Bug Reports On Site Updates

Orv Dessrx

11-12-2008 22:41:17

A few new things are launching tonight. As with any new/updated features, there may be bugs and any constructive (and as detailed as possible) information relating to those bugs will speed up the resolution.

Please keep this thread devoid of suggestions/criticisms/thoughts/spam/etc. Use this post to do that. We want to make sure we have a nice place to keep track of bugs. Thanks in advance.

Please post any bugs here with the following information:

1) What is the URL the bug occurred on?

2) What does the bug do or appear to do?

3) What action was taken to trigger the bug?

4) What browser and version are you using?

5) Is it easily reproducible?

Where you should be on the lookout for bugs:

Character Sheets Creation
The long awaited character sheets are going live tonight. There will inevitably be bugs here as there's a lot of new functionality.

Character Sheets Approval
Like the sheet generation, approvals may have bugs.

Character Sheets Viewing
That's right. The display of the new character sheets is another place to keep your eyes peeled for oddities.

Auto Complete Name/Pin Search Box
The Name and Pin boxes at the top right of the DJB site have been collapsed into a single box. Auto-completion should be quicker and more reliable. This is a fairly minor change in appearance, but a lot on the backend was altered. Be on the lookout for oddities.

New Order-Specific Robes
There are some new robes that can be selected for DJK+. Be on the lookout for issues with that.

New Order-Specific Sabers
There are some sabers that can be selected for DJK+. Be on the lookout for issues with that.


12-12-2008 01:44:59

1: http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...itCategoryID=17

2: I can't view Discipline pictures.

3: Clicking on the name of said Discipline.

4: Firefox.

5:. Yeh.


12-12-2008 01:56:18

1: http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...dnPage=overview

2: My Sith Powers are under First Rite.

3: Going to the Overview tab.

4: Firefox.

5: Yeh.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 01:56:35


1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...onstruction.asp

2) Selecting new sabers fail to save to the database.

3) Selecting the new sabers.

4) Any

5) Indeed...with all three Krath sabers.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 02:18:23

In Stasis

1: http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...itCategoryID=17

2: I can't view Discipline pictures.

3: Clicking on the name of said Discipline.

4: Firefox.

5:. Yeh.

Currently there are no pictures for disciplines. Muz or Shikyo may add some in the near future. Consider this bug closed for now.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 02:32:39


1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...-EditTraits.asp

2) Clan is always listed as Rogue

3) ...

4) All browsers

5) Always happens

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 02:42:57

NON ISSUE - Species can be added via a DJB administration tool

1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...-EditTraits.asp

2) Species selection is limited to a drop-down box...need a way to enter a species that isn't listed.

3) Current behavior

4) Any browser

6) n/a

EDIT: I've added the following species:

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 03:00:33

1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-re...inistration.asp

2) The descriptions for the three Assassin and 3 Centurion disciplines are switched. Clicking on one of the Assassin disciplines brings up details about Centurions and vice versa

3) Looking at my character sheet waiting to be approved

4) Firefox 3.whatever

5) I dunno

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 03:41:18


1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-re...inistration.asp

2) The descriptions for the three Assassin and 3 Centurion disciplines are switched. Clicking on one of the Assassin disciplines brings up details about Centurions and vice versa

3) Looking at my character sheet waiting to be approved

4) Firefox 3.whatever

5) I dunno

Thanks for reporting!

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 03:49:52

1) Dossier pages for sure, most likely editing CS and CS admin pages as well

2) I'm not sure how many pages this affects, but when clicking on a trait that has attribute requirements it always has the red "Prerequisites for this power are not met." These still function properly, it just doesn't remove that prerequisite line.
3) Checking out trait descriptions
4) FF 3.0
5) Every CS I've looked at.

EDIT: Okay, I guess it's not just traits that have an attribute requirement. Going through the various hand-to-hand/saber traits on my CS reveals that the prerequisite warning shows up at random, sometimes checking off attributes and not required skills, sometimes the other way around, and sometimes not checking anything :P

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 04:00:59

Random "bug"

Traits such as attributes and fighting skills, when clicked, say Prerequisite, but don't actually have any. Might want to baleet that from those traits or something... I dunno :P


12-12-2008 04:19:38

1.) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dossier.asp?id=8303

2.) The "Scholar" lightsaber does not show up on my dossier.

3.) I chose the "Scholar" lightsaber from the lightsaber construction tool.

