06-12-2010 12:02:31
Hello to all of the DJB and THANK YOU!
I just wanted to say the above and also to introduce my self and my character to you. My character is Sutekh'Sithari , a new BROTHER to THE DARK JEDI BROTHERHOOD.
I also want to thank each and every member for ANY part you play....even the nonactive members ,because you all bring a depth, a pulse & contribute to the very LIFE of the Djb.
So thanks for being here to allow me this experience and i hope that Sutekh'Sithari will be able to add to your experience in return.
Good Gaming To You All !!
" From the darkness all come and to the darkness ...all shall return "
06-12-2010 13:03:15
Greetings greetings fellow brother.
From one novice to another, I welcome you.
06-12-2010 15:29:41
Welcome to the DB! Hope you enjoy yourself here!
06-12-2010 15:51:41
Welcome, both of you! The DB truly is a one of a kind experience, and I hope you both excel to your fullest potential. Communication is one of the best ways to stay in-touch with the ins and outs of the Brotherhood, so keep using the forums! It will only bring you closer to your growth in rank and knowledge.