28-03-2008 22:25:05
Dobrah un newpa-wermo.
I am a newbie.
I found this wonderful place through google
and I being a fan of Star Wars and The Sith decided to join
I am a role-player and love to play games I even built my own lightsaber((Fake of course))
and practice with it every day((I love to choreograph battles)). but anyway I'm glad I found this site and since
I found that other newpa-wermos like me post here to say "Achuta dobrah newpa"
I also decided to post and say the same and for those who are wondering the language
I am speaking is Huttese language of the hutts
Severon V
01-04-2008 09:09:25
Hi. I'm an acolyte on the main site but I'm only a novice here. >:)
01-04-2008 11:03:21
Po opawi M'um m’aloo
One say Hello
I also know Jawaese
and thanks your one of the twp people who has said "Hi" to me so far
I'm so happy
01-04-2008 15:30:01
Thank you Macron!
Lovin' your sig I'm going to have to learn "Sith" soon
01-04-2008 18:48:13
Thank you for your kindness
After looking around I am pretty sure I am the only Jawa
I'm not sure if that means I'm supposed to be happy or sad?