4.) Flock 2.0 (Same as Firefox 3)

5.) I guess so.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 04:40:07


1.) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dossier.asp?id=8303

2.) The "Scholar" lightsaber does not show up on my dossier.

3.) I chose the "Scholar" lightsaber from the lightsaber construction tool.

4.) Flock 2.0 (Same as Firefox 3)

5.) I guess so.



12-12-2008 05:28:32

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...-EditTraits.asp

2) In spite of assigning points to Master Imperator and having enough points to do so, it does not save those.

3) I added points to Master Imperator and clicked "Save Traits"

4) Firefox 3

5) Yes, I tried multiple times including with different point distributions.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 11:25:04

Random "bug"

Traits such as attributes and fighting skills, when clicked, say Prerequisite, but don't actually have any. Might want to baleet that from those traits or something... I dunno :P

FIXED. Good find! Another one down :D


12-12-2008 11:34:31

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...dnPage=overview

2) Small lightsaber form icons (Makashi, Dun Moch, Trakata in my case) offset is incorrect. Makashi is off by a little, Dun Moch is displaying half of one icon and half of another, Trakata is correct (probably only because it's the last icon in the file).

3) Chose multiple lightsaber forms. Saved. Overview page appears incorrect.

4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
Also appears in IE 7.0.5730.11, can test in Opera when I get home, but I suspect it'll be there as well

5) Yes. Page refresh and cache clear do not help.



12-12-2008 11:52:34

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...dnPage=overview

2) Overview page Dagger/VibroShiv can't wrap and is being forced below the icon unlike other fighting style icons. This does not affect other "long named" fighting styles. There may not be enough "room" for the fighting styles where they are now?

3) Chose Dagger/VibroShiv as fighting style. Saved. Overview page is slightly off here.

4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
Tested in IE, seems to have worse behaviour. Now the (x/5) is being pushed behind the next icon.

5) Yes

Bug (in FF)
Bug (in IE)

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 12:11:51


1) Dossier pages for sure, most likely editing CS and CS admin pages as well

2) I'm not sure how many pages this affects, but when clicking on a trait that has attribute requirements it always has the red "Prerequisites for this power are not met." These still function properly, it just doesn't remove that prerequisite line.
3) Checking out trait descriptions
4) FF 3.0
5) Every CS I've looked at.

EDIT: Okay, I guess it's not just traits that have an attribute requirement. Going through the various hand-to-hand/saber traits on my CS reveals that the prerequisite warning shows up at random, sometimes checking off attributes and not required skills, sometimes the other way around, and sometimes not checking anything :P

This one was a bit of a pain to fix. Good find.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 12:32:13


1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...dnPage=overview

2) Small lightsaber form icons (Makashi, Dun Moch, Trakata in my case) offset is incorrect. Makashi is off by a little, Dun Moch is displaying half of one icon and half of another, Trakata is correct (probably only because it's the last icon in the file).

3) Chose multiple lightsaber forms. Saved. Overview page appears incorrect.

4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
Also appears in IE 7.0.5730.11, can test in Opera when I get home, but I suspect it'll be there as well

5) Yes. Page refresh and cache clear do not help.


Good catch. Another sucky one to fix. Seems the images for each form are either 27 OR 28 pixels. :blink:


12-12-2008 12:41:37

Good catch.  Another sucky one to fix.  Seems the images for each form are either 27 OR 28 pixels.  :blink:

Hate to do this to you, but Dun Moch still seems one pixel too low compared to the other two.
Curse the off-by-one errors, eh?


12-12-2008 13:00:13

Couple more minor things:
1) Overview page again
2) Strength pop up seems to have a place for a non-existant image (unlike the other attributes which have no image or white box for image)
3) Click on "Strength". Information pop up has a blank white rectangle on the right
4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5) Yes
1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...aitCategoryID=1 (Character Information)
2) Cannot clear the text areas if information has previously been put in them
3) Put something in one of the textareas and save. Try to clear the box and save again. Page says that it saved successfully, but the previously entered text is still there
4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5) Yes

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 13:00:37


1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...dnPage=overview

2) Overview page Dagger/VibroShiv can't wrap and is being forced below the icon unlike other fighting style icons. This does not affect other "long named" fighting styles. There may not be enough "room" for the fighting styles where they are now?

3) Chose Dagger/VibroShiv as fighting style. Saved. Overview page is slightly off here.

4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
Tested in IE, seems to have worse behaviour. Now the (x/5) is being pushed behind the next icon.

