Gjw 7: Clan Run On Ooc
15-07-2007 16:33:34
As per the email sent to the clan:
Right then Kids,
As by now you'll have noticed the GJW is in full swing and for those of you that have made your way over to the GJW Website you'll be able to read up on what's going on. Now for the RO reading the Prologue and basically every tid bit of GJW Plot that gets chucked our way is essential as we will be role playing within the plot they hand out to us. That means we're not setting our own mission or anything as such we're going to be writing the experiences our characters have. For example, as Soulfire Sergeant I can expect that I would find myself on board the Thanatos. Thus my post would detail my orders to my squadron and describe the scene around my as the battle unfolds.
Yes I know it's a little bit different and has kinda taken a bit out of my job but more importantly it has increased the need for continuity within our writing and continuity with the GJW plot. So I will reiterate the need for you to read the plot thoroughly. Participants gain points in two categories, the Guest Participants and Regular ones. Now, the Guest Participant thing I have an idea for using those people to inject plot turns and key points and thus they will be used with my express permission as we all know how annoying the one 'random one poster' is. A thread will be set up in the Run On shortly by myself and will contain the first post.
As for posting, before you post it's important to ask yourself a few crucial questions; does my post contribute and add something to the plot? Does it fit in with the writers around me and with the general plot? Am I describing what is going on around me? You will also need to ensure that your posts are all tip top on the grammar and spelling front, get people to proof read them, I'm more than happy to and I'm sure you'll find Tim and Dash are as well. Post length, while there is no real minimum or maximum I will stress this: posts need carry the action through, not control it and stifle it, thus it cannot be short and neither can it be a miniature novel. Make sure you end on a good point for someone to write on from, not just when you run out of steam. And if in doubt, our board as a couple of decent Run Ons on it so read up and take some tips from them.
If you think you're going to give this whole thing a bash I'd be much obliged if you sent me a little email letting me know just how deep you're planning to wade in. I would like you to email me/get me on IRC before you post for the first time, just to make sure we've got everything straight and that your post is gonna contribute something.
I'd also like to ask the veteran ROers to help me by making sure everything swings nicely, we're a Clan and we work well together so let's show it.
We're here for two reasons, to have fun and to win while having fun ... and so I'll leave you with an old favorite...
15-07-2007 17:10:40
Okay, so where would members of Cabal Cronal start off? If any other members of Cronal wanna get together and discuss our situation, lemme know here or on IRC.
15-07-2007 17:24:47
Right buckos here's the plan.
If you're in Cabal Cronal, I'd place you on the bridge, you're the intelligence lot of Arcona so you'd likely to be up there anylising stuff and all that what not you lot like (blowing stuff up is so much more fun though...). Soulfire, follow my lead you're dismissed post ceremony so troop quarters, mess hall etc.
Now for the rest of you, where would you be after watching the ceremony? Once you've got that you can detail what's going on around you, people's reactions, your reaction etc. Let's get somethin tangible on this whole battle.
15-07-2007 17:35:18
Day One Casualties:
-400 crew members on Eye of the Abyss due to surprise attack by CSP as well as Yuuzhan Vong damage afterward
-Eye of the Abyss is currently Missing In Action
-VSD Dark Prophet, the Flagship of Clan Taldyran, has been destroyed. Of the 5,200 crew members, there were no survivors.
-VAC Emperor's Shield of CSP was lost with 105 people aboard.
-VSD Vae Victus has been heavily damaged and has lost about 800 crew members.
-M/FRG Mnemosyne of the Shadow Academy has been destroyed. All hands, 1,120 people, were lost.
-About 35% of ALL fighters have been destroyed. That is about 32 fighters lost in each Clan. Keep this in mind when discussing starfighter battles.
***Remember that in the RO, you write about the past day's events, so make sure to read Day One on the main GJW7 page.***
16-07-2007 01:53:16
Right guys, you're seeing a great proportion of the Dark Brotherhood Fleet vanish before your eyes against a fleet you've never seen before...
What are you thinking? Outrage? Anger? Fear?
What's going on around you? People dieing? Screams?
