23-04-2005 22:54:47
Ok, so my girlfriend and I just saw Fever Pitch, and after the movie, we go to Books-A-Million. On the main display table was the novelization of ROTS, and I made a passing remark about how I need to buy it sometime. She decides to be über-awesome and buy me the book. Now I don't know what to do; should I read it first, and then see the movie, or wait till I see the movie (My friends and I are seeing it first showing)? What would you guys do?
24-04-2005 07:05:48
Hmmm.....I am not sure which you would prefer, but I read the book and I still can't wait to see the movie.
24-04-2005 09:48:29
Ι suggest watching the movie first, as I would suggest reading book if that was the one first made.
Sato Khan
24-04-2005 22:16:38
I gave in and read the book, and really enjoyed it... If anything, it gives an insight that viewing dosen't. But that's just me.
I'd read the book. When Ep. I came out, I had the book a month before I saw the movie, and it gave details the movie didn't even show. You'll get to know what happens and why better...
27-04-2005 06:37:31
Yea, I definately gave in and read the book, which was quite good. Now I reall can't wait for the movie to come out.
Requite deSaiah
28-04-2005 20:29:39
Thus, you have answered for yourself. To read... :blink:
Muz Ashen
02-05-2005 15:06:01
See, I tend to go the other way. Every movie i have seen based upon a book i had already read has disappointed me sorely. However, if i like a movie, i tend to enjoy the crap out of the book.
Going into a movie expecting it to live up to a book always ends up disappointing me.
two cents.
Requite deSaiah
02-05-2005 21:32:10
Well cashed. I agree. The visuals never tend to be as gratifying as the imagination.
Requite deSaiah
10-05-2005 02:29:46
*Smacks Uzbad with a chicken*
11-05-2005 21:30:18
y do people read the scripts, it like ruins the movie
11-05-2005 21:39:28
No it doesnt actually.
You just get the talking. I think it just makes me want to see it even more.
8 days...
Requite deSaiah
14-05-2005 01:29:45
You know, for Friday the 13th, it hasn't been that horrible....
*Nods to Uzbad*
Perhpas, but I still prefer the anticipation....