Clan Artifacts (artifact Team And Summit Only!)

Traan Reith

21-02-2008 16:21:04

We are limited to the ten that Sarin gave us. Lucien has said that we are not allowed to create new ones. If you have ideas, finished or otherwise, post them here.


Yeldarb Vohokou

21-02-2008 19:32:49

We are limited to the ten that Sarin gave us. Lucien has said that we are not allowed to create new ones. If you have ideas, finished or otherwise, post them here.


I am not sure if I am allowed to post in here, but I had asked Lucein about being apart of this and he mentioned that you (Tra'an) would get me spun up on the details. so if I am part of the "team let me know and I will add or do what I can.



23-02-2008 22:24:33

So can you post where we are at? what needs done and what is currently being worked on? Wanting to know what to start on next.


22-03-2008 07:18:56

I have finished working on my artifact. If anyone wants help with the description or the images, I am available. I can't do computer graphics stuff, but I can draw with pencil and paper, and I can scan it and improve it on photoshop.