[[djbwiki]] So, Tell Me About Yourself...


31-10-2009 18:22:28

Wiki user pages are our way of getting to know the people behind your character. It is your space to tell others who you are, what you like and otherwise what makes you tick. You can also use it to help you use the Wiki more effectively by including a to-do list, reminders and useful links.

Your mission is to create your very own user page on the Dark Brotherhood’s wiki: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/

The winner will be decided based on how creative, functional and informative the page is.
To have your user page considered for this competition simply include [[Category:Judge Me]] at the bottom of your page.

For extra information you may find helpful, and to learn about how to start a user page, see: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/wiki/in...BWiki:User_Page

Start Date: 11/1/2009
End Date: 11/30/2009

Unit in Competition: Entire DJB

Platforms: DJBWiki
Awards: Third Level Crescents
