11-07-2013 00:40:14
So, lately I have been finding so many of my DB activities being done from my phone and further from my laptop (like this message in fact) that I recently have been exploring IRC apps for my phone (I own an iPhone) and wanted to inquiry on others what they have found:
Anyone regularly use mobile apps for IRC? What are the pros and cons in what you use; and mostly importantly how long can you be logged in the background and is your app free or paid?
27-07-2013 00:48:23
Limechat works pretty well from me. I'm able to join the standard channels, can even do passworded ones, as well as start up individual chats. $5 from the Apple AppStore if I remember right.
I'd recommend it.
27-07-2013 12:58:50
I haven't used Limechat on my iPad in a few years, but Ill second the recommendation. I would be on for a few hours, don't ever remember being booted off, the only downer was that you couldn't save logs. So I took snapshots of whatever I wanted to save. However, that may have been rectified.
29-07-2013 07:24:12
yaaic is my applet of choice to use on a blackberry or android phone. Easy connectivity, runs in background seamlessly, no limits.
29-07-2013 15:04:42
I have heard good things about Colloquy. I'm not an iPhone guy (damn those screens are small!) so can't vouch for it personally.
Ood Bnar
10-08-2013 05:36:33
As some of you are aware, I am writing specialised courses on IRC for windows/mac/android/iOS. I was wondering if you lot wanted to help by listing the programs you think we need to add to these courses:
Windows: mIRC, HexChat, ...
Mac: Colloquy, ...
iOS: Xchat Aqua, ...
Android: AndroIRC, YAAIC*, ...
If you know a program that is not on the list but, in your opinion should be... Let me know via email, IRC, this forum or put your message in a coconut and send it by swallow...
Same if you think an option should not be on here.
* Yacks' contribution
12-08-2013 14:08:34
YAAIC For Android & Blackberry 10