Log of the first session:
[15:00] <@ImpieMNar> Abord the frigate of Korras, the Conquistador, the five of you land on the remote and rather unnatractive world of Nom Chorios, in a region devastated by a nuclear war it never fully recovered from. A powerful Dark Brotherhood Alchemist, Ivy, has stolen a powerful poison formula that was the work of a DB Sith, and shortly after, mysterious deaths have appeared over this planet, with circumstances echoing the nature of the poison,
[15:02] <@ImpieMNar> Your primary objective is to trace the source of the poison, and secure it for Brotherhood use. You may eliminate Ivy in your own way in the process
[15:04] <@ImpieMNar> The Conquistador lands on the outskirts of a beaten up, rough town with a large portion of these deaths occuring
[15:05] <@ImpieMNar> Your support operative, Soren, gives you a short briefing: Crime is rife here, and organised crime is the way of life. The top crime bosses are well protected behind an army of their followers
[15:05] <@ImpieMNar> RP START
06[15:07] * @Teu stares at the landscape, her blue eyes scanning the area slightly. She looked over at the others, her eyebrow raised quizically. "So how do we start this search?"
06[15:07] * @Korras looks at the others. "I think we have two options. either find the source directly, or go through the crime bosses to find it. however.. I am not sure how large the chance that any of the bosses actually know something is."
02[15:08] * @ImpieMNar (
~impetus@cpc1-hava1-0-0-cust736.cos2.cable.ntl.com) Quit (*.net *.split)
03[15:08] * ImpieMNar (
~impetus@cpc1-hava1-0-0-cust736.cos2.cable.ntl.com) has joined #dbrp
03[15:08] * Teu sets mode: +o ImpieMNar
00[15:08] <@Teu> "Lets try the direct route, find the source."
06[15:08] * @Mograine folded his arms considering his next words... "I vouch for extracting intelligence from the crimelords"
[15:08] <@ImpieMNar> ty Teu
[15:08] <@Mograine> Better to have leads than no leads
06[15:09] * @nixgraves " There is no other way then go through the crimelords"
[15:10] <@Dyrra> "I don't much care how we do it, but lets get the job done and get off this rock."
[15:10] <@Mograine> "Though, we should not go in guns blazing... The operation should remain as much off the radar as possible"
[15:10] <@Korras> "I agree, somewhat. I do not think we will be able to find anything without any leads, and so far, the only thing we can work with, is the crimelords here."
[15:10] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: Be aware that Ivy is a powerful woman, and may already have some of the crime lords working for her
00[15:10] <@Teu> "Might as well. Lets try not to make too big of a scence right off?"
[15:11] <@nixgraves> can't we bribe the crimelords?
[15:11] <@Korras> "no. for now, we go in with concealed weapons. chances are, we will be picked out as a target for some criminal before long anyway."
06[15:11] * @Mograine tap his earpiece: "Soren, we have any intel on the different crime lords?"
02[15:12] * @nixgraves (
~unclereno@ Quit (Quit)
[15:12] <@ImpieMNar> Unforunately, this planet has very poor access to the holonet, data was difficult to find
[15:12] <@ImpieMNar> But we've established that there are three main feuding crime factions
[15:13] <@Mograine> "If Ivy got just some of the crime lords under her sway, there's a possibility of a conflict with those who dont. This may prove to our benefit"
00[15:13] <@Teu> "Well that deffinatly makes it easy to hide on doesnt it, little contact with the outside worlds"
[15:13] <@Mograine> "Approaching those who isn't with her, and we may not even have to raise arms"
00[15:14] <@Teu> "how do we know who it who?"
[15:15] <@Korras> "There is no way to determine who is with her for now. I'd say going in as unconspiciously as possible will be the best choice. I don't think it will be long before we are the target of some criminal."
[15:15] <@ImpieMNar> Ivy was an elder gone mad, we can only speculate as to what she's currently doing, but we know that all crime lords need weapons, and Ivy's producing the most potent weapon on this planet
[15:15] <@Mograine> "Surveillance"
[15:16] <@Mograine> "We should try trace weapons then, or if they haven't arrived yet... I bet the crime lords pay for them first, then, the money"
[15:16] <@Korras> "I will go into town alone. I stand the best chance if Ivy does show herself. if I know more, I will signal you to follow."
06[15:17] * @Mograine nod his head
06[15:17] * @Teu nods
[15:17] <@Dyrra> "Alright, fair enough."
