Renaming The Tribunes
I’m gonna take this discussion from the comments section here.
By the way; Ouch Vodo, ouch >.<
The Dark Council as it were seem to the Great Officers of the State while I see the Tribunes being members the of the Grand Master’s Royal Household.
I don’t like the title Loremaster for T:Fic because the word Loremaster is a creation of JRR Tolkien and last I heard we were trying to move beyond being space wizards. I could come up with a better suggestion but that suggestion would hinge on whether or not T:Fic will continuing to help develop the official storyline as Raken did or if they are solely responsible for fiction competitions.
I like Keeper of the Holocron for T:Wiki because they help organize and store information rather than creating it.
Fictionally the K:Holo could maintain the Holocron of the Grand Masters (or perhaps even a Holocron of Star Chamber started by Okemi, Timat and Ferran and continued by the Grand Masters). They would be responsible for operating it and keeping it safe. They would probably hover around the Grand Master silently in the background like a Medieval Cup Bearer or Ancient Hearth Stoker.
That being said; I can see using Archivist, but for that the Brotherhood’s Library would have to become separate from the Shadow Academy.
Fictionally the First Blade could be the standard bearer of the Star Chamber and champion of the Grand Master’s household.
07-09-2009 17:11:18
Just my ideas:
T:F ~ The Calligrapher, or the Dark Scribe
T:W ~ The Philosopher, or the Dark Archivist
T:G ~ The Presidium, or the Dark Headhunter
Muz Ashen
15-09-2009 11:36:30
I just now saw this. :/
Anyway, as far as i can tell, stringing together two words 'Lore' and 'master' isn't held by copyright anywhere. That said, it is used in a variety of RPGs and MMOs. I don't know if that should negate our ability to use it, but it does get a bit wizard-feeling.
I really like 'keeper of the holocron' for wiki tribune. Fictionally, the wiki would sort of be a holocron with all of the information on everything related to the DB... not just the star chamber or grand masters, but on everything.
For gaming, I like the 'blademaster', which is a canon title, used for the Sith Academy saber instructor at Korriban, during the New Sith Wars. It's appropriate, i'd say.
I really don't like some of the names that make us sound all lighty... like 'librarian', It just doesn't jive with what we have going on.
So... any ideas on what we could use in lieu of 'Loremaster'?
Kah Manet
15-09-2009 14:08:05
How about Inquisitorius? Or The Dark Hand? The Dark Hand is something I made up, but considering how it'll be for the fiction tribune, and Hand was a rank in the New Sith Empire ruled by Krayt, the Dark Hand could be seen by some as leading the masses along a specific path...yes? no?
Just shooting ideas out.
Muz Ashen
15-09-2009 20:10:48
The DGM in the DB has been called the Shadow Hand on a number of occassions, so it's a bit too close on that one. I'm not a great big fan on the latin titles in the DB... The Consul/Proconsul/Quaestor/Aedile are only the same out of respect for tradition. That and 'Inquisitor' has a bad reputation due to unsavory practices from when we were under the Hammer.
16-09-2009 05:06:54
Regarding Loremaster: Darth Wyyrlok from the Legacy comics is the Loremaster, so it's not copyrighted by LOTR.
16-09-2009 13:40:38
Loremaster isn't just LOTR, but it goes get that wizard feeling, as Etah and Muz pointed out. I can see some old man with a long beard hunched over a table with a quill and parchment when I imagine it.
I like Scyrone's ideas for T:F, the "Calligrapher". However I thought of a sort of modification from that. What about the "Chronicler?" (CHRON)
I can imagine the T:F, in-character as well as out, being not only someone who consults with the Grandmaster on occasions to keep the Brotherhood's timeline on track but also someone who keeps current records of major defeats/victories/stalemates that the Brotherhood has been through so as to provide the Dark Lord with a method of training or approach so that his Dark Jedi are prepared to never let something like the "Loss of Antei" happen again.
While the T:W or Keeper of the Holocron would be in charge of historical events, past GMs, the bios of the DJ, the Chronicler would be tasked with ensuring the Brotherhood's continual growth through providing the GM with ways to always increase the tactics of the DJB (ie: fiction comps, timeline advancement).