5) Yes

Bug (in FF)
Bug (in IE)

Yeah....I started to [Expletive Deleted] around with the CSS then realized it'd be easier putting a space on either side of the slash :D

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 13:03:12

Hate to do this to you, but Dun Moch still seems one pixel too low compared to the other two.
Curse the off-by-one errors, eh?

w00t. FIXED again :D Thanks ;)


12-12-2008 13:13:11

w00t.  FIXED again :D  Thanks ;)

Sorry, wrong direction (link).
I feel your pain man...


12-12-2008 13:14:35

one minor bug i ran into...


I was able to train myself in different combat styles despite not having the stat requirement met.

I use Firefox, forgot the version


Andan Taldrya Marshall

12-12-2008 13:21:56

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...itCategoryID=17

2) I add 6 points to Master Imperiator and when I click save it dumps all the points back into the available pool. I have all prerequisites and if I put the points into either of the other 2 disciplines it works fine.

3) I've tried it a bunch of times with the same result.

4) FireFox 3.0.4


12-12-2008 13:22:09

1) Any page with the new CS popups
2) The popups all seem to have redundant titles - especially noticable in the attributes section. You've got, say, "Strength" in the popup title, then a h2 "Strength" right below it.
3) Click something that brings up a popup
4) N/A - text
5) N/A - text

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 13:24:09

Sorry, wrong direction (link).
I feel your pain man...

ROFLCopter. I think its fixed now. Lame.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 13:33:24


1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...aitCategoryID=1 (Character Information)
2) Cannot clear the text areas if information has previously been put in them
3) Put something in one of the textareas and save. Try to clear the box and save again. Page says that it saved successfully, but the previously entered text is still there
4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5) Yes

Benevolent...you are a bug reporting machine! w00t.


12-12-2008 13:35:26

Benevolent...you are a bug reporting machine!  w00t.

I've been on the other side of over-zealous bug reporters. Thought I might try it myself today :P


12-12-2008 13:41:54

1) Various CS admin pages - need to use more than one to reproduce
2) Maybe a bit of a wishlist item, but if you no longer meet the requirements for something that already has points, there is no warning and in some cases there is no way to remove those points
3) For example: Raise INT high enough to learn Form II. Go to the lightsaber styles and learn it to 5. Go back to the character attributes and drop your INT to 3 and save. There is no warning that you don't meet From II reqs, and if you try to remove points from it it's disabled (since you don't meet the prereqs I guess)
4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5) Yes

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 13:43:39


1) Overview page again
2) Strength pop up seems to have a place for a non-existant image (unlike the other attributes which have no image or white box for image)
3) Click on "Strength". Information pop up has a blank white rectangle on the right
4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5) Yes


Andan Taldrya Marshall

12-12-2008 13:44:13

1) Various CS admin pages - need to use more than one to reproduce
2) Maybe a bit of a wishlist item, but if you no longer meet the requirements for something that already has points, there is no warning and in some cases there is no way to remove those points
3) For example: Raise INT high enough to learn Form II. Go to the lightsaber styles and learn it to 5. Go back to the character attributes and drop your INT to 3 and save. There is no warning that you don't meet From II reqs, and if you try to remove points from it it's disabled (since you don't meet the prereqs I guess)
4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5) Yes

I have the same bug, but ben > me at reporting...so +1 for reproducibly.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 13:47:01


1) Any page with the new CS popups
2) The popups all seem to have redundant titles - especially noticable in the attributes section. You've got, say, "Strength" in the popup title, then a h2 "Strength" right below it.
3) Click something that brings up a popup
4) N/A - text
5) N/A - text

Ba-baam. Good point.


12-12-2008 14:16:43

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...dnPage=overview

2) The alignment for the Discipline area seems to be off (see here: Discipline alignment)

3) Viewing approved CS on dossier

4) Firefox 3.0.4

5) Yes, page refresh doesn't help.

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 14:53:05

1) Dossier pages for sure, most likely editing CS and CS admin pages as well

2) I'm not sure how many pages this affects, but when clicking on a trait that has attribute requirements it always has the red "Prerequisites for this power are not met." These still function properly, it just doesn't remove that prerequisite line.
3) Checking out trait descriptions
4) FF 3.0
5) Every CS I've looked at.

