Caption Comp!


13-07-2005 21:39:08

The second part of the second series of "Quick & Easy CON Comps", we've moved on to a caption competition!

Take a good look at the picture, and come up with the funniest caption you can think of. Feel free to post as many captions as you'd like, as long as they are funny!

The 3 members with the funniest captions by July 20th win!

An example for a caption on this image is:
"No no, they must be far darker!"

You've got a week, get going!


13-07-2005 21:46:45

Vader: Hmmm, time to go masturbate. I'll need more lotion!!
Stormtrooper: Yes sir, ordering more lotion now.


13-07-2005 21:50:37

"59.99$ for this!!! What a rip off! I sense a great disturbance in the force! Naw, its just George Filthy Rich Lucus!"

"Perhaps I can find new ways to motivate them", "Get back to work you!"

This is the way of the force, "Same crappy merchandise, same fan base buying crappy merchandise, same crappy Lucus getting fatter and richer! "


13-07-2005 22:53:42

Vader: "You mean to tell me there are over 100000 of these and you cant remember which one has the Death Star Plans hidden in it?"


13-07-2005 23:06:11

Vader: "I think my penis is stuck in the conveyor belt!"

Andan Taldrya Marshall

14-07-2005 11:32:42

Vader: This game will be the ULTIMATE POWER in the universe!

Storm Trooper 1: Yes sir, but how many do you want to order?

Vader: SHUT UP! You WILL listen to my rambling about how this game will enable me to crush the rebellion! This one doesn't have a damn thermal exhaust port either...that was a mistake.

Storm Trooper 1: But sir, I need to plac...*choaking sound, followed by a thump*

Storm Trooper 2: I'm all ears sir.


14-07-2005 13:29:19

Vader: I find this Beef Packing Industry, Disturbing...

Vader: Take this down... I wish it to be known, that I: Lord Vader! Am now outlawing Meat and all consumption as such...

Storm trooper One: Sir, Thats not with in your power to do.

Vader: Come closer *punches him in the arm*

Man in the background: Wow, look at lord vader, he's looking thinner wouldn't you say?

Other man in the Background: Yes, I agree, But I must say, despite the fact he's checking these packages for less than quality fitting, his commanding presence has dropped.

Vader to his stormtrooper assistant: Note to self, I must loss this extra weight by friday

Vader: Where's the Beef?

Vader: Who played with my chest regulator?

Storm trooper one: Couldn't have been me sir! I was pretending to write on this clipboard

Storm Trooper two: Its true, I was watching him


14-07-2005 21:08:10

Guys in the background, "And I thought playing with my daughters Barbie was sad........."


15-07-2005 08:25:09

Guys in background: Is that the new shift supervisor?


16-07-2005 20:35:13

Stormtrooper: Lord Vader, I've placed cocaine in the voice changers, just as you've commanded!

Vader: Excellent. When these are shipped into homes during Christmas kids will get so [Expletive Deleted F-word]ed up with cocaine that we can swoop in with our reindeer powered deathstar and steal the kids presents! We will steal Christmas, Mwahaha...

Stormtrooper: Lord Vader, your fly is unzipped!

Vader: *ZIP* Commence distribution of cocaine filled voice changers!


20-07-2005 08:00:56

Vader: Who the hell designed these? I mean seriously look at the one a bit further down...I look like a freak!

Stormtrooper 1: Well sir, you are a freak.

Stormtrooper 2: is true


Vader: Are these new thingy me wats done yet? Im getting annoyed watching them wiz by again and again and...*trails of*

Stormtroopers: Would you like some put aside for you?

Vader: No i have enough idiots around me..


20-07-2005 13:07:39

Luke Skywalker: You killed my employer, prepare to die!

Vader: Luke...I am your employer.



21-07-2005 13:48:52

Darth Vader - No no no there's not enough red in this picture, dammit this is the 30th time we have done this.

Stormtrooper - Hmm...Have you had any childhood trauma?

Darth Vader - MORE RED!!


27-07-2005 20:32:53

Alright, thanks everyone who participated, and here are the winners:

1st – Shups

Vader: "You mean to tell me there are over 100000 of these and you cant remember which one has the Death Star Plans hidden in it?"

2nd – Crix

Vader: This game will be the ULTIMATE POWER in the universe!

Storm Trooper 1: Yes sir, but how many do you want to order?

Vader: SHUT UP! You WILL listen to my rambling about how this game will enable me to crush the rebellion! This one doesn't have a damn thermal exhaust port either...that was a mistake.

Storm Trooper 1: But sir, I need to plac...*choaking sound, followed by a thump*

Storm Trooper 2: I'm all ears sir.

3rd – Kraval

Vader: Hmmm, time to go masturbate. I'll need more lotion!!
Stormtrooper: Yes sir, ordering more lotion now.