Kano Tor Pepoi
28-04-2010 13:37:59
I know there are a lot of fans of the Star Wars culture of warriors known as the Mandalorians. I am looking to meet more Mando'ad brothers that are spread across the Clans. What makes you a fan of the Mandalorians? What drew you into modeling your charactor after the armored warriors that see the world through a T shaped visor?
I am starting this thread so I can actually talk to fans and am asking politely that those of you that are not fans to leave your Mandalorian bashing to another thread.
Kano Tor Pepoi
02-05-2010 08:21:00
Seeing as nobody else wants to jump into this conversation just yet, even tho I have been asked on mIRC about it several times, I am gonna have to get the ball rolling myself in a way most Mandalorian fan would tear their hair out over.
I Hate Boba Fett. There, I said it. I was an average fan of him in the original movies, always liked Han Solo better, but I was still a fan. As time went on and new books started coming out as I grew up I because a fan of Boba as a roughneck SOB who don't take no crap from anyone. That is what I am still a fan of for him. But as a Mandalorian and Mandalore I hate him. This is mostly because of the new life being placed into the Mandalorian culture by the Republic Commando books written by Karen Traviss.
Sure most people hate the way Karen Traviss is giving the Mandalorians a real personality but I think it is amazing. It makes them more real. Jedi and Sith have had their spotlight for years and now it is time for the Mandalorians to be accepted into this same spotlight and not catch all the backlash that has been spewed by the saber jockeys.
"We think too often in terms of dualism: Jedi or Sith, light or dark, right or wrong. But there are three sides to this blade, not two, opposed and similar at the same time. The third edge is the Mandalorian. All three sides care nothing for caste or species, only adherence to a code that unites."
15-05-2010 10:39:46
You have a very good point Kano in regards to Boba Fett. I too loved him in the original trilogy, though after that there was a whole spew of what a true Mandalorian is. The Attack of the Clones movie really stole a lot of the Mandalorians power and all that various writers/fans alike had built up prior to the release of the movie, and I think a lot of people didn't give Jango Fett much room for growth, nor did the script writers of AoTC.
It was then left for more writers (Karen Travis being one of them along with the Dark Horse comics) to try and bring back up the reputation of the Mandalorians as brute strength amongst the Galaxy when the need for their race to do so. Knights of the Old Republic 2, in my mind, kind of did a recap of AoTC and ripped the initial status of the Mandalorians. I can see where KoTOR 2 tried to give the Mando's (Hope I can get away with that term =P) a boost in popularity, but in the end I think it actually destroyed their cunningness and real-strategy for war. KoTOR made them seem like people who just fought and fought mindlessly.
Personally, it's a double side for me. I love the real grit that a true Mandalorian has, but at the same time I hate how they get portrayed by other people who try and make a character to compete with Sith and Jedi in terms of the mystical power they have. Yes, a Jedi and/or Sith/any other force user has the knowledge in same cases, but from what I have gathered Mandalorians have the know-how built into their system, one way or another; whether it be by constant training or a mentor they had or by just instinct.
This is caused by people making characters who have a strong connection with the force super humans who can just keep going and rip through entire battalions of troops and then go swim around an entire ocean on Kamino, only to fight a Jedi Master and come out with a minor headache. I give all of the props to the ACC staff and the DC on making sure there are limits to how much someone can do at a certain time period/rank. A Jedi Hunter could definitely beat an Equite 2 ranked member in a Fiction role, but it would take some heavy skill in actually applying his/her surrounds added with the "little" amount of abilities they have mastered in the force (via the CS's).
That's where Mandalorians actually come into play in this whole role: they learn to use what they need and no more. It seems like most people think that you can walk into a battle having 3 blaster pistols, loads of grenades, a lightsaber, a few swords and be able to run around like their a feather in the wind. Mandalorians dawn armor, yes, but they use it to their advantage. It's also built into their culture. Another thing. You have to earn your armor. You can't just pick it up and say "Hey, I'm Mando'ad!", just like someone can't pick up a lightsaber, ignite it and then take on a Jedi.
Anyways, just thought I'd add a little bit to the thread. =P I'm not a Mandalorian IC, but if I was, I would make sure my character was as real as real could be in the sense of being a Dark Jedi/Mandalorian mix.
