DB wide "vacation" where for a month everyone chills and then we can all come back refreshed and ready?
Sort of like a moratorium on doing stuff for awhile, I think that for a week or two before major comps(RoS, GJW, IGs), all other activity should be suspended to give us some time to practice or relax without having to worry about a zillion different things while preparing for these major events.
02-02-2005 04:34:50
Often we do go for months without a big competition... I know that may seem hard to believe at the moment!
But before the GJW, it had been literally years since the last and there hadn't been a KRoS since Mairin (back before the split). It just happens that it has all come at once. Plus the IGs have added a new large comp each year which we didn't used to have.
I believe once this KRoS is done, there's nothing until the IGs. But I can't quite remember when they're due..
02-02-2005 08:14:51
I think the IGs are going to be in April, hence the name Independance part of the Independance Games.
I'd like to do some inter phyle stuff sometime before them tho ...
02-02-2005 08:25:11
I think the IGs are going to be in April, hence the name Independance part of the Independance Games. 
Yea - I couldn't remember which month we split...
Dark Sabre
02-02-2005 09:58:10
So Sith War after IG's essentially? So we get a month, but can't we just get like a season at least until another big competition?
Eh... well it's something to do, I suppose.
02-02-2005 10:17:56
I agree it would be good to have a break...
Plus the IGs are more for fun, or at least that is how I treat them in Tal. In the GJW and RoS's there is something at stake, so its a little more important to participate and win. But I look at the IGs as just a fun way for members to find things they like and participate in them, and probably win some shiny things, so its pretty relaxed.
Dark Sabre
02-02-2005 16:20:14
But we got second last time. We need to do that again, no?
IGs are fun, I honestly don't care where we place
03-02-2005 05:24:08
*cough* errr...IGs.....?
Independence Games = big fun compy thing to celebrate the split from the EH?
03-02-2005 05:51:21
*cough* errr...IGs.....?
Independence Games = big fun compy thing to celebrate the split from the EH?
D'awwwww, look at the cute little Dark Jedi. Been away for too long, she has
But yep, you got it in one. Each DC/summit member runs a comp. Everyone can enter as many/few as they wish. Most of the comps are silly/fun.
03-02-2005 05:55:55
Oh, and more importantly... you need an Avatar, Bubbs.
Something like this:
or this:
or this one's kinda weird...
Ok, I'll stop spamming your board with images now. Sorry - got a bit carried away! :$
03-02-2005 07:21:48
I agree

And the first one's very pretty. But it's too big...I think....and I'm not a computer wizz

Does shrinking the size of it shrink the number of pixels it is? :S
03-02-2005 07:26:50
I agree
And the first one's very pretty. But it's too big...I think....and I'm not a computer wizz
Does shrinking the size of it shrink the number of pixels it is? :S
I think someone could take that image for you and make it the right size...
(Waits for a volunteer....

And ya, tis very pretty - I've set it as my background.
03-02-2005 07:29:52
*Offers a cookie to the first volunteer *
Dark Sabre
03-02-2005 07:43:56
ooh, cookie! If my Paint Shop Pro hadn't stopped working, I'd do it for you. MS photo editor is a pain in the ass.
03-02-2005 07:48:24
Awww, thanks

Post in the RO and you can have a cookie anyway
03-02-2005 11:12:10
Alanna, are you sure that 3rd picture is a picture of bubbles? It looks like a cross section of a dicot stem, replete with colenchyma, sclerenchyma and parenchyma...
03-02-2005 11:45:55
Heh, i have no idea what it is, to be honest... it came up on google when I typed in 'Bubbles'! You could well be entirely correct...
Will this work?
03-02-2005 14:16:10
Aww! That's lovely
03-02-2005 16:11:05
I think it worked.....yey, it did!!
*hands Kir a big chocolate chip cookie* Good Consol

03-02-2005 18:03:41
Yay! Your Avatar is Bubbly!
05-02-2005 11:34:13
i just want my damn thrusting stormtrooper back.
05-02-2005 11:57:05
Aidan Kincaid
05-02-2005 12:45:58
thats just poking the bear.
08-07-2005 23:16:15
09-07-2005 00:01:41
what does "Yere" mean Karnn? I've seen it in quite a few of your posts, but I have little clue as to it's meaning.
13-07-2005 17:21:08
<_< prolly the one thing that bugs me about DB is Carrnn.. lol j/k
but honestly when i JUST joined DB i my one goal was to be a Darth. Like i tell all my friends I'm a darth, but then i found this site, and im like..
"Sweet i can actually be trained to be a Sith Lord and Darth", so that was my one hope when i joined. :w00t:
Then i found out that the Rank of Darth can't be obtained, and i was greatly upset. :@ I was even thinking of leaving DB cuz of this great dissapointment. I REALLY REALLY want to be Darth. Why cant we get Darth?????? I wanna be a darth!! :'(
yah.. it bugs me <_<
13-07-2005 17:25:37
You can get a Darth... you just have to be a GM to get it X-)
And the reason is that it's supposed to be reserved for the best of the best... and then Jac came along...
13-07-2005 17:27:06
o i c... well........ still.... i gotta be extra special to get it...
my mommie says Im special
13-07-2005 17:29:20
are a beautiful, unique snowflake
13-07-2005 19:10:19
hmm, alannas post reminded me of another movie quote i once heard
"You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake! You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your f*ing khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world." <--- not directed at anyone, just an awesome quote
hehe, i love that movie.
Ahh Fight Club, soooo good.
13-07-2005 21:25:02
Im sooo glad someone recognized that!
Fight Club roxz0rs the boxz0rs
26-07-2005 12:37:44
Awesome quote Number 2 comes from yet another Brad Pitt movie.
"Take what you think you know multiply it by infinite and throw it into the depths of forever and you will have but a glimpse of what I am talking about"
Can anyone guess where that came from.
26-07-2005 14:00:10
That would be "Meet Joe Black."
Although one of my all time favorite quotes is
"How do you write women so well?"
"I think of a man... then I take away reason, and accountability."
27-07-2005 13:16:39
That would be "Meet Joe Black."
Although one of my all time favorite quotes is
"How do you write women so well?"
"I think of a man... then I take away reason, and accountability."
thats one ive never heard of. however, there are few quotes that could compare to fight club, or redvsblue