[15:18] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: it might be prudent for the others to follow at a distance, in case Ivy has been alerted to our prescence already
[15:19] <@Korras> "Soren, I agree. I want them waiting within sight of the town, in cover. chances are Ivy has already felt our presence."
[15:19] <@Mograine> "I may give sniper overwatch if needed"
06[15:19] * @Mograine examine the nature of the planet
[15:19] <@Mograine> "Shouldn't be too hard to make good camouflage"
[15:20] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: Mograine should keep his sniper in his hands at all times. I've seen the results
[15:20] <@Korras> "help yourselves to anything you need from the ship, weapons, food, etcetera. the droids will seal up when we leave. Mograine I want camouflaged, but capable to get rid of the camo easily, in case he needs to go into the town. there, regular clothing will be less noticeable."
[15:21] <@Mograine> "Copy that"
00[15:22] <@Teu> "Okay"
06[15:22] * @Dyrra nods
06[15:22] * @Korras grabs a small pack filled with some rations, and hides a blaster in his clothing, along with two energy claws. the sabers are already placed in a coat pocket
[15:23] <@Korras> "oh, and remember.. we might not want to advertise who we are. until we really need them, I'd prefer to keep all sabers hidden, and minimal use of our powers. I know, you are not under my command, but we are in this together."
06[15:24] * @Mograine spend some time optimizing his clothing to blend in with the nature.
00[15:24] <@Teu> "Of course."
06[15:24] * @Dyrra just nods again
[15:24] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: you guys are all trained in martial arts, these thugs will be instinctive brawlers. You shouldn't have a need for a lightsaber with them
[15:25] <@Korras> "and a blaster shot will drop them just as dead as a saber will."
06[15:25] * @Korras makes for the airlock of the frigate
06[15:25] * @Teu pulls her lightsaver off of her belt and placed it in a pocket of her clothes, she patted her blaster.
[15:27] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: make sure the frigate is secure, an abandoned ship as high spec as that will look like a ncie target for raiders
06[15:27] * @Mograine spots a high-ground in the direction of the town "Well, i'll be on comm", before marching there
06[15:29] * @Dyrra sighs at Teu, "I think I'm gonna step outside a moment. I'm still feeling queasy from the landing."
[15:29] <@Korras> "Soren, the droids are programmed to take off in case of trouble, and there will be no lifesupport active once we leave ship. I wish any boarders good luck.
00[15:29] <@Teu> "Wish for me to join you Dyrra?"
[15:30] <@Dyrra> "Sure, if you don't mind the possibility of getting my lunch on your boots."
00[15:30] <@Teu> "They come clean"
06[15:31] * @Korras heads in the direction of the town.
06[15:31] * @Dyrra heads outside and leans against the airlock, clutching her belly.
06[15:31] * @Korras makes sure the sensor net of the ship is broadcasting to his comlink
06[15:32] * @Teu follows after dyrra but stands several feet away. Her eyes scann the horizon watching and thinking.
02[15:36] * @Korras (
~pietervde@Korras.users.undernet.org) Quit (*.net *.split)
02[15:36] * @Eludajae (
~eludajae@fl-69-34-128-197.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
03[15:38] * Korr|AFK (
~pietervde@ has joined #dbrp
03[15:38] * Teu sets mode: +o Korr|AFK
06[15:39] * @Korr|AFK walks, taking in the surroundings, and starts to wonder something, and activates his commlink. "Soren, how infectious is this desease?"
03[15:42] * Eludajae (
~eludajae@fl-69-34-128-197.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #dbrp
03[15:42] * *.undernet.org sets mode: +o Eludajae
[15:43] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: It's a poison used for assassinations, rather than a spreading disease
[15:43] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: As long as you don't drink it you should be fine
[15:44] <@Korr|AFK> "okay, so we stick to our own drinks."
[15:45] <@ImpieMNar> Soren: If you do that, you shouldn't have any problems
06[15:45] * @Korr|AFK approaches the town, and looks for a way to enter it without drawing too much attention.
[15:45] <@Mograine> *crackles over the comm* "In position..."
[15:46] <@ImpieMNar> The town's just a load of buildings in irregular patterns, you can just walk right on in
06[15:46] * @Teu looks at Dyrra. "You okay?"
06[15:47] * @Korr|AFK just walks in, and walks along what goes for a street like he knows where he is going, trying to spot any sign of criminal activity
06[15:47] * @Dyrra takes a couple deep breaths. "Yeah, I feel better now."