I want you to set the scene, we've been caught with our pants down and all but destroyed so I'm sure there's going to be plenty of pissed off Jedi out there... let's work some of this in boys and girls.
16-07-2007 09:26:34
So is timeros dead? because hes like the captain of the longbong and stuff...
16-07-2007 12:31:46
So is timeros dead? because hes like the captain of the longbong and stuff...
If you read the
GJW Day One Plot and by read I mean read carefully, not skim through you'll see that the Clan's Consuls and other figures of importance were en route from the
Autarch after the ceremony, and thus his location is uncomfirmed, I'd suggest talking to Tim, in fact anyone you decide to mention within your posts where they're likely to be, this'll save on confusion and prevent people pissing off people by writing their characters in where they may not want them to be.
16-07-2007 13:12:59
My own location is aboard the Thanatos, either present or en-route. I continue to be alive for this engagement.
16-07-2007 18:48:08
I'm on the bridge of the Thanatos as part of the command crew. I'm monitoring the ship's weapons console.
What I wanted to know was who is currently working on a post? If more than one of us does a post based on the first post, we might have inconsistencies between our posts, so let's talk in this thread about how we want this to go and who is going to post when with what story bits. This will make the whole operation run smoother.
Kor VanTil
16-07-2007 20:02:35
I'm willing to get in on the action of the RO, but I'm a relative newbie when it comes to writing for one. I'll need to post here and get some feedback. As well, don't expect to rely on me for tooooo much. Definitely don't rely on me as much as you would a vet.
Note: I am also a member of the Cabal.
16-07-2007 20:17:30
Okay, I need someone to go over my post before I actually post it. Since nobody is really on IRC, I'm just gonna post it here.
Debric d’Tana simply stared at the screen of his terminal. The bridge of the ACC Thanatos was more chaotic than it had ever been in its entire history. The loudness of the klaxons coupled with the sounds of barked commands and chatter would have been deafening if Debric had actually been listening. Instead, he was focused on the completed diagnostic of the starfighter, if you could even call something that was so organic a starfighter.
At first contact, the Deputy Grand Master had sent an entire wing of fighters to engage the enemy before they hit the ships on the defensive line. Communications chatter indicated that these ships simply “swallowed” most of the lasers that the defending fighters shot at them.
As soon as this news had reached his ears, Debric immediately got to running diagnostics on these new ships. It wasn’t because he particularly wanted to, but rather because he was Arconan Intelligence’s only analyst on-board the Acclamator Assault Ship, and he was sure that Cabal Cronal and all of Arcona would need this information if this was truly an all-out invasion, which it most likely was.
Making sure he was not hallucinating, Debric ran through the information once more before taking it to the ship’s captain.
“Sir, I have something you might want to see.”
The captain nodded, and the Knight continued.
“As you know, the enemy’s fighters have been ‘swallowing’ whatever lasers are thrown at them. Apparently, these ships are capable of creating their own black holes which act as their shields.”
The captain stared at Debric.
“Do you have any ideas how we can counter these defenses, or are our starfighter forces simply going to die out there?”
The analyst took a deep breath before answering.
“Well, it’s impossible for these ships to have an unlimited power source. If we can find some way of making them focus their black holes in one place, another fighter could probably take the fighter out.”
The captain paused for a moment, mulling over the information. He then reached for his comlink.
“All fighter squadron commanders, this is the Captain. Separate your squadrons into flights and have each flight go after individual enemy fighters. Have three of the fighters in each flight fire at the same location on the enemy fighter and have the fourth attack a different area only after the others have begun their sustained attack. Good luck, gentlemen.”
The captain looked at Debric.
“Thank you, Mr. d’Tana. Now, send this information to the rest of the fleet. They need this information if we’re to have a hope of mounting a defense.”
Debric looked at the captain, confused.
“Even Clan Scholae Palatine?”
The captain laughed for a full ten seconds before looking at the Knight.
“Of course not!”
18-07-2007 03:10:06
“Well, it’s impossible for these ships to have an unlimited power source. If we can find some way of making them focus their black holes in one place, another fighter could probably take the fighter out.”