EDIT: Okay, I guess it's not just traits that have an attribute requirement. Going through the various hand-to-hand/saber traits on my CS reveals that the prerequisite warning shows up at random, sometimes checking off attributes and not required skills, sometimes the other way around, and sometimes not checking anything :P

Warning is fixed, but the graphics depicting an X or check mark aren't, and most of the trait requirements still have an X when they should be checked.

freshjive taldrya

12-12-2008 15:01:04

1. Not sure....
2. When trying to save edits logs me out and gives me this error:
Fatal Error: You must pass a member ID and a valid Character Sheet ID to this script
3. Trying to save
4. Safari (yes I have a Mac, join the revolution)
5. Yes, it happened multiple times

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 15:58:52

Couple more minor things:
1) Overview page again
2) Strength pop up seems to have a place for a non-existant image (unlike the other attributes which have no image or white box for image)
3) Click on "Strength". Information pop up has a blank white rectangle on the right
4) Gecko/2008102920 Firefox/3.0.4
5) Yes

1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/doss...D=84#ui-tabs-30
2) Same issue as above, but now it's effecting a lot more things. Viewing the dossier link to my new CS, I get the white rectangle instead of an image for Shock, Lightning, cloak, concealment, cure, heal... a whole of them :P
3) clicking on various traits
4)FF 3.-
5) I dunno who else has an approved sheet to check :P

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 16:01:10

Also - I know it's being discussed and you're probably aware of it, but to stop more people from pointing it out:

The requirements for lightsaber forms do not match up with the lightsaber guide Muz created some time ago. Basically anything that involved a STAT + STAT > # formula has been changed to just a single stat making it difficult for some people to keep the same attributes/saber skills as they had previously.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 16:54:38

FIXED. I believe I have fixed all the images and the white box problem is gone.

1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/doss...D=84#ui-tabs-30
2) Same issue as above, but now it's effecting a lot more things. Viewing the dossier link to my new CS, I get the white rectangle instead of an image for Shock, Lightning, cloak, concealment, cure, heal... a whole of them :P
3) clicking on various traits
4)FF 3.-
5) I dunno who else has an approved sheet to check :P

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 17:00:50

1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-re...acterSheetID=25
2) When re-editing an existing sheet, it refreshes the page, but spouts off a bunch of bolded text at the top:
New Character Sheet Created, but the following issues were encountered:
The traits in the Krath Disciplines Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Krath Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Sith Disciplines Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Sith Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Arcona Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Naga Force Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Plagueis Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Scholae Palatinae Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Tarentum Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.

I'm not sure it's necessary to show that, as most people shouldn't have those traits/powers anyways.
3) Editing CS from an archived sheet
4) FF 3.
5) Every time I've edited an old sheet

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 17:08:44

1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...aitCategoryID=4 and http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...itCategoryID=16
2) Again with the prerequisite warnings... this time just when filling out the sheet. Everything is still addable, but it says the requirements aren't met in red and shows X instead of check
3) Editing CS
4) FF 3.
5) not sure


12-12-2008 17:17:53

1. Adjusting your Attributes after assigning Hand to Hand styles does not remove points from styles you no longer qualify for.
2. On the "Overview" page, Dark Lore (Krath Power) is missing it's icon.

Shikyo Keibatsu

12-12-2008 17:57:57

1.) Unable to choose a lightsaber form other than Shii-Cho. I think this one is just me. :-P.


12-12-2008 18:21:31

URL: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...aitCategoryID=4

Bug: if you remove the attributes required for an skill, you won't be able to remove the points allocated there, and the system doesn't remove them automatically.

Browser: FF3.0.4

Reproducible: yes, even after saving changes to skills


12-12-2008 22:03:36

Not really bugs:

On the Instructions page (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...ge=instructions), it says:

Welcome to the Dark Jedi Brothrhood Character Sheet Editor!
You might want to make that "Brotherhood".

In the next paragraph:

and submitting it for review by the Combat Master
Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be "before the Combat Master"? I'm not sure about that one, though.

And then a bug:

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...ge=instructions

2. Gives me unlimited powah. It allows me to edit a character sheet as though I were Jac.

3. I changed the hdnCharacterSheetID GET variable in the URL. Not really "hidden," huh? :)

4. Firefox 3

5. Yes.


12-12-2008 22:06:30

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...-EditTraits.asp

2. Spent Discipline points in Master Imperator dumps back to pool after you save.

3. Happens after every save attempt.

4. Internet Explorer.

5. Yes, I've tried different point setups and when I save every point spent in Master Imperator is dumped back into pool.

