

22-04-2005 04:36:29

The height of Anakin Skywalker in ROTS is 6' 1" (1.85 m), but in the original trilogy Darth Vader stands at 6' 7" (2.01 m), surely the suit couldnt make him 6 inches taller, plz explain!
Is this bad casting by Lucas?


22-04-2005 05:36:51

No, it's cause he's a freak and he gets larger with age rather than hunched over and shorter :P.

On a realistic note, I don't think Lucas thought we'd be looking up Vader/Anakin's height and compare them when he had the actors fill the roles :P.

But no, I don't think this equals bad casting. I think this is just one of those things we weren't supposed to research :P


22-04-2005 06:13:35

No, it's cause he's a freak and he gets larger with age rather than hunched over and shorter :P.

On a realistic note, I don't think Lucas thought we'd be looking up Vader/Anakin's height and compare them when he had the actors fill the roles :P.

But no, I don't think this equals bad casting. I think this is just one of those things we weren't supposed to research :P

He got it right for Kenobi


22-04-2005 07:23:29

Vader wears high heels in the original trilogy. :)

Kaine Mandaala

22-04-2005 08:41:23

I'm guessing it'll be explained away with rebuilding his legs. :)


22-04-2005 09:55:50

No. Bad casting would have been only allowing actors who were 6'7'' to audition.

Hayden is no oscar winner himself. Would you have rather we had a completely terrible actor just so he was exactly the same height?


22-04-2005 10:01:24

No. Bad casting would have been only allowing actors who were 6'7'' to audition.

Hayden is no oscar winner himself. Would you have rather we had a completely terrible actor just so he was exactly the same height?

No but there are 6 billion ppl in the world, he could have got someone who was around the same height give or take an inch or two and looked in more places then just the US


22-04-2005 13:15:08

Actually, Hayden is Canadian :P

And since Vader is mostly robotic anyways, of course you'd make him bigger than he was before. Why not? Strikes fear into others even more so if you're a giant


22-04-2005 14:12:27

Yay, Hayden is from British Columbia (Vancouver). One notch for Canada, one of her sons is Darth Vader. What an honour. :P

Macron Sadow

22-04-2005 14:13:40

Also, notice Vader's helmet array. With the three part face mask, the top section would set up in height just like a modern construction or military helmet does. Extra height= extra shock absorbing, space for the shell, and electronics.
Vader's mask really resembles a cross between a German lobster tail sallet type helm and a Japanese one.
Just my thoughts.


22-04-2005 14:30:00

Six inches really isnt that much when you are completely rebuidling a persons body...i mean..i think they said like some crazy percentage (im guessing 70%) of his body is mechanical...its not that awing really.


22-04-2005 14:33:22

I would have to agree with Halcyon. Vader's little more than a machine anyway, why not build him as large and menacing as possible?


22-04-2005 14:56:15

Well, yeah, he's practically entirely mechanical, his arms are, his legs are, his head pretty much is covered in the helmet. The only parts of him really left are torso and face. It wouldn't have been hard to add an inch on top of the helmet, then have some pretty thick boots to add another inch, then make the thigh a couple of inches longer etc.

Kaine Mandaala

22-04-2005 16:20:49

Strikes fear into others even more so if you're a giant

Fear will keep order :)

Requite deSaiah

29-04-2005 01:11:34

But look at Yoda. Bad ass at 2 feet tall.

"-- And at 900 years I can still fsck you up."


30-04-2005 02:45:26

Vader's mask really resembles a cross between a German lobster tail sallet type helm and a Japanese one.
Just my thoughts.

For me, it clearly resembles a Samurai helmet.


30-04-2005 15:39:04

I agree with macron about the helmet.(cross between German lobster tail sallet type helm and a Japanese one)

Requite deSaiah

30-04-2005 18:18:18

I agree. Kabuto. Then again, Lucas was infuenced greatly by Japanese architecture and attire.

Nippon sanpai!


30-04-2005 19:34:15

The only parts of him really left are torso and face.

I dont think his torso was that much flesh because he required a respirator to breath, doesnt sound like much is going on inside him. Seeing as he had to get injected with a serum daily to keep what he had left of a body from deteriorating.