Deb it's too late now as Orvs posted but that's too advanced, sow the seeds of confusion not batter away their advantages with hindsight we need description, feeling and action not thinking for the time being...stuff like that is the stuff i wanted to review before allowing up but my internet fuubared last night so i couldnt and i apologise
I can't stress this enough people, this HAS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE... The DB fleets haven't been ambushed and within seconds ripped into chaos, this is new, scary and for all you know the end of your character dim and uneventful lives.
Mayda Ferium
19-07-2007 10:42:53
(will try to have my post by tonight)
ques: if someone dont post twice by Sat night - are they disqualified from getting the 10 points?
Orv Dessrx
19-07-2007 12:29:03
Orv Dessrx is aboard the Thanatos.
Mayda Ferium
19-07-2007 18:44:35
PLS check this over:
As Mayda walked down the halls of the Soulfire Strike Team Headquarters, her mind wandered to dream about the new life that lay ahead of her. Her old comrades were most likely disappointed in her departure, and it was unlikely she would have the chance to keep in touch with any of them. Emerald eyes looked distant as she wondered how they took the news. But, alas, she was too disappointed in the actions, attitudes and accusations toward her to endure Judecca any longer. One positive point: she noticed a familiar name on the Soulfire roster - Garik Burren. It would be wonderful to see a fellow ex-Plagueian that had escaped the turmoil there. She looked forward to the inevitable conversation with him.
The newly-appointed Knight paused abruptly, sensing a life-force inside of her quarters. Odd… she had not expected anyone, and most of her Soulfire and Arconan brethren were busy with the Rite of Supremacy ceremonies and clan awards. Having been a part of another clan during that conflict, Mayda was not invited to be part of the festivities, which was a great relief to her. It would merely have made her feel even more of an outsider than she already felt. Though Malidir had taken her in, and Soulfire welcomed her with open arms, the young woman still considered herself to be a stranger in a strange land.
Not one who delighted in surprises, her posture stiffened and she braced for a confrontation. Her wrist turned the knob slowly, then flung the door open quickly, to reveal a husky outline sitting quietly on her couch. She would have recognized his scraggly brown locks and aroma of musk anywhere.
“Well, well, well”, the phrase was drawn out as if to admit there was no surprise. She knew he would return eventually. “Look who crawled out from under his rock and decided to grace me with his presence. What happened? The vast, dark loneliness of Outer Rim space drive you back to civilization?”
Moloch Argantes
19-07-2007 23:33:05
My post for after Maya, might need some checking too.
Moloch would have been content to sit in the dark alone for quite a while longer, even though he had brought himself back within the brotherhood he still had much to think on. He was lucky to be able to track down the location of his one ally and friend still remaining within the organisation. Having fled Plagueis before Mayda did and with little word on the matter, none in fact really, he was definitely unsure on how she would react. He knew betrayal was one of the things she hated most and his leaving might have been seen as such.
When she opened the door to find him Moloch wasn’t surprised at her reaction and her preparedness for battle, she was always cautious or at least seemed that way to him. Turning his head towards her he slightly smirked before saying “Something like that,” in a raspy voice. Between the way he looked and sounded one would expect to see a deathstick hanging out his mouth; however he detested the things with a passion.
“I tell you those Plaguian bastards aren’t exactly the type to just let thing go,” he said, “though I’m sure since you are here you would have seen that too.” Scratching his chin through his beard he added, “don’t know what they tried on you but they killed my father, good riddance I say. Though I had to see to my sister’s safety as well as the business I had out there, but those tales can be told later if you want to hear them.”
He then got to his feet, the two were friends and hopefully that still stayed true but she was also his superior. He then bowed to her slightly saying, “Congratulations on the promotions you gained while I was away.” If it were possible the bow might almost seem sarcastic in nature. Not out of disrespect for Mayda or the power she earned as he had the upmost respect for her but more so to the irrelevance of such things to the true power and potential the both of them had.
Mayda Ferium
20-07-2007 00:33:32
My post for after Maya, might need some checking too.