Jac Cotelin

12-12-2008 22:12:23

FIXED. Jac is awesome.

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...itCategoryID=17

2) I add 6 points to Master Imperiator and when I click save it dumps all the points back into the available pool.  I have all prerequisites and if I put the points into either of the other 2 disciplines it works fine.

3) I've tried it a bunch of times with the same result.

4) FireFox 3.0.4

Jac Cotelin

12-12-2008 22:29:07


1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...-EditTraits.asp

2. Spent Discipline points in Master Imperator dumps back to pool after you save.

3. Happens after every save attempt.

4. Internet Explorer.

5. Yes, I've tried different point setups and when I save every point spent in Master Imperator is dumped back into pool.

Jac Cotelin

12-12-2008 22:31:50

FIXED. Good catch you sneaky, sneaky guy!

Not really bugs:

On the Instructions page (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...ge=instructions), it says:
You might want to make that "Brotherhood".

In the next paragraph:
Wouldn't it make more sense for it to be "before the Combat Master"?  I'm not sure about that one, though.

And then a bug:

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...ge=instructions

2. Gives me unlimited powah.  It allows me to edit a character sheet as though I were Jac.

3. I changed the hdnCharacterSheetID GET variable in the URL.  Not really "hidden," huh? :)

4. Firefox 3

5. Yes.

Aidan Kincaid

12-12-2008 22:47:49

Also not a "bug", but the new CS displays don't have the ACC win/loss/rank info. It shows up on the editing page at the top, but not the actual CS itself where other people can view it. Not sure if that's intentional or not.


12-12-2008 23:19:25

Don't forget the grandfathered custom species like my Karanans. Hell I even got off my butt and made a wiki entry for them a while back.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 23:41:09

Also - I know it's being discussed and you're probably aware of it, but to stop more people from pointing it out:

The requirements for lightsaber forms do not match up with the lightsaber guide Muz created some time ago. Basically anything that involved a STAT + STAT > # formula has been changed to just a single stat making it difficult for some people to keep the same attributes/saber skills as they had previously.

I was able to get this functioning on the dev site. We are testing it before bringing it over.

Orv Dessrx

12-12-2008 23:44:00

FIXED. Added Keraci, Shaevalian, Valheru and Karanan.

Don't forget the grandfathered custom species like my Karanans.  Hell I even got off my butt and made a wiki entry for them a while back.

Orv Dessrx

13-12-2008 00:08:53

FIXED. Good call. Added.

Also not a "bug", but the new CS displays don't have the ACC win/loss/rank info. It shows up on the editing page at the top, but not the actual CS itself where other people can view it. Not sure if that's intentional or not.

Orv Dessrx

13-12-2008 01:19:55


1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-re...acterSheetID=25
2) When re-editing an existing sheet, it refreshes the page, but spouts off a bunch of bolded text at the top:
New Character Sheet Created, but the following issues were encountered:
The traits in the Krath Disciplines Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Krath Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Sith Disciplines Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Sith Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Arcona Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Naga Force Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Plagueis Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Scholae Palatinae Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.
The traits in the Tarentum Powers Category were not copied because you do not meet the prerequisites for that category.

I'm not sure it's necessary to show that, as most people shouldn't have those traits/powers anyways.
3) Editing CS from an archived sheet
4) FF 3.
5) Every time I've edited an old sheet

Jac Cotelin

13-12-2008 01:21:16

FIXED I think. It wasn't random. What was happening is that when you had just enough points in a trait or attribute (Dex = 15) it would check off the prereq as complete, but if you had more than what as needed (DEX = 16+) it didn't recognize it as complete. Fixed by changing a = to >=.

Warning is fixed, but the graphics depicting an X or check mark aren't, and most of the trait requirements still have an X when they should be checked.

Jac Cotelin

13-12-2008 01:27:39

FIXED. The sheets now check when you save to make sure none of the prerequisites to other powers or skills have been eliminated. If you change a trait that is a prerequisite for another trait, the script now checks to see if the second trait has its requirements met. If it does not, it clears out the values. This should fix the problem of people getting locked out of changing an item that they used to have access to but no longer do.

There will be no warning to this effect, so if you lower an attribute and it kills of some powers, you'll have to find it on your own.


1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...aitCategoryID=4 and http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...itCategoryID=16
2) Again with the prerequisite warnings... this time just when filling out the sheet. Everything is still addable, but it says the requirements aren't met in red and shows X instead of check
3) Editing CS
4) FF 3.
5) not sure

1. Adjusting your Attributes after assigning Hand to Hand styles does not remove points from styles you no longer qualify for.