Macron Sadow

30-04-2005 20:12:25

Yeah, the Emperor's dark adepts cooked the stuff up for him and the Emperor doled it out.
Bad Vader = no chemicals = dead Vader.


30-04-2005 21:17:57

Yeah, the Emperor's dark adepts cooked the stuff up for him and the Emperor doled it out.
Bad Vader = no chemicals = dead Vader.

Yup, thats why you see him in his little dome, getting the drugs, he kills the Navy (Admiril?) guy for walking in on him.

Requite deSaiah

01-05-2005 00:33:11

No he doesn't. He murders the moron Admiral that pulled out of Hyperspace too soon.


01-05-2005 00:55:13

Ah, well, i remember someone walking in on him as he was having our bout to have his injection :D

Requite deSaiah

01-05-2005 23:38:57

Herm.... Could be.....



03-05-2005 13:50:19

I remeber reading in an Entertainment Weekly magazine, it said that Hayden was only 6'1 and the vader suite was 7 feet. They had to use boosters for him. Lol

Requite deSaiah

03-05-2005 20:16:05

Heheh. Boosters for Vader. About as wierd as telephone flavoured ice cream....


03-05-2005 20:20:31

or as wierd as a solar powered flashlight...........which i have one


09-07-2005 17:13:36

I like vader just the way he is :'(

Ok ya I'm a sap when it comes to Vader. I dont really look at the details. Infact, I really dont care if his height it off. Im sure there is a good reason for it. B)


18-07-2005 08:51:29

I'm guessing that the mechanical limbs used to replace his old limbs were longer and not to scale. Thats why he was bigger.


18-08-2005 13:16:38

I'm guessing that the mechanical limbs used to replace his old limbs were longer and not to scale. Thats why he was bigger.

only explanation
do you think vader lost his cock?

Ood Bnar

03-09-2005 17:12:55

who'll say! don't think anyone [Expletive Deleted F-word]ed him after he got the suit. but since he lost his legs i think he might have burned his 'johnson'!

maybe that's why he is so evil, and speaks with a mechanical voice! to hide his missing part(s)


03-09-2005 17:49:57

Diablos thinks that you may be on to something there.

Ood Bnar

04-09-2005 03:36:54

maybe his voice got squinty and sidious ordered a mechanical voice to make his apprentice sound evil!


04-09-2005 13:51:28

You could be right.

Ood Bnar

04-09-2005 15:01:39

this knowledge makes vader a little bit less fearsome to me


04-09-2005 16:45:28

Vader will always be fearsome to me!

Ood Bnar

04-09-2005 16:54:11

yeah, but the fact that he might be missing some "parts" makes him less scary


04-09-2005 17:20:17

almost makes me wanna laugh at him.


07-09-2005 19:19:53

almost makes me wanna laugh at him.

yeah what good would it be anyway its not like he could use it in the suit and everything


08-09-2005 04:47:38

You make a valid point.

Ood Bnar

09-09-2005 13:49:33

yes, he indeed does


01-10-2005 17:30:34

in the ep 3 book it says anakin had no lips, throat or lungs so why does he have lips in ep6?

Ood Bnar

02-10-2005 09:38:37

maybe they grew back


02-10-2005 16:15:26

is that medically possible?

Ood Bnar

02-10-2005 16:17:21

no, but who knows?

maybe they are implants


02-10-2005 16:18:51

but why even bother he had a vocabulator

Ood Bnar

02-10-2005 16:25:17

yeah, but he still needs his lips for articulation


03-10-2005 19:26:22

shouldnt he have scars on his face from being burned

Ood Bnar

08-10-2005 05:28:30

flesh heals after 20 years!


15-10-2005 15:46:09


Ood Bnar

15-10-2005 17:25:22

i think so. his wounds would be healed by then. he would have a lot of scartissue, but otherwise he would be fine (apart from the damaged organs of course)


15-10-2005 23:40:01

good thing they put that huge chunk of flesh missing from the top of his head


16-10-2005 00:22:00

I read somewhere when hayden was in the Vader suit he looked thru the mouthpeice not the eyes

Ood Bnar

16-10-2005 06:16:26

yeah, that's true. he used the mouthpiece to look through


16-10-2005 21:38:40

really, ill check the ep 3 preview "return of darth vader" on the trilogy extras