[15:48] <@ImpieMNar> A few people on the street eye the well dressed stranger like an alien being
03[15:48] * Korr|AFK is now known as Korras
[15:48] <@Mograine> "The residents looks... welcoming"
00[15:48] <@Teu> "Okay. Shall we walk around or something?"
06[15:49] * @Korras looks for a sign of someone following him, actually hoping to have someone rob him, just so he can draw the robber into a place to extract information
[15:49] <@Dyrra> "Yeah. We should head after Korras, I reckon."
06[15:49] * @Teu nods.
[15:50] <@ImpieMNar> They seem unsure of how to react to Korras, and follow, observing
00[15:51] <@Teu> "Lets be off!" Teu chuckled to herself, before starting in the direction of town. She lays a hand on her stomach breifly befor shoving it in her pocket.
02[15:52] * @Eludajae (
~eludajae@fl-69-34-128-197.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
06[15:53] * @Korras heads for a food stall, and purchases some snack, more to show he has money to whoever is following, and less because he's hungry
[15:54] <@Mograine> "Can't see anyone showing any extra interest in you so far..."
[15:55] <@ImpieMNar> The stall owner gives him a funny look. "We don't take those credits on this planet outsider."
06[15:55] * @Dyrra follows Teu, patting her pockets absentmindedly as she does. "Kark, I think I left my cigarras on Aeotheran. This day just gets better."
00[15:56] <@Teu> "Might beable to get some in town"
[15:56] <@Korras> "oh? then I was misinformed. I think these will do." *hands him some other coins* [Mind Trick, with no waving hands.
[15:57] <@ImpieMNar> "You're right, those coins will do." He completes the transaction. The stalkers see that he has money, but are confused by what they just saw
06[15:59] * @Dyrra is getting close to the edge of town as she answers. "Hope you're right."
06[15:59] * @Korras hoped the little setback wasn't too obvious, and hopes all they see is someone who handed over the wrong kind of currency.
[16:00] <@Korras> "thank you." *heads down the street again, towards a narrower part now.
[16:01] <@ImpieMNar> Two people follow him down the narrower part of the street, and Korras hears behind him a 'What the hell did you do outsider?"
06[16:01] * @Teu smirks slightly and shrugs slightly. She glances around slightly, trying to look like she belonged.
03[16:02] * Eludajae (
~eludajae@fl-69-34-128-197.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #dbrp
03[16:02] * *.undernet.org sets mode: +o Eludajae
06[16:05] * @Korras turns around, doing all he can to look as unimpressive as possible, and looks at them. "oh, I'm sorry. I'm here to see Luca, and I mistakenly tried to pay with the wrong currency." *takes a bite of his snack*
06[16:05] * @Mograine takes aim at the situation "Standing by..."
[16:05] <@ImpieMNar> Its the quality of the clothing that sticks out like a sore thumb. On this post apocalyptic world struggling to rebuild, quality tailors are few and far between
[16:05] <@ImpieMNar> "We were watching, you paid with them twice and the second time he gave in."
[16:05] <@Korras> "I'm afraid you are mistaken, sir."
[16:06] <@ImpieMNar> "I know, I was just holding you up long enough to get you cornered" Two other people emerge on the other end of the street, blocking Korras in
[16:06] <@Mograine> "I have a green light on a shot, orders?"
06[16:07] * @Korras throws his hands up. "hey, if it is money you want, that can be arranged. just don't hurt me!"
[16:09] <@ImpieMNar> They approach him closer. "How much?"
06[16:10] * @Teu enters the edge of town walking absent mindedly getting the lay of the city and stuff.
[16:12] <@Korras> more then you can handle, I am sure. *punches one in the face in the hopes of knocking him out, then launches into the next, and speaks into his commlink* "green light."
06[16:13] * @Mograine squeeze the trigger, firing a single bullet toward one of the thugs behind Korras
[16:13] <@ImpieMNar> Korras lands his first punch, the guy falls to the floor with a broken nose but still conscious, his second punch sends the guy's head into a wall, knocking him out cold
[16:14] <@ImpieMNar> Mograine seems to have mistaken the man for a starfighter, and comes closer to shooting Soren back on Antei
[16:14] <@Mograine> "Damn it"
06[16:14] * @Korras moves to attack the two behind him
[16:15] <@ImpieMNar> Someone begins to follow the girl that dares to explore the city alone
06[16:15] * @Mograine changes his aim, "Hey girl, got a friend on your tail..."