URL: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...aitCategoryID=4

Bug: if you remove the attributes required for an skill, you won't be able to remove the points allocated there, and the system doesn't remove them automatically.

Browser: FF3.0.4

Reproducible: yes, even after saving changes to skills

Jac Cotelin

13-12-2008 01:44:23

FIXED? I think the random logout issue is fixed. If anyone encounters it again, let me know.

1. Not sure....
2. When trying to save edits logs me out and gives me this error:
Fatal Error: You must pass a member ID and a valid Character Sheet ID to this script
3. Trying to save
4. Safari (yes I have a Mac, join the revolution)
5. Yes, it happened multiple times


13-12-2008 01:59:04

Nikto appears on the species list twice.

Orv Dessrx

13-12-2008 02:09:49


Nikto appears on the species list twice.

Aidan Kincaid

13-12-2008 02:33:53

1) http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...dnPage=overview
2) Checking my CS overview on the editing page. Under the Sith Disciplines it displays Master Imperator (0/6) when I have no points in Imperator at all.
3) can't remember what that is
4) FF 3.-
5) not sure. my approved sheet didn't have access to non-obby disciplines

Orv Dessrx

13-12-2008 02:47:32

FIXED. Yeah. I got through moving all the combo stats to production and realized that Jac had overridden some of my changes on accident. You saw me re-applying them O-)

You exploded the lightsaber form editing screen http://darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/a-do...itCategoryID=16

Basically, the requirements are back to stat + stat > x, but everything is blacked out and unclickable :P

EDIT: Correction, that works (also like the green bar thing), but you undid Jac's earlier fixage of the X/checkmark issue. Just a heads up :P

EDIT: Fine. Fix problems right as I point them out. Whatever.

Also - I know it's being discussed and you're probably aware of it, but to stop more people from pointing it out:

The requirements for lightsaber forms do not match up with the lightsaber guide Muz created some time ago. Basically anything that involved a STAT + STAT > # formula has been changed to just a single stat making it difficult for some people to keep the same attributes/saber skills as they had previously.


13-12-2008 08:56:20

1: the character sheet overview page.

2: the force powers hear, talk and communicate all show up as first rite powers when you've picked them despite talk being second rite and communicate being third rite.

3: picking the powers I assume.

4: IE 7

5: It's been like this every time I checked so I would say so.


13-12-2008 09:34:35

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...cterSheetID=263

2) I was just promoted to OP today after the site came up. New CS has not updated the rank advancement

3) I made my first attempt to make my new CS

4) Firefox 3.0.4

5) If you promote other people, do the rank advancements transfer to their new CS?


13-12-2008 09:36:51

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...equestMedal.asp and http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...stPromotion.asp

2. The autocomplete box does not autocomplete.

3. I went to go recommend medals or a promotion.

4. Firefox 3

5. Yes.


13-12-2008 10:35:06

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...cterSheetID=306

2. It gives me someone else's ACC stats (win, loss, ACC rank). In this case, I got Dark Sabre's stats

3. I changed the hdnMember_ID variable in the URL

4. Firefox 3

5. Yes


13-12-2008 10:53:18

1. Any of the new Character Sheet admin pages

2. Gives me more points

3. I changed the value of the points remaining number with Firebug (see screenshots)

4. Firefox 3

5. If you have firebug

using firebug
after saving the hacked cs

Aren't I clever? :P


13-12-2008 11:44:48

Not an "bug", but the font sized used when displaying the New CS information on a person's dossier seems extremely small.

I've looked at it in IE and Firefox, and I use the default text size for both.


13-12-2008 11:58:27

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...cterSheetID=306 (Character Sheet Overview)

2. Doesn't show the "Dark Lore" (a Krath power) icon

3. Went to go look at my Character Sheet Overview

4. Firefox 3

5. Yes, if you're a Krath


13-12-2008 13:09:51

A couple of other problems with descriptions:

When you are editing your attributes and click on "Wisdom":
Wisdom is defines a character's common sense, intuition, and perception. "is defines"? "is defined by"? "defines"?

When you are editing your attributes and click on "Force Pool":
Force Pool is a measure of the total �force pool� your character has developed to access and use your Force powers.I think using entities would correct that. There are a few more of those question mark things around in the Force Power descriptions.

