20-12-2010 13:16:07
Which Sith Lord damaged the Sith order the most through their actions? Personally I think Darth Bane weakened the order incredibly with his 'Rule of Two'.
21-12-2010 07:45:29
Sidious had the galaxy in his palm and his own greed destroyed it. Lumiya's description of it in the Legacy of the force books seems to prove it to me.
21-12-2010 16:57:32
Sidious had the galaxy in his palm and his own greed destroyed it. Lumiya's description of it in the Legacy of the force books seems to prove it to me.
A good point, but did he really do damage to the Sith Order itself? He had several apprentices and was obviously attempting to keep the order going until that lamer in Dark Empire stopped him for good. It was Vader who arguably [Expletive Deleted]ed the order over with his cowardly murder of Palps.
Orv Dessrx
21-12-2010 19:36:21
I'd agree that Vader did some serious harm. Not only did he kill his Sith Master, but he failed to carry on the Sith tradition by...dying and not having an apprentice.
I'd say that of any Sith Lord, Kaan did the most damage. People will say Bane, but in reality the Sith didn't conquer the whole Galaxy until they existed under his system. Some will say his way gave us Vader and Palpatine, but was Palpatine truly following the Rule of Two? Not in the slightest. Rather than train a student that could have surpassed him one day, like he should have to keep the Sith strong, he kept a student he didn't need to fear and worked to rule the Galaxy forever. That pretty much flies in the face of every Rule of Two tenet; the Master should fall at the height of their power, because the Apprentice passed that height.
But back to my main point. Kaan. This guy got the Sith together in the Brotherhood of Darkness. A good idea, some may say, pooling their power together. However, the only way he could stop the infighting was to say that all were equal and that fighting against each other was forbidden. That's not how the Sith or the Dark Side prosper, though.
By the theory of the Dark Side, competition fosters strength. They didn't compete with one another, in fact, they forbid it. By that same theory, the strongest will rule and the weak shall serve them. But how can we distinguish either if everyone's an equal?
Next up, his fight against the Jedi. Kaan's armies did staggeringly well. They conquered so much. What does he do when challenged? Brings all of the Sith to Ruusan to fight seven long, major battles and countless skirmishes against Hoth's Army of Light. He used his flawed concepts to bring a weakened Sith order to bear, and they never conquered the Jedi. His strength in numbers failed, and in the end, Darth Bane was able to use his weakness to lead a ploy to destroy the Brotherhood of Darkness.
Kaan did damage to the Sith because he tried to apply the Dark Side and the Sith Order to policies of equality, cooperation, and teamwork, all of which befit the Jedi and the Light perfectly but weaken the Sith. He stopped the infighting and brought stagnation. Only one Sith's Order was able to survive not only through the infighting inherent in the Sith, but was actually able to prosper from it. That Order was Bane's Order of the Sith Lords, which used the fundamental of the Rule of Two.
A Sith Order with too many Sith tears itself apart because the weak will inevitably gang up on the strong, so that no true skill is earned. To prevent this, Kaan brought on a stagnation of skills and his decisions ultimately misguided and destroyed the Sith Order, with the only survivor's Rule of Two bringing about the first successful Sith bid to conquer the whole Galaxy. Considering that he A. destroyed core principles of the Sith, B. weakened his followers, and C. got every Sith Lord killed aside from the one who caused their deaths, Lord Kaan is definitively the most damaging Sith Lord in the currently-known history of the Sith Order.
Reman Khaar
25-12-2010 01:43:34
^ Agree with everything that the post above me says about Kaan. Seriously, !@!# that guy. >_>
I think that Krayt's One Sith > Rule of Two, however. The Rule of Two is undeniably epic and worked perfectly in every way, but I just personally prefer Krayt's way.
The One Sith may work better simply because they lack what made Kaan's Sith weak. There's no happy cooperation and teamwork, they're Sith and they train in the Sith way. However, there's always going to be that chance for weaker followers to gang up and take down their betters, eventually ripping the Order apart afterward when they all try to take the big chair. It's a risk, but it's a necessary one to keep them strong.
Reman Khaar
27-12-2010 23:13:02
The One Sith may work better simply because they lack what made Kaan's Sith weak. There's no happy cooperation and teamwork, they're Sith and they train in the Sith way. However, there's always going to be that chance for weaker followers to gang up and take down their betters, eventually ripping the Order apart afterward when they all try to take the big chair. It's a risk, but it's a necessary one to keep them strong.
A true Sith Lord wouldn't be threatened by lesser beings, regardless of their numbers!! /fanatical ranting