11-04-2005 20:05:58
I was wondering what is classified as the criteria for reaching each level in the skills inventory. (If this thread is in the wrong forum feel free to move it to the correct forum)
12-04-2005 08:02:06
What do u mean skills inventory?
12-04-2005 13:32:22
Are you referring to the personal dossier skills list? TIE SP skill, JO MP skill, writing: poetry skill, HTML skill etc?
If so: there aren't any. Its just what you think you're good and bad at.
13-04-2005 06:29:05
Are you referring to the personal dossier skills list? TIE SP skill, JO MP skill, writing: poetry skill, HTML skill etc?
If so: there aren't any. Its just what you think you're good and bad at.
Yeah, thats what i was referring to, you hit the nail on the head.
If the person sets their own skill level, doesnt it leave it open to bias
13-04-2005 08:56:45
Maybe, though I don't know of many people who take too much notice of the skills listing. They're only there to give a rough idea of what a person's strengths and weaknesses are. Like, if a person lists five points for XWA MP then you know they'll be able to play XWA MP, the same if they say they're able to write and stuff. Its more just to know what people can do than be used for any major evaluation purpose.