Moloch would have been content to sit in the dark alone for quite a while longer, even though he had brought himself back within the brotherhood he still had much to think on. He was lucky to be able to track down the location of his one ally and friend still remaining within the organisation. Having fled Plagueis before Mayda did and with little word on the matter, none in fact really, he was definitely unsure on how she would react. He knew betrayal was one of the things she hated most and his leaving might have been seen as such.
When she opened the door to find him Moloch wasn’t surprised at her reaction and her preparedness for battle, she was always cautious or at least seemed that way to him. Turning his head towards her he slightly smirked before saying “Something like that,” in a raspy voice. Between the way he looked and sounded one would expect to see a deathstick hanging out his mouth; however he detested the things with a passion.
“I tell you those Plagueian bastards aren’t exactly the type to just let things go,” he said, “though I’m sure since you are here you would have seen that too.” Scratching his chin through his beard he added, “don’t know what they tried on you but they killed my father, good riddance I say. Though I had to see to my sister’s safety as well as the business I had out there, but those tales can be told later if you want to hear them.”
He then got to his feet, the two were friends and hopefully that still stayed true but she was also his superior. He then bowed to her slightly saying, “Congratulations on the promotions you gained while I was away.” If it were possible the bow might almost seem sarcastic in nature. Not out of disrespect for Mayda or the power she earned as he had the upmost respect for her but more so to the irrelevance of such things to the true power and potential the both of them had.
(i corrected the bold part)
With the gruff voice and apathetic attitude, Moloch sounded like he was worse for the wear, but not as much as Mayda. Not surprisingly, he launched right into some complaints about himself, no "Hiya May, missed ya, how ya doin'?" No, it was all Moloch, Moloch, Moloch and his problems. About to interrupt him, she stopped short upon hearing the phrase "killed my father".
"What?", she blurted out as soon as he finished the sentence, attempting to mentally catch up with what he was saying, as that had caught her for a loop. If ever there was reason for concern, some vengeful ex-comrades was one of them, and Mayda could not believe what she was hearing. No wonder he had been gone on his own, though it would have allayed her fears if he at least sent a quick message of his status.
Before she could launch into a diatribe of questions, he bowed and gave his respect to her. Caught off-guard, her defenses now completely down, she shut the door and went over to him. Enthusiastic arms embraced his torso, her head pressed to his neck.
"Happy to see me?", he asked even though well aware of the answer.
"Yeah, to see you alive," she smartly retorted, and pulled back to face him. With a whistle, the room light was turned on, dimly. She was worried he would be hiding an injury or two. "Yes, I want to hear the stories later. And thanks for that, though I must say that it was a long and hard road to Knighthood, and I am not the same as when you left. Though it sounds as if you are not the same also." Hesitantly, she confessed, "I am a Sith now, inside and out."
The comforting reunion was rudely interrupted by a sudden alarm, ringing out over the Soulfire speakers. Mayda's expression quickly changed to worry, brows furrowed at him as if to ask if he knew what was going on. He shrugged and looked as puzzled as her. She activated her commlink, flashing red, and put it on speaker to hear the general announcement. Just her luck... the message was hindered by static and hard to discern.
"bzzt... fleet was attacked... bzz bzz bzzt... after the ceremonies ... pbzz pzz bzz... repeat, take whatever precautions are necessary....pzzzzt".
Enlarged eyes pleaded to Moloch to make sense of this.
20-07-2007 01:03:09
Alright, so now that we're a little over halfway there, is there really a gameplan? Where exactly do we want to end up? I was thinking that my character, being a recon/data analyst person, could act as an advisor to Soulfire Strike Team. What I mean by advisor is like the role that the clone advisor plays in the game Republic Commando. If you don't know what the hell I'm talking about, ask and I shall answer (on IRC or here).
Moloch Argantes
20-07-2007 08:53:58
figure I should put this here also for review (especially to check things with Mayda) my 2nd post for the RO.