Another fictional purpose for the T:F would be that he/she would be tasked with keeping an eye on the major events of the Galaxy, informing the Dark Lord of the outside threats that could potentially harm the DB. If we still would do the Assistant Loremaster bit, I imagine those could be remained "Informants" or "Recorders" and serve their pre-set purpose.
So we could always add "Dark" or "Sith" to the front of it, but my idea for the replacement of Loremaster is "Chronicler".
As a sidenote, I was thinking that the Wiki Staff could remain as the helpers of the T:W outside of character but in-character they could become the Defenders of the Holocron; not like the GMRG as a society, but as in-character defenders of the DB's 'cron and its Keeper.
Kah Manet
17-09-2009 19:41:24
Inquistorius is actually a rank in Palpatine's Sith Empire.
19-09-2009 09:23:11
We already use Inquisitor as a Sith Discipline, Check your character sheet
While Inquisitorius would be a good title, if we go with "Blademaster" for Games and "Keeper of the Holocron" for the Wiki, then I like "Calligrapher" for the Fiction.
Just my two credits
Kalak Ragnose
20-09-2009 10:20:36
In Egypt, a scribe was called Sesh.
Muz Ashen
23-09-2009 14:54:10
Well, I am not a fan of calligrapher... It strikes me as a wuss-sounding lighty title. Loremaster is more cool-sounding for me, and the fact that they use it in the legacy series all but cements it for me.
Tentatively, that gives us a Loremaster, a Blademaster, and a Keeper of the Holocron.
25-09-2009 22:28:36
"Keeper of the Holocron"? I wasn't under the impression that the Wiki, fictionally, was one holocron. I thought it was more of a library that includes holocrons. I like "Archivist" for T:W, or, if you want to name Wiki Staff "Archivists," "Head Archivist." Something along those lines.
Not "Keeper of the Holocron". It's too long and too flamboyant.
Muz Ashen
26-09-2009 10:56:04
Can we come up with a title that doesn't sound like a lightie post? Archivist sounds like a weenie title, IMO. Maybe just 'Kepper'? That'd probably get confused with the Tarentum stuff, though. :/
26-09-2009 15:58:26
Steward for the Keeper of the Holocron? It would be like someone who looks after and maintains all that knowledge. I know it sounds knightly and maybe even light sidey but I think it could work.
26-09-2009 16:02:52
I suppose just "Keeper" could simply be shorthand for Keeper [of the Archives] (full of Holocrons) and leave individuals to look at it whichever way they preferred, be it as Archives or Holocron(s).
While I like the full Keeper of the Holocron, in terms of single word titles I quite like Chronicler. The nutty Sith-obsessed Atris from KOTOR2 was one. Could perhaps lead to thinking of the Wiki as kind of "the Chronicle" [of DB history], which would involve miscellaneous tomes, holocrons, parchments, etc.
Draco Maligo
26-09-2009 18:48:24
How about some Latin? Consilium Patronus. It means protector of wisdom.
26-09-2009 22:00:11
Yes, I think "Keeper" would get confused with Tarentum's Keepers.
Chronicler has a nice ring to it, though I still like Archivist, even if it sounds "weenie".
I think we should stay away from Latin, especially incorrect Latin.
Muz Ashen
27-09-2009 02:21:00
Latin titles suck.
27-09-2009 04:40:53
Hmm... foreign languages... I agree in hating Latin. That probably comes from having never liked studying it... but if you wanted to go
real geeky, there's always Sithese.
Saarai-kaar means Keeper of Truth... so would sort of be a metaphor for "Keeper of the Holocron".
Of course, the thing with saarai-kaar is it's an
actual title from the Jensaarai. Though, to make up another word, taral-kaar would mean Guardian of Truth instead.
Muz Ashen
03-10-2009 11:19:04
Xanos, once again, you've stunned us all with your uber-nerdery. That's why we love you.
What do you guys think about sithese titles?
03-10-2009 18:42:48
Sithese would be cool, but on the topc of wussie titles, "Keeper of the Holocron" sounds nothing like a dark/brutal thing to be feared.
But who said we needed something dark and evil? I mean, evil is a point of view. And if we have something completely evil, wouldn't that just mean we are what the light Jedi tell us to be?
And Blademaster? I personally think that is the most overused gaming title ever.