Draco Maligo
19-03-2008 10:13:49
A friend of mine sent me a magazine clipping. Two guys in Wales, Barney and Daniel Jones, are starting a Church of the Jedi. Their services will include sermons on the Force, lightsaber training, and meditation techniques. They say followers of the dark side of the Force could face expulsion. I say we teach them the power of the dark side.
19-03-2008 12:57:27
Damn how nerdy can people actually be?
19-03-2008 17:17:38
Damn how nerdy can people actually be?
Trekkies. Enough said.
Macron Sadow
19-03-2008 18:52:08
Pretty nerdy... but what the hell, can't be much worse than what's already out there.
Kalak Ragnose
20-03-2008 03:41:57
Except we are not planning on getting dressed up in Jedi Robes as I heard they might do. The rules are light here and quite frankly, most people secretly like the Sith Characters on the film better anyway so I don't think they will get that many takers.