Competition Awards


20-05-2005 07:34:45

I was wondering how long it takes for winners to be announced and how you find out who won a particular competition. It would obviously vary in reflection to the time needed to mark the competition entries, but on average for a short comp how long would it take?


20-05-2005 09:08:54

It depends what type of competition and at what level. The results of DC-led comps will normally be posted on as a news item/report, whilst house/clan results tend to come over the mailing lists.

As for length of time, again it depends on the comp. I used to try and have MTs graded within a week of the closing date, but it wasn't always possible. Epic comps would take maybe 2 weeks, depending on number of entries. Short comps might be done in a matter of days, but it does also depend on how busy the grader is IRL ;)

I have no idea about platform comps.

Did you have a particular comp in mind?

Andan Taldrya Marshall

20-05-2005 09:12:33

Depending on the number of entries, type of entries and the person judging it (some people are a lot faster then others) it can be anywhere from a few days to 2 weeks. If it lasts longer then that I'd suggest sending the judge an email politely asking when the scores are going to be announced. If for whatever reason the person still doesn't release the scores then send an email to the person above them in the chain of command explaining what's going on (chances are that the person already knows that there's a problem, but it never hurts to make sure they know).

Just make sure that any emails you send are polite, people tend to work with you more when you're polite to them.


20-05-2005 18:09:26

I asked this question for two reason, as a contestant and also I have been thinking of making my own comps and was wondering if there was a set max time limit that is between close of comp and medals awarded

Andan Taldrya Marshall

20-05-2005 23:59:10

Officially, there isn't a set time that comps need to be graded within, accepted standard is ASAP. If you keep it around a week for comps within your house or clan you should be fine.