Severon V
21-03-2008 11:09:51
Hey, here's another one of those sith polls. Enjoy! >:)
Draco Maligo
22-03-2008 10:39:37
Even though Revan didn't conquer the galaxy, I'm going with him for his power. Of course we don't know much about a lot of the other great Sith lords like Nadd, etc. And despite the success of Bane's Rule of Two, it didn't last past Sidious' death. And with Vader and Sidious gone, there was, ostensibly, no one left to pass along Sith knowledge and legacy.
Sith Bloodfyre
22-03-2008 20:30:28
None of them match up to me. Your poll fails miserably.
Aidan Kincaid
22-03-2008 20:41:19
Also, Sarin would be one of the lesser Sith when compared to past Grand Masters. That whole power growing exponentially with time thing
Ulic Qel-Drom
The only thing that could defeat him was his conscience.
06-04-2008 13:35:55
I'm gonna have to go with Palpatine on this one. He conquered the Galaxy, converted the chosen one to the Dark Side and even cheated death several times. The only things that defeated him were unexpected occurrences, e.g. Vader throwing him down the Death Star Shaft after unexpectedly turning back to the light.