Mayda’s embrace was a well welcome surprise; it seemed she was just as glad to see him as he was to see her even if he didn’t show it so well. He allowed his arms to find their place around his friend, though the practice was quite alien to him. Her reactions to his telling of his father’s murder was no shock to Moloch especially considering her own father’s disappearance, though unlike him she did love her father.
They both had definitely changed in some ways since they were last together as partners in a battleteam but in their core they were the same or at least where it mattered. But Sith, now that was a surprise that Moloch would never have expected although it did make sense, as well as Mayda worked from the shadows and with her smarts she also had a born leader quality and that is one of the things Sith did best.
She was right to worry about him hiding injuries. While most of what he suffered had healed and left no traces, under his trench coat there was some obvious scarring from the worst of it.
Before things could continue alarms started to sound and a message came through on Mayda’s comm. Her beautiful emerald eyes stared at him for help, quite the antithesis of the red his own were, he couldn’t not try. Although he was more so confused than Mayda herself by the goings on Moloch tried to do his best to help find out just what was going on. “Still not so good with the tech I see,” he joked trying to lighten the obviously frightening situation, “toss it here and I’ll see what I can do.”
The comm. came tumbling through the air a second later along with a “just don’t break it on me. I know how you can get with your toys.” Catching the device Moloch quickly opened it up with some tools he always had handy in his coat. Then taking apart a datapad he carried he took some components and connected them into the comm. “This should clear some of the static at least, best I can do without getting at the main communications array.
Then more messages came over the device, “heavy casualties bzz bzz bzzt... Scholae Palatine...” it wasn’t quite working as well as Moloch hoped so he did what anyone would, he hit the thing a few times. Surprisingly it worked, “the entire brotherhood is suffering heavy casualties, our enemies ships are of no known kind. The Eye of the Abyss is missing, it is assumed lost and all aboard dead. The Grandmaster has ordered a full retreat into the shroud, take whatever precautions necessary to ensure the safety of our home worlds should they come under attack.”
Moloch was dumbfounded; an enemy existed which even the Grandmaster along with most of the Dark Jedi in the Brotherhood together could not stand against, strong enough to send them running away tail between their legs. He looked over towards Mayda and noticed the same look of dread he imagined would be on his face, he wouldn’t be surprised if it were on the face of every member of the Brotherhood.
Last thing he heard come through before the transmissions ended was a description of the enemy’s capital ship, “Their ship is an ovoid shape comparable in size to s Star Destroyer. It is white with black stripes and some strange red coral looking formations extending from its body.”
Could it be? He had heard rumours while away, plenty of stories about an invading force from nobody knew where. He had even managed to see a peek of some of the supposed damage they had done, but he never believed it to be true. Fringers did often spread tall tales for some reason.
“May... seems we have a bit of a situation. We might need to wait to finish this some other time...” he said, not exactly revealing his fears to her yet. It would come in due time, after all perhaps he was wrong or perhaps she knew more.
Her only reply to his comments was a somewhat sarcastic, “ya think?” and a slight of her head before turning for the door, knowing he would be right behind her.
Moloch smirked and said, “wasn’t exactly what I was hoping for on my new day in my new home is all... Master” He knew not if she knew it yet but she would be the one to see him into the ranks of the Dark Jedi Knights, at least if he had any say in the matter, now that she was qualified. Hearing the word Master she stopped, at least momentarily, as he had suspected she would.
20-07-2007 11:56:31
Can I join? I have pilot skills.
Don't worry, the writing will be good, unlike these lines
20-07-2007 14:42:42
Can I join? I have pilot skills. 
Don't worry, the writing will be good, unlike these lines 
As long as you have a sense of cohesion and know how to properly do a run-on, then yes.
Moloch Argantes
27-07-2007 17:55:01
Moloch knew the place was quite deserted but Mayda being the highest ranking member of the Brotherhood around, that was something unexpected though not unprecedented for her to say the least. He wouldn’t be surprised if it turned out he was the second highest though he was only a protector.
This is the sort of thing which happens when sheep flock together, they are ripe for the slaughter, he thought to himself. While he stayed silent as Mayda thought out loud he quickly came to much the same conclusions as she did.
