Severon V
22-04-2008 10:06:46
Please take a moment and share your favorite Star Wars moment.
Mine is the epic duel between Obi-wan and Darth Vader. >:)
22-04-2008 20:10:53
Since you said Star Wars and not Star Wars movies, it's not my absolute favorite, but one of them is in the game KotOR 1 when on Taris and you have to help that dancer in the club get into the dance troupe? You can purposly mess up the dance and then tell her that you messed up on purpose. I almost died laughing on it
22-04-2008 23:03:12
My favorite moment is also from the Kotor series. It's more favorite moments but its when the Jedi Exile gets to fight the Jedi Masters and kill them if they become a part of the dark side.
Draco Maligo
22-04-2008 23:32:19
What made me fall in love with SW was when Vader first appeared onscreen in Episode IV.
Severon V
23-04-2008 10:13:47
Those are great moments I wonder if anyone else has any others.
25-04-2008 23:30:54
Hearing Vader's first breath in Revenge of the Sith!
Werdna Elbee
26-04-2008 03:20:05
The crushing disappointment of TPM truely kicked in about the time that Jar-Jar first said something. That's pretty memorable.
02-05-2008 21:09:55
Best Star Wars moment is definitely Vader revealing to Luke that he is his father. It's a classic, man.
29-05-2008 13:23:56
My favorite moments were first seeing Darth Vader, Han shooting first, and Vader revealing himself as Luke's father.
30-05-2008 03:58:04
Another great moment I feel deserves a special mention is the epic duel between Yoda and the Emperor. I mean in the original trilogy, sure they're powerful in the Force and all that but in Revenge of the Sith is when they truly showed how badass the Force can be. Definitely a perfect example of how immensely powerful Sith Lords and Jedi Masters should fight.
I just said this on another, very similer thread, but my opinion remains unchanged. Im gonna have to say the say the fight at the Sarlac Pit from the Return of the Jedi.