ne of my biggest geeky passions over the past decade or so has been in the realm of Tabletop Roleplaying. I've played all sorts of games in that time and have even been (and currently am) a local coordinator of national and international campaigns. I now aim to bring that passion to the DJB and develop a tabletop gaming aspect of the DJB.
Now, I'm sure people are wondering how that's going to work since the image most folks get of tabletop roleplaying is a bunch of folks in a darkened basement rolling dice and drinking Mountain Dew. Well the answer is simple, technology. Through the wonders of the internet, tabletop games can be played with each player in their own darkened basement (or other room of their choosing) linking up to what is known as a Virtual Tabletop (or VTT) and communicating through voice chat. All the details will be below, but my goal is to do this in a way that requires the least amount of downloading and such.
To gauge interest and work out the kinks before taking this large scale, the powers that be would like to me to run a test session or two. To that end, if you're interested, please post below and indicate what days/times are generally good for you (please note time zone!). My goal is to make this work for all interested parties, Euro and Aussie folk included. I'm targeting a start date sometime in the last week in December or, more likely, early January. Of course feel free to e-mail me if you have any questions or comments or if you want to take advantage of one of the "pre game" activities mentioned below.
Happy gaming.
Kz'set (aka Arden Karn, aka "The Bug")
What rules set will this game use?
After much consideration, I will use the Star Wars SAGA edition rules for the purposes of this test run. However, if folks have other suggestions and/or have been exposed to the newer Edge of Empire rules, I'll give them a look.
What about characters?
This will be using 3rd level SAGA characters of any class or species that has been officially published. Stats will be an 25 point buy using the rules in the Saga core book. Equipment is at player discretion, just be reasonable about it. Hit points past level 1 will = half the hit die +1 + Con modifier.
So this isn't using our existing DJB characters?
This was another thing I put a lot of thought into. What it came down to is that it's rather difficult to make a game that's accessible to all players of all ranks. Say you have a group of a GM, a DA, an EQ4, an EQ1, and a couple journeymen. Anything I would put in the game that would challenge the GM/Elder would murder the Journeymen in a heartbeat. In the end it's more fun if everyone is at or near the same level. Also prevents the "ha ha your DJB character is dead because the GM got lucky" moment and other fictional challenges.
All that being said, if this test works and a larger campaign develops, I definately plan to involve DJB feel free to stat them!
Will this tie to the DJB fictionally?
I'm still working this part out, but yes, that is my goal. It is my intent though that characters for this game not be attached to any particular unit of the Brotherhood. More on that as it develops.
What software might I need for this?
The VTT client we will be using is
Roll20. It's a browser based program so there will be no download required. If folks want to get familiar with Roll20 before the scheduled game, let me know and I'll be happy to walk you through how the client works. It's fairly intuitive, but like all software it has it's quirks.
For the voice component, G+ hangouts will be the preferred method since Roll20 actually works within G+. However, if a group exceeds the 10 person max for G+, we'll use the DJB's Teamspeak server.
What if I'm interested but I'm unfamiliar with SAGA and/or don't have the books?
I'm also happy to give basic rules tutorials and assistance with creating a character. Just let me know and I'll set something up with you. As for the second part of that question, well, the internet is your friend.
Will there be shinies for this?
Sarin has promised Clusters of Ice for participants and there will be an official "competition" created for this shortly. This will not be a competitive event though, TT RP works best when people work together.
How many folks can play?
Ideally I'd like to keep the table to 6-7 folks. Games tend to get chaotic with more than that. However, if there is sufficient interest, I'll run more than one session. The more the merrier
Will we be able to fight Howie?