Being a minimalist in nature Moloch already had everything he needed, everything that he owned in fact, in his bag. Not having settled into his new home yet he hadn’t even removed a single item and the few weapons he carried as always were hidden on him and quarterstaff quickly in hand.
Following behind Mayda as he did not know where he was going Moloch continued to listen as Mayda talked, perhaps only partly to him and partly to help with her own thoughts. He quickly came to pick up a few names and positions they held within the house, clan and the Soulfire Strike Team.
It was no time before they found themselves in the comm. room, thinking it best to allow Mayda to keep with her thoughts Moloch volunteered to operate the comm. saying “I’ll find someone out there that’ll be able to tell us more with just what the hell is going on and what to do.”
(OOC: This might not be the end of the post. I need to know who'd we'd get a response from and what that might entail in terms of what to do and what is going on. Also with the advancement in days would this mean that we need to have things show a passage of time? For example perhaps in my case Mayda and I spend all night getting the comm to work contacting someone or stuff as such. Thanks.)
Mayda Ferium
28-07-2007 13:40:26
(ooc: we are on our own on this, Mo. Also - don't abbreviate comm., and add a bit more.)
“Good Moloch, I hope you can … because I certainly don’t know what is going on or what to do, for that matter,” the panic in her voice conveyed.
“I’ll try my best, … Mistress,” he purposefully addressed her as such, knowing that his success with communications could possibly be vital to their survival, and the fate of the planet.
When she and Moloch approached the controls in a rush, there were several Soulfire crew at their stations. All eyes immediately turned to the pair, the same look of fear and worry in their eyes that she had when she first heard. Obviously, the speakers in this room had transmitted the full message to them. At the command controls, she threw down her bag and cloak.
“Miss Ferium,” Sergeant Maku called out in greeting. “No doubt you’ve heard the news.”
“I had faulty equipment and missed some of it. Did you get any details? About who attacked or why? Is it the Vong?” though she addressed him, she could not look directly at him, eyes frantically searching the foreign buttons. Feeling horribly guilty for not being cross-trained in technical subjects, she vowed to take more courses at the Shadow Academy, … if she ever got to visit Lyspair again.
The common human cleared his throat and continued, “They believe so, as the vessels appear to be biological. They were ordered to retreat into the Shroud, though several will not make it, including some of Arcona’s, Miss.” He knew how the commanders were upon hearing bad news, so he kept his distance from her.
“I am not surprised, Sergeant. So, we need to simply do what we can here, it might not be long before there is a knock on our doors, and I want to be prepared for that, do you understand?” Her breathing was deep now, as she took command and concentrated on keeping it together.
“Yes, Miss. I have already ordered all Commando Units to prepare for battle, and the ship crews are on their way to the hangar bays.”
She nodded, relieved to have his assistance. “Excellent, then I can trust for you to run things from this headquarters on Eldar, while I travel on the Dream Prowler. Moloch will command the Drexl LAAT. It appears that communications will be difficult, and we might have to personally visit each of Arcona’s planets. But let’s get some emergency plans and contingencies set up here on Eldar first.”
“Getting right on it, Miss”, and he turned back to his station, to program instructions into the computer terminals.
OK, let me restate a little more clearly. I was rushed before work.
I want to work an atypical story line so I figured I’d ask here first and get approval from the kind of people that approve stuff.
First, Etah was tending to his Royal Guard executive protection duties while at the ceremony near the shroud.
Second, he was taken captive while apart of the Deputy Grand Master’s Protection Detail.
Third he was subject to the embrace of pain muchly.
Fourth, he was scarified by a Vong Commander to Yan-Yammaka, the Slayer God of the Vong Warrior Cast by beheading.
Fifth, Etah wakes up in the old Qel-Droma temple on Selen
Sixth, meets up with the group of folks not in the shroud.
Seventh, Etah believes he was resurrected by Yan-Yammaka
Eighth, Etah kills people.
Does any of that make sense and is it doable?
OK, I'd like to hear anything from anybody about my idea or im just gonna start postng and when their is an RO with that little direction it always go to hell, so can someone assume authority for the RO and give me a final word?