I'm with Sid here. I love the Mandalorians (I mean, I'm in Arcona, I have to lol) and what they represent; nomadic, hardasses, but also honor.
And the definition that Traviss has given them is simply amazing, I love it. Now, I do believe that fleshing out the language so much so that people go around speaking it is way to much, but hey, at least it sounds cool.
Kano; I'm with you on Bob'ika. When he was the silent, armed-to-the-teeth, bounty hunter who was Jabba's top lieutenant, he was awesome. But I never saw him as a leader/head of state which he has become as Mandalore. He sure as hell wasn't a follower but more of a lone wolf.
I know I didn't really add much to the topic but I do want to get your opinions on something:
What do we all think about how the Mandalorians/Death Watch are making (or had made) such a big appearance on the Clone Wars TV show. I must confess due to my busy RL, I haven't had time to watch it recently but thanks to Wookiepedia, I've formulated some of my own views. Let me hear what you think!
Kano Tor Pepoi
16-05-2010 13:42:47
I thought the way they added the Death Watch to the show was pretty interesting. They made them into a military style force instead of just a group of bandits. I wish they would of had more of a role in the show but whatever, maybe we will see more of them in season 3.
17-05-2010 16:00:29
I heavily enjoy the Mandalorians. And if a Clan of Mandalorians did arise in the DJB, it would be excellent to see it flourish. I enjoy the ideas they represent, and like the way they view combat and the battlefield.
There is one thing I dislike about how they are used though. I am sure many would agree with me too, and many others (especially in my Clan) would dislike the comments I make about it. I think it's distasteful to have Mandalorian Jedi/Sith. The thing that makes Mandalorians great are that they are freakin' conquerors! They absorb the strong outcasts of different cultures and societies and place them into a militant group of soldiers who have a common purpose. But adding the force to that is just too much. It's spoils the idea of Mandalorians. I think it would be cool to have Mandalorians around, but to combine Mandalorians with force-using beings is irritating. I can see how people want a different level of awesomeness by combining both of them, but it spoils the idea that Mandalorians usually detested (not hated) force-users.
The only reason they sided with the original Sith was because the Sith could help them rule the galaxy, and the Sith were the ones who wanted battle. Then the Jedi wanted battle afterwards, and the Exile along with Canderous sided with the Jedi.
Other than that though, they are awesome.
One thing I wish they would come out with is a hardcore awesome PC/console game that is based around all the Mandalorian Wars. Not Republic Commando; that game was good through 1 or 2 playthroughs. I'm talking a MMO/FPS type game where you have levels from 1-1000. And each level your character gets stronger. This objective of the game though would be to fight battles from a FPS perspective. But the game would be an infinitely long battle on a server or two. And the whole objective of the battle would be to defeat your enemy. Maybe it's too much, maybe it's too little. But I always wished for a Mandalorian centered game. Like Modern Warfare 2 but with Mandalorians.
Kano Tor Pepoi
17-05-2010 19:57:51
I agree on the Mando/Jedi thing but while here I gotta do what is needed to keep my character a member. And MW@ with Mando'ad... that would be a level of awesome isn't discovered yet.
17-05-2010 23:38:19
One thing I wish they would come out with is a hardcore awesome PC/console game that is based around all the Mandalorian Wars. Not Republic Commando; that game was good through 1 or 2 playthroughs. I'm talking a MMO/FPS type game where you have levels from 1-1000. And each level your character gets stronger. This objective of the game though would be to fight battles from a FPS perspective. But the game would be an infinitely long battle on a server or two. And the whole objective of the battle would be to defeat your enemy. Maybe it's too much, maybe it's too little. But I always wished for a Mandalorian centered game. Like Modern Warfare 2 but with Mandalorians.
Perhaps there will be Mandolorians in TOR to mess around with. They end up popping up in every way back then. I sense many a Mando quest in our futures
Kano Tor Pepoi
18-05-2010 01:09:38
It is highly likely that will be so. I mean like Aabs said, They were everywhere back then. And they are going to have a bounty hunter class.. that without a Mandalorian section will be like a super geek tease.
18-05-2010 22:46:04
Even though it would be cool to see Mandalorians in TOR, I still don't think it would be as awesome as an experience as actually getting a hardcore Mandalorian game.