[16:15] <@ImpieMNar> Korras lands a few glancing blows that are enough to almost knock them off their feet, they just about keep their balance, but it rattles their stance
06[16:16] * @Mograine fire a second bullet at one of the thugs, just as Korras ducked.
06[16:16] * @Korras attacks to kill, having two alive is more then enough
06[16:17] * @Dyrra grins at Teu "I think things are about to get fun.."
[16:17] <@ImpieMNar> Mograine hits his opponent in the shoulder, sending him to the floor, and Korras simply snaps the neck of the other one like a dry branch
[16:18] <@ImpieMNar> *target, that fits better
06[16:18] * @Korras draws his pistol, and looks at the crook with a hurt shoulder, and the one with a broken nose. "now, which of you two is going to tell me who you work for, and where I can find him?"
00[16:19] <@Teu> "I see that. Ready for fun?"
[16:19] <@ImpieMNar> They don't seem anywhere near as hesitant to attack Teu and Dyrra, and a solitary street thug points a blaster pistol at them, shouting for them to get on their knees
06[16:20] * @Dyrra looks around warily for some cover and to see who's threatening them.
[16:20] <@ImpieMNar> "You don't frind Elzhar," one of them stammers, "He finds you."
06[16:20] * @Mograine quickly aim at the man with a blaster, firing a pair of bolts toward his chest...
[16:20] <@Korras> "oh? and how would I make him find me faster?"
[16:20] <@ImpieMNar> There's just one man with a blaster pistol attacking Teu and Dyrra
[16:21] <@ImpieMNar> He also has a bullet through his left hand, thanks to Mograine's long distance shot
06[16:21] * @Teu turns and looks at the attackers, she looks at the blaster. "Your really going to attack two women walking around?"
[16:21] <@ImpieMNar> "Make yourself his business, this is his territory, it won't be long."
[16:22] <@Korras> "so, three dead bodies would draw his attention?"
[16:22] <@ImpieMNar> The man has blood pouring from his left hand, but seems to ignore it, considering it a stray bullet from a fight that wasn't his, and orders them again to get on their knees as he fights back the pain
02[16:23] * @Eludajae (
~eludajae@fl-69-34-128-197.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) Quit (*.net *.split)
[16:24] <@ImpieMNar> "In Slem Mal? three dead bodies is a daily occurence"
[16:24] <@ImpieMNar> 5The man has blood pouring from his left hand, but seems to ignore it, considering it a stray bullet from a fight that wasn't his, and orders them again to get on their knees as he fights back the pain
03[16:25] * Eludajae (
~eludajae@fl-69-34-128-197.dhcp.embarqhsd.net) has joined #dbrp
03[16:25] * *.undernet.org sets mode: +o Eludajae
[16:26] <@Korras> "oh, but I am sure you would be willing to hell him a capable hand is looking to join him. because, as it is, he seems to have some bad luck with his current crew. *looks at the two dead bodies*
06[16:27] * @Teu looks at Dyrra with a questioning look, her lips in a slight sneer, she whispers quietly "Play along or fight back?"
[16:28] <@Korras> (*to tell him*, not to hell him)
[16:28] <@ImpieMNar> "I will tell him," he seems calm despite being held at gunpoint. People here are used to it or seeing it. "I doubt he'll bother looking for you though."
[16:29] <@Dyrra> "Play along till he's close enough for me to break his face."
[16:30] <@Korras> "you might also want to tell him I can supply him with a good amount of weapons."
00[16:30] <@Teu> "okay" Teu slowly got onto her knees...waiting and counting in her head.
06[16:31] * @Dyrra does the same as Teu
[16:31] <@Mograine> "Want me to join you guys? Or you still need the overwatch"
[16:31] <@ImpieMNar> 5 The guy gets very close, his blaster still pointed at her head. "Get on your knees!"
[16:32] <@ImpieMNar> "He needs no such weapons. Our supplies of Death Blow Poison are greater than any on Slem Mal"
00[16:33] <@Teu> "Im on my knees" Teu kept her hands away from her blaster and pocket.
[16:33] <@Korras> "Poison, you say? you will tell me all you know." [mind trick]
06[16:33] * @Korras points the gun at his head, to make sure the other guy does not get too confused in the meantime
[16:34] <@ImpieMNar> 5 He keeps the gun firmly locked on Teu's head, the barrel inches from her. "Give everything you have to me!"