10-08-2007 06:40:05
*head drops into hands*
No way Etah.
You don't know your facts, the Vong Gods were created by them as a means for the Warmaster and other rulers of their empire to control the people, they don't exist and never have done so they'd never spair you, they kill you and you're dead, simple as that. However more horrifying still is the suggestion that you get captured and do a spell inside the embrace of pain. You wouldn't. Firstly Chris got captured (and by captured that didn't have to be in handcuffs etc. it could have been extra vehicular, or trapped in a storeroom waiting for rescue) not you, its not in the story line so you can't write it. Also, it takes a great Jedi like Jacen Solo (future lord of the Sith) or the Deputy Grand Master to withstand something like that, you, a Knight, and one with a weak constitution at that wouldn't last five seconds in the embrace. Lastly you wouldn’t make it back to the shroud in time to help, its too far and you wouldn't find anyone as you have to be an equite to navigate the shroud and as they're all with the battle group, you're stuck. the whole concept is laughable and is both the funniest and scarriest thing I've heard in a while.
I'm tired of your GMRG, RO slagging crusades (thank Slice you've yet to throw a picture into your descriptive writing, you're Arconan [Expletive Deleted F-word]ing act like it. In context you wouldn't be with the GMRG, we've just had a ceremony post RoS so you'd be with the clan receiving some awards or at home on Selen. Out of all this you did one thing right, you asked. If you'd just gone and posted I'd have written the whole RO off.
Final Word: Write yourself in on Eldar and meet up with Mayda, as bottom line you're not allowed to do that story line (RO Captainness coming through here).
As for the rest of you. Id like to apologise for my lack of presence, between losing my internet connection for a couple of weeks and having my shoulder operation (yes I have one arm for the time being) time's been a little scarce for me. However, expect a return from the shadows as me, Dash and Chris take our section along and we're going to tie this all in together at some point in time down the road. Big props to Mayda, who's been a great help keeping the ball roling in my absence, showing off what Soulfirians do best. Good work people keep it up.
10-08-2007 06:54:23
sorry double post
Mayda Ferium
10-08-2007 12:30:45
thanks Kieran.
I'd like to point out - to anyone wanting to enter - to read my latest post (dated Aug 9) that I am sending out signal to anyone on Eldar or beyond, tho we claim communications have been down on the planet and System. And i say that it would be nice to find any ARconan who wants to join my ship, or bring their own - TIEs or larger (check the djb wiki to see what your House or group has) - as an easy way for anyone new to join, at any time, even after we leave Eldar. It also might be a good use of 3 posts to see what will happen in days 5 and 6, and add to any planetary defense that might be forthcoming. thanks.
First, how does anything about the mission of the GMRG make me less of an Arconan? Fictionally I have always loved the IRG and I think Etah is perfect for Executive Protection type [Expletive Deleted].
Second, I didn’t say these things happened. The only facts would have been that he was near the shroud, reported to have been taken captive and was now back in the Arconan system. Everything else would be subjective. There are a hundred and one rational explanations for those happenings.
Third, the embrace of pain isn’t a test of constitution, is a test of meditation which Etah knows a little something about, though his low-ish constitution probably would be a factor.
Fourth, I wouldn’t have just posted anything in the RO, obviously
Fifth, I’m not gonna fight with you, I’m just being an ass
Sixth, it’s good to have you back. Hope everything’s going well with your shoulder.
The Embrace isn't really a test of constitution or meditation because it isn't a test. It's a way of breaking people, or keeping them in so much pain that all they can do is either suffer, or recover when the embrace lessens slightly. If it is a test, it is of willpower and seeing how long you can go before you break, but yeah. Just my little bit of input there.
Some Vong Dominions regularly sleep in the embrace
Mayda Ferium
12-08-2007 08:09:15
Etah - perhaps we can run into your ship, adrift in Arcona space?
you only have 3 posts minimum, and seeing as how the home systems have NO PLACE in the GJW official storylines as of yet- we are making it up on our end.
I've an idea forming in my head