Sith Bloodfyre

13-12-2008 13:45:30

When doing sheet approval, looking at newly created sheets, their rank is listed as my own (Combat Master), and their win/loss record is listed as my own.


13-12-2008 13:49:13

This isn't so much a bug as something people have to be aware of within the Creation of the CS.

If you start working on your sheet and finish it and decide you want to edit your stats, STOP. Look through all your skill sets that you have chosen and find all the ones that will be adversely effected by this Stat change. and remove ALL points PRIOR to the stat change. What happens if you don't is when you change your stats, the box gets locked, with your points locked in it. You can not retreave your points. This can result in extra skills you really can not posses under your new Stat spread and prevent you from having the proper points to put into the new skill sets.

Like I said its not a bug as it is simply a function of the database viewing your stats, these boxes will be locked and you will have to again go back and reset your stats to unlock the boxes to get your points back. This can start a huge domino effect if your really editing your character sheet spontaneously right now. So take the time to remove the points from the skills sets Prior to changing your stats.

Orv Dessrx

13-12-2008 14:19:01

FIXED. Uses the new autocomplete boxes now (name and pin collapsed into a single box). Thanks for the report!

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...equestMedal.asp and http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...stPromotion.asp

2. The autocomplete box does not autocomplete.

3. I went to go recommend medals or a promotion.

4. Firefox 3

5. Yes.

Orv Dessrx

13-12-2008 14:21:52


A couple of other problems with descriptions:

When you are editing your attributes and click on "Wisdom":
"is defines"?  "is defined by"?  "defines"?

When you are editing your attributes and click on "Force Pool":
I think using entities would correct that.  There are a few more of those question mark things around in the Force Power descriptions.


13-12-2008 14:37:46

1. "[DJB ACC] Character Sheet Approved" Email

2. It sends an email to "P". Just "P". No @ or anything.

3. I just looked at to whom the email was being sent.

4. Firefox 3, Gmail

5. Yes

Aidan Kincaid

13-12-2008 15:39:47

The correction of wookie to wookiee was mentioned before, (I think referring to species list), but it's also misspelled in the descriptions of Wrruushi - the Wookiee fighting style.

Orv Dessrx

13-12-2008 16:17:13


The correction of wookie to wookiee was mentioned before, (I think referring to species list), but it's also misspelled in the descriptions of Wrruushi - the Wookiee fighting style.


14-12-2008 12:36:37

Another not bug:

On the Instructions page (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...ge=instructions), there is a table of all of the point levels. I don't think it's necessary to have all of the Equite ranks laid out like that when they are all the same (unless they won't be all the same in the future?)

Orv Dessrx

14-12-2008 13:05:48

FIXED. Yeah, this has been an issue for a while when any email was sent to an unfilled Praetor or Magistrate position, it would be sent to P:SCL@darkjedibrotherhood.com. Obviously, this is an invalid email addy...and Gmail displayed it as P. I've fixed the script to remove the ":". Thanks for the report!

1. "[DJB ACC] Character Sheet Approved" Email

2. It sends an email to "P".  Just "P".  No @ or anything.

3. I just looked at to whom the email was being sent.

4. Firefox 3, Gmail

5. Yes

Orv Dessrx

14-12-2008 13:33:54


1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...cterSheetID=306 (Character Sheet Overview)

2. Doesn't show the "Dark Lore" (a Krath power) icon

3. Went to go look at my Character Sheet Overview

4. Firefox 3

5. Yes, if you're a Krath

Orv Dessrx

14-12-2008 13:41:33

FIXED. Yeah, that text was really small. I've increased the size. Good call, Halc.

Not an "bug", but the font sized used when displaying the New CS information on a person's dossier seems extremely small. 

I've looked at it in IE and Firefox, and I use the default text size for both.

Jac Cotelin

14-12-2008 17:21:24

THAT'S A FEATURE. The old character sheets don't update when you get a promotion. You have to create a new one to get access to the new points.

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...cterSheetID=263

2) I was just promoted to OP today after the site came up.  New CS has not updated the rank advancement

3) I made my first attempt to make my new CS

4) Firefox 3.0.4

5) If you promote other people, do the rank advancements transfer to their new CS?

Jac Cotelin

14-12-2008 22:42:52

FIXED. The script will now warn you when you lost access to a trait due to a reduction in an attribute and you will no longer have any disabled traits that have points left in them.

This isn't so much a bug as something people have to be aware of within the Creation of the CS.

