20-03-2005 13:30:31
For those of you who have never heard of
Eve Online, it's another mmorpg. Eve has been out for going on three years now, and I think the Brotherhood could have a lot of fun playing this game.
The Backstory
EVE takes place in a cluster of stars far from mankind’s original habitat, planet Earth. How far away, and whether or not that cradle of civilization still exists, is a mystery. Humans arrived through a natural wormhole and, gazing up upon an alien sky they had never seen, were completely unable to determine where this new world was located. From the New Eden solar system, where the gate of EVE once led to the old world, humans expanded in all directions at a furious pace, exploring and colonizing rapidly.
Then, unexpectedly and seemingly unprovoked, the EVE gate collapsed in an apocalyptic catastrophe of a scale never before witnessed by the human race, ruining the New Eden system in the process. Thousands of small colonies were left in complete isolation to fend for themselves, cut off from the old world. For millennia they endured, clinging to the brink of extinction, and only a handful managed to survive.
Of those that lasted, five were to rise up and become the major empires that, between them, hold the balance of power in the world of EVE. Today, they are known as the Amarr Empire, the Gallente Federation, the Caldari State, the Minmatar Republic, and the Jovian Empire. Additionally, the world is full of several small, independent factions and states.
For more than a century, the five empires have lived together in relative peace. They’ve continually strived to maintain this peace, as each faction realizes only too well the grave consequences of a massive inter-stellar war. Recent technological breakthroughs in FTL travel, and the ensuing increase in space travelers, have shaken, but not broken, the fragile peace... at least not yet.
Ok, you have four races to choose from. The
Minmatar, and
Gallente. Each race has a bloodline.
Basically Soldier or Noble. You can customize your character's portrait as well...there are a lot of options. This is what my character looks like:
Mark's Character...Ixion
Everything in that portrait was customizable; from the angle of my eyes to the position of my head and body, even the backdrop. (if it doesnt work, check the eve site)
Skill trees. There is NO! cap on skills. Well, there sorta is but thats so far away if you ever get to it you're a God in the game. Basically, if I want to be a miner, theres nothing saying I cant command capital ships and mine with them.... Everything is real time. I'm currently training for Spaceship Command IV and it takes me 2 days, xamount of hrs, bleh minutes. You can train up in as MUCH AS YOU WANT!
Now, for the fun stuff. We'll start out with combat. Combat in Eve is pretty fun. You can make parties or what eve calls "gangs", and run missions/pvp...just like any other mmorpg. In PVP you fight eachother with your ships, pointing, clicking, etc etc. Its fun, but thats not all. The kicker in eve, is nobody runs missions
I thought it was pretty cool. The entire game is purely based around the corporation you're currently in.
Corporations play a large role. I plan on starting my own corporation for the brotherhood, which is why I'm posting this thread. You can create corporations that do anything. Mining, Protection, Mercenaries, Intel, Military, etc...its all a possibility. Its really easy to make money in this game with the right friends to play with. The entire economy is player driven, but it doesnt suck like Galaxies. (btw, the world is HUGE) With corps, you can rent offices in spacestations that your corp can use, or you can eventually run your own space stations.
Another way the corps play a big role: Alliances. You group up with other corporatins and join even greater alliances with even greater chains of command. Eve is very close knit. Everybody knows everybody.
My Goal
I would like to create a fully functional corporation that specializes in everything. I want all of our players to use Ventrilo(its voice communication, like team speak) I have a server up for Eve, and thats mainly how we're going to communicate. It makes explaining things a lot easier. First, I'd start out with a small group of players, whatever I can get. I'll show them the ropes of the game, start them off with a decent amount of cash to get them a good ship, and mine. Mining is important, because thats how your going to want to generate your cash at first. Its important people decide what they want to do within the first 10 days of playing the game, that way I can mold the corp accordingly. Eventually, I plan on creating a Navy. I've designed an order of battle to suit a beginner corp, it looks something like this:
Order of Battle
Imperia Ltd. Battlegroup: Reconcile
Capital Ships: 9
Frigates: 6+
Battlegroup Commander: AD
Executive Officer: COL
Gang 1:
Battleship 1 (Flag)
Commodore: RA
Cruiser 1
Frigate 1
Frigate 2
Frigate 3
Cruiser 2
Frigate 1
Frigate 2
Frigate 3
Gang 2:
Interceptor 1
Commodore: RA
Assault Ship 1
Assault Ship 2
Gang 3:
Interceptor 2
Commodore: RA
Assault Ship 3
Assault Ship 4
We'd need around 15 people to pull this off, JUST for the navy. The navy is going to get their financial backing from our miners. Mining can be very fun, and hella profitable. Its a possibility that miners can also serve in the navy... keep in mind, at this stage nothing is certain but I'd really like everyone to take the 14 day free trial and give this game a shot. In order to take the free trial, post your e-mail here and I can send them to you.
If you're interested in Eve Online, find me on AIM: Pontifex Marcus, or e-mail me: || IRC Nick: M`aR`k
Shen Long
23-03-2005 14:24:13
Theres a MMORPG out there already for the StarWars community why dont you come along and check it out we have a slowly growing guild and I am sure you could have the same amount of fun if not more there
Nekura Manji
23-03-2005 16:54:54
I'm pretty sure he just said that Galaxies sucks ass... meaning that he's unlikely to go and start playing it due to that message. And besides, this Eve thing looks awesome... if I had the money I'd start playing.
Vithril Isradia Kunar
25-03-2005 00:45:45
well, after waiting an hour and 15 mins for it to download, it took forever to START the install, and then, FIVE mins into the install, it crashed..... thanx but no thanx, Galaxies may have its flaws, but it loads up whenever I want to play it.
27-03-2005 05:22:25
Mark I'm willing to try this but I'm already on one mmorpg as most of you probaly know, unless it can prove to me that it is superiour I doubt I'll put in for a monthly subsription for it.....
Also for guys giving this a hard time (no names mentioned here) let them have there shot at a mmorpg, the DB as a whole needs to diversive(cann't spell) itself as even though there are SW universe based games, we need to reach out to other's and bring them in, even if it means going to other formats.
27-03-2005 10:45:55
Mark I'm willing to try this but I'm already on one mmorpg as most of you probaly know, unless it can prove to me that it is superiour I doubt I'll put in for a monthly subsription for it.....
Also for guys giving this a hard time (no names mentioned here) let them have there shot at a mmorpg, the DB as a whole needs to diversive(cann't spell) itself as even though there are SW universe based games, we need to reach out to other's and bring them in, even if it means going to other formats.
I'm all for expansion. I wish people would shut their yaps and give this game an actual shot. I've already established an in game corporation (after working my rear off at it). If people can send me eve mails in game, I can help them out and show them the ropes to eve online. It's a pretty simple, yet complicated game. The politics are out of this world. So basically, if ya'll can post your in game names I can send you the credits you'll need to get yourself a new ship (usually a frigate) and help you get out to the penirgman system to join the corp...
Its a lonely game to play by yourself. Thats why we have a ventrilo server up and running for the players to communicate with eachother. It makes it so much more interested. May I add, it's easier to talk people through things rather than type..
Bleh! People who are playing, please get in contact with me I need to know who you are!