Not available on Netflix here in the UK (though I, erm, will be watching them soon anyway...) but I've been reading a lot of spoilers...
Moraband is Korriban, yeah. There's a quote from Lucas -- I forget where it was, so can't grab it to copy and paste -- where he basically said: "Planet is cool, but I prefer this name, so use this" and... yeah, Lucas being Lucas. I think Filoni or one of the Story Group guys then Twittered or something that Moraband is just another name for Korriban, so they're both the same planet now -- of course, it probably does mean if Korriban is ever mentioned again in the Sequels and/or books, they'll probably always insist on using the new Lucas-approved name now.
Mark doing Bane's voice was awesome. Guy's such a great voice actor. (Something the
Emperor voiced by Mark Hamill's Joker" video proves so utterly, utterly awesomely -- seriously, that vid is hilarious.)
Order 66 stuff being about implanted control chips is interesting. I suppose it ties into the later Yoda visions and why the Jedi are doomed whatever he does, which is kinda tragic.
Jar Jar and Mace buddy cop story... that just sounds weird to me. I've heard people say it's hilarious, but bleh, I hate Jar Jar, dunno. I love Mother Talzin tho, so the few clips I saw of her sound cool.
The Yoda episodes... interesting, weird, but interesting. I like what I've read of the Five Priestesses stuff, who people are saying are basically the Whills without being called the Whills, so... yeah, maybe, maybe not. The planet sounds cool, but... I admit, I'm unsure what I feel about this idea of "all midi-chlorians in the galaxy radiating out from the planet at the heart of the galaxy" until I can actually watch the episode for myself and hear what the exact dialogue lines are. At the moment, as much as I love my fantasy in Star Wars, it sounds... kinda weird. I liked the Mortis episodes tho, so maybe I'll enjoy it.
Beyond that...? I agree that some of the episodes feel kinda worthless as the "final" ones, though I guess with Disney axing it in mid-production, we just got whatever they'd already had half-finished. Shame really, as I'd have liked to learn what happened to Ahsoka (maybe she'll show up in Rebels though, dunno), and it's annoying that Darth Maul's fate is now going to just be told in a short Dark Horse mini-series in a few months, as Filoni gave them the script to adapt into a comic. I love the comics, but I dunno who they've got working on that, and usually the Clone Wars comics have had the crappy artists.
Shame that's only fan-art...