If you start working on your sheet and finish it and decide you want to edit your stats, STOP. Look through all your skill sets that you have chosen and find all the ones that will be adversely effected by this Stat change. and remove ALL points PRIOR to the stat change. What happens if you don't is when you change your stats, the box gets locked, with your points locked in it. You can not retreave your points. This can result in extra skills you really can not posses under your new Stat spread and prevent you from having the proper points to put into the new skill sets.

Like I said its not a bug as it is simply a function of the database viewing your stats, these boxes will be locked and you will have to again go back and reset your stats to unlock the boxes to get your points back. This can start a huge domino effect if your really editing your character sheet spontaneously right now. So take the time to remove the points from the skills sets Prior to changing your stats.


15-12-2008 09:13:36

1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...aitCategoryID=1

2. "Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'CInt'
/dbjedi/a-dossier-EditTraits.asp, line 137 "

3. Clicking Save on the edit character sheet traits gives a white page with this line of code. I thought it might just go away if you were editing something, but it has been repeating since yesterday.

4. Firefox 3.0.4

5. Everytime I edit character sheet traits and want to update

Orv Dessrx

15-12-2008 10:58:28


1. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...aitCategoryID=1

2. "Microsoft VBScript runtime  error '800a000d'
Type mismatch: 'CInt'
/dbjedi/a-dossier-EditTraits.asp, line 137 "

3. Clicking Save on the edit character sheet traits gives a white page with this line of code.  I thought it might just go away if you were editing something, but it has been repeating since yesterday.

4. Firefox 3.0.4

5. Everytime I edit character sheet traits and want to update


15-12-2008 11:38:13

On the Character Sheet Overview page, under Force Powers, the sub-heading "Immobilation" is a typo. Should be "Immobilization".

Orv Dessrx

15-12-2008 12:36:48

No.... It is a cross between immobilization and jubilation.

EDIT: Fine. fine. FIXED

On the Character Sheet Overview page, under Force Powers, the sub-heading "Immobilation" is a typo.  Should be "Immobilization".

Phoenix dTana

15-12-2008 15:52:33

Reading the distribution for disciplines, Elders should be able to apply points to all 3, but the CS will not save.
Is this because it was a mistype or is it a bug?

Jac Cotelin

15-12-2008 22:15:00

You might need to save and go back or have the CS approved as is and work from a new one. We made some adjustments after people started on their CSs and in some cases those adjustments weren't picked up by the already started ones.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Reading the distribution for disciplines, Elders should be able to apply points to all 3, but the CS will not save. 
Is this because it was a mistype or is it a bug?


16-12-2008 05:30:25

Cosmetic issue: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...ier.asp?ID=6381

Comprehension is lined up on a separate line and sticks out. Perhaps a minor extension of column width can fix this? Otherwise, there is things like Shield of the Final Way that is on two lines, but allowing it to not stick out funny.

Aidan Kincaid

16-12-2008 14:07:51

Cosmetic issue: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/...ier.asp?ID=6381

Comprehension is lined up on a separate line and sticks out.  Perhaps a minor extension of column width can fix this?  Otherwise, there is things like Shield of the Final Way that is on two lines, but allowing it to not stick out funny.

Here is Sarin's CS
A more direct link to what Prajna mentioned.

Remember if you want to link directly to one of the dossier tabs, right-click and open it in a new window (or tab) and it'll provide the full url.

Sa Ool

18-12-2008 19:39:13

1) http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/...er.asp?ID=10051

2) It looks like there is a bug that makes it say I have zero out of five for the Banalth/training form when I have three out of five in the training sbaer slot in my Old charcter sheet.

3) I was just looking at my old charcter sheet.

4) my Computer has Windos Xp.

5) and it occurs every time I look at my old Character sheet

Aidan Kincaid

18-12-2008 19:47:08

This is a forum for the new character sheets, but your training saber points don't equate to lightsaber form points. You'd have to add some into both Training Saber and Form Zero.


05-01-2009 18:07:26

When you click on items in a member dossier's History Outline section, info only appears for a split second and then disappears, instead of staying viewable as it did previously.

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/....asp#ui-tabs-19 (not a real link, but you get the idea)



Orv Dessrx

05-01-2009 22:13:54

FIXED. Thanks for the report!

When you click on items in a member dossier's History Outline section, info only appears for a split second and then disappears, instead of staying viewable as it did previously.

http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/....asp#ui-tabs-19 (not a real link, but you get the idea)

