Hey everyone. I'll get to the point, does any one here have X-box live? Cause if so then will you be intrested in playing me. Now I know that you all use computers and such for gaming days, but I do not own any computer games only X-box games. It would make it a little easier on me to be active and I get to meet you all in a fight.
17-05-2005 13:07:00
I have X-Box live, but sad to say my subscription ran out a month ago. *goes to find a job* What games do u play online? I do mostly military games such as Halo 2 and all that fun stuff
17-05-2005 14:12:12
Xhedias is my gamer tag, you can find me online in Halo 2 or Counterstrike.
18-05-2005 10:33:31
As much as I like Halo 2 (waited 4 years for it) i think i am done playing it online. I am going to start Playing First to Fight, that game is the shiznight
Yeah, I have Halo 2 as well. But I mostly stopped playing it, not really good at it. But I'll get to playing soon that way I'll get to see how better you are against me. My gamertag is: bloodlessone. I'll post here again when I get back online. Thanks you for posting a reply.
18-05-2005 12:58:04
I can't wait.......till i get a job so i can pay for X-box live.