To minimise on questions while I prepare for the trivia, and as I am planning further sessions if tonight is a success, I'm posting the rules here:
I) Andrelious' decision is final on all points.
II) The point will be given to the first obviously correct answer. Spelling errors will only be discounted if they are unclear or ambiguous
III) 3 point questions CAN be shared. For example, if the question is 'What are the 3 orders?' and person A types Sith before Person B types Sith, Obelisk and Krath, A will recieve one point and B will recieve two
IV) Excessive moaning will potentially be penalised with point deductions. However, three clear warnings will be given per competitor per week.
V) Obviously the passing of answers to others is strictly forbidden, especially to 'rig' the results to help a friend. Any evidence of cheating will result in disqualification for those involved.
VI) Anybody that has answered at least one question, wether or not they score, is considered to have participated (this is for the purposes of LS awards)
VII) If the Undernet network is lagged at 21:00 GMT, the trivia will be delayed by ten minutes to allow server hopping. This will be determined by a ping at 20:59 GMT.
VIII) If a netsplit occurs during the trivia, the session will be stopped until the servers rejoin.
IX) Three minutes will be given for each question, at which time any unawarded points will be binned.
Hopefully we won't see rules IV or V broken.
If anyone has any questions about these rules or the trivia itself, speak to me on IRC, nick `M, or email me at