01-11-2011 13:45:42
The winds are howling on the planet of chissila. The storm is fast approaching as the lone sith tugs his collar tighter around his throat. Hidden in seclusion for the past 2 years due to being abandoned by the brotherhood and being hunted by his own kind for the crimes of heracy when he spoke out, Seabr'ímsto'nedansr has trained himself in the dark arts of his former self.
Hoping to one day return to the brotherhood to take back what is rightfully his, the life of a sith and the power that he craves to embrace once again. The mountains he hid himself in held a stream of dark energies that Brimstone was tapping in daily for nourishment.
His lightsaber had extinguished itself 8 months prior as the crystal within was depleted. He was finally able to mine a new sith crystal out of the caves in the mountain he called his home. Training daily in the art of shii-cho and soresu till he could master it no more, he was ready to make his return to Antei and to the brotherhood. A Rogue amongst his peers, Brimstone knew what lie in store for him. Hatred. Envy. Despise. This is what the Force was telling him.
The last 2 months he had aquired the provisions and small wealth he would need to get aboard a ship that would take him to Antei and home, and if the captain of the ship refused, he would dispatch the whelp and fly himself to his brethren.
A week has past since Brimstone killed the captain for disobeying him. He was too strong willed to use simple mind games and the chiss had no time to waste on him. The captain found himself with a nicely burned hole in what once his heart and scuttled into the vast blackness of space.
As Brimstone approached Antei's system, he opened up the comms and sent out a old coded message, knowing full well that the codes would be changed after 2 years. Brimstone knew what waited for him. Arrested. Trial. Prosecution. Persicution. Possibly execution. None of that mattered to Brimstone. He needed to get home and return to the Dark Side as soon as possible.
"Antei Command, this is Brimstone, Anyone copy?"
The chiss sat back and waited for any reply........
Hello all. I am back. Sorry I was gone for the last 2 yrs, but real life forced me to help provide for my family, plus no computer or internet, I had to try to get us back on our feet. Hope I can join a guild soon and get back into the flow of the DJB. Later folks
04-11-2011 08:00:46
I am looking for a House that will accept me in their clan
25-01-2012 03:50:54
I am still looking for a house to join as well as a Master to train me and get me caught up with the Sith ways and life of the DJB
25-01-2012 11:27:38
Most houses are looking for members. Just pick one you like the look of.