00[16:35] <@Teu> "I dont have anything."
[16:35] <@ImpieMNar> We don't know anything, only that whoever drinks it... dies
[16:36] <@Korras> "and where does Elzhar have his hideout?"
[16:37] <@ImpieMNar> 5"You have clothes that are in one piece. That's a rare find here outsider."
[16:37] <@Mograine> "Hey girl, I'll fire a warning shot at his feet if you just give me a nod"
[16:37] <@ImpieMNar> "His stronghold is a few miles out of town, an old building from the war, heavily guarded"
00[16:38] <@Teu> "I really dont think you want to uhm take my clothes...my husband would be very unhappy about that"
[16:39] <@ImpieMNar> 5"Well dressed like you means you have money. Give it to me." he wriggles the gun to draw her eye
[16:39] <@Korras> "what direction?"
[16:40] <@ImpieMNar> He points in a vague 90 degree arc
06[16:40] * @Teu shrugs and pulles out half of the money contained in her pocket she began to hand it over before elbowing the man in teh gut with her other arm.
[16:41] <@Korras> "thank you. the three of you, make sure you don't tell anyone of what happened here, and stay away from the stronghold." [mind trick]
06[16:41] * @Dyrra moves to try and punch the guy in the head as soon as Teu makes her move.
[16:41] <@ImpieMNar> Teu lacks the strength to do much damage to him and with only a glancing blow he barely flinches
[16:42] <@ImpieMNar> But Dyrra's fist drives through his temple, sending him to the ground in a heap
[16:42] <@ImpieMNar> They scramble away as quick as they can, scared and confused
06[16:43] * @Korras chuckles, and walks away in a brisk pace towards the two girls
06[16:43] * @Dyrra moves to stamp on his neck, hoping to snap it
[16:44] <@ImpieMNar> The neck doesn't snap cleanly, but it cracks his head into the floor with enough force to knock him out
06[16:44] * @Teu stood up, looking down at the man she shrugged her shoulders, laying a hand on her stomach for a moment. Before looking at the man, her eyes flashed fire for a moment allowing the anger to become controlable plus allowing Dyrra to finish the job. "I really really really hate it when someone puts a blaster to my head
06[16:45] * @Dyrra kicks the scumbag again
[16:45] <@Korras> "and I really hate it when they try to rob me. having some fun here, I see?"
[16:46] <@ImpieMNar> He gives the same response that a body sized bag of sugar would
06[16:46] * @Teu glances at Korras. "Next time that happens Im going to decapitate the person...instead of following along"
[16:47] <@Korras> "from what I just found, they wouldn't really mind that. you might want to hurt them a bit first."
06[16:48] * @Teu shrugs. "He out cold Dyrra or dead?"
[16:48] <@Dyrra> "Out cold. Feel free to make him dead."
[16:48] <@Korras> "but, they did give me some information. I know where one of the crimebosses is, more or less, his name, and that he has a large amount of poison, aptly named Death Blow"
06[16:48] * @Teu nods, pulling out her blaster she simply shot the man twice in the chest. Her eyes livid.
[16:49] <@ImpieMNar> Teu rather needlessly gets a roll of 20, and makes the best ever point blank shot on an unconsiocus man that's ever been fired
00[16:50] <@Teu> "He wont be causeing much trouble any more"
[16:50] <@Dyrra> "So, got a plan, Korras?"
[16:52] <@Korras> "I do. Elzhar, one of the crimelords, has a stronghold a few miles in that direction" *points* "I will have the Conquistador run that through the nav logs, and get a precise location. it is apparently heavily guarded, so before we go in, I will scout up close."
00[16:53] <@Teu> "What will we do? While you are scouting?"
06[16:53] * @Mograine approach the group from an sidealley, "I guess I do my part..."
[16:54] <@Korras> "be ready for any trouble. also.. hmm.." *thinks briefly* "I think it might be worth our while if their morale is close to breaking before we even go in."
00[16:55] <@Teu> "Cause hate and discontent?"
06[16:55] * @Korras looks at Teu. "have you ever seen the effect of an Elder meditating deep enough?"
00[16:56] <@Teu> "No"
06[16:57] * @Korras nods. "I will need time to prepare. the effect is not instantenous, and I will need others to be ready to defend us. but, the end result.. they will be close to running by the time we fire the first shot."
[16:58] <@ImpieMNar> - SESSION END HERE -