23-09-2012 23:04:35
Finally worked out how to get on here lol
This is mack, I have just joined you so thought I would give you a little info about myself:
I am *cough* a little over 21 years old, OK, perhaps a bit past
I am a British guy who is currently working and living in Florida. I work for Sprint, as the N Florida Market RF Prime - to launch their new 4G service and migration of their existing CDMA system to an Ericsson based CDMA system.
I have played PC since too long ago. My first MMO was SWG (I loved that MMO, when guilds were first created and we migrated from clans). After the death of SWG (aka CU patch), I went over to WoW. Enjoyed that but couldn't wait for this to come out. When it did I bought the CE version and was in awe.
One disappointment tho, is the guilds. I was in a few and just didn't like them. Full of idiots or no-one ever on nor communicating. I opened my own guild, thinking that I would create a tight knit group, not large, but big enough to enjoy the end game. However, never counted on how hard to get good people and whilst I had a few, the 90+ members in there were never on and I decided to /gdisband it. Just a day later. I get a /w from you guys.
I hope I can be of a benefit to you and I hope more that the guild puts back some of the faith I have lost in MMOs and guilds. I guess we will never see the like of SWG, where guilds were more of a family then people just grinding out levels and loot. Ah, move on I say. Here's hoping. May the Sith be with you....
23-09-2012 23:39:19
Welcome to the club and the Guild Mack!
You obviously know me in ToR already so feel free to message me if you need anything or any help.
We do have a teamspeak server that you can join and chat with us there while you grind or do dailies.