Gaming Server Update
Posted By OPM Duga Taldrya Arkarso - 2/25/2008 [1/1/1900 8:50:00 PM]
With the renewal date for the Taldryan JO Server approaching we went ahead and replaced the old server with a new one. The reason for the change is to cut down to a 10 player limit instead of 12 players and a longer service term, which turns out to be a better price. It should run the same way, but if anyone finds any issues let Shadow or myself know. Check the Gaming Servers page for the new IP Address. Thanks for your time.
Posted By DJK Raiju Kang - 2/25/2008 [9:05:00 PM]
ppl still play that game? dude, when whipping a dead horse a good sign to stop is when the flies have even decided to give up and go home.
Posted By DA Shadow Taldrya - 2/25/2008 [9:09:00 PM]
Good work thanking someone for providing the DB with a gaming server, Raiju. You're a great asset to your Clan.
As far as activity goes - Jedi Outcast and Academy are two of the most played platforms when it comes to vendettas participation-wise and activity-wise. - Proof can be found on the latest GJW's ladder page.
Posted By KPN Braecen Kaeth - 2/25/2008 [10:31:00 PM]
While everyone is thinking about it... would you - fellow members of the DB - like to see any additional Servers come online for our club? I am in the process of setting up a Republic Commando Server on my secondary computer, but I am curious to know if there is demand for anything else.
You can either reply to this thread or shoot me an e-mail:
Thank you for your time and attention.
Braecen Kaeth
Posted By DJK Raiju Kang - 2/26/2008 [7:08:00 AM]
Apparently someone doesn't know how to take a joke, or I just touched a sore spot. Maybe next time I'll throw in a sexual or gangster reference to amuse you, but whats it matter when you see that I'm a Tarenti; you and your clan will just start screaming how biased I think you are.
In the end, do I think this server is worth it? maybe for a bit longer, and I meant no offense to Duga for providing it as that kind of activity makes the DB a better place to be in. The fact he looked into something cheaper is good too, but I hope he looked into shorter contact dates too. GJWs might bring the biggest activity to the game, but so did the BSC's Summertime brawl and in case you haven't looked lately Shadow they ended up wiping JO from the event long ago. Providing servers aren't going to keep the game's activity up Shadow, nor (and I mean no offense by this) will your special competition and extra Cfs. In the end, if you want to hold off the inevitable a little long (and even give the DB a better gaming identity) I would suggest finding someone to give us custom maps and skins but im sure you've tried this already and it didn't work for some reason right?.
Anyways, sorry Duga if you took my comment as being insensitive like Shadow did. Thanks for spending your hardearned cash on this.
Posted By DJM Kir Katarn - 2/26/2008 [7:11:00 AM]
Raiju - you seem to think that hosting this server is an attempt to save JO from dying in the DB...but that isn't the case. While JO is a dated game in the regular gaming community, the DB only uses SW games, and JO is still one of the most popular SW games played, especially among those members who only like FPS's. That being so, there would be absolutely no reason for us not to continue to have a JO server - which is why Shadow responded to your comment.
While we all appreciate your snide remarks about what will and will not work for gaming - and I'm certain they are completely valid based upon your 22 days of leadership experience in this club - we try not to eliminate any sources of activity or enjoyment for our members.
Posted By DJK Raiju Kang - 2/26/2008 [7:39:00 AM]
lol Kir, this argument can go in circles; your saying that the servers are there to meet the demand of the activity, while Im saying that the servers are there to provide activity. In essence, we are both right. You're right in saying that there would be no point in providing the servers if there wasn't already ppl playing, I can't argue that. And to be fair, I hope you can acknowledge the fact that without the servers there we wouldn't have the activity we see now; not everyone can host MP games, and the disadvantage to playing a game against the host player is HUGE. That's why we ask ppl to play on the servers. So the server does provide its share in the promotion of the activity. Now my separate point is that PC gaming is on the decline - more than you guys seem acknowledge. And as a PC game, JO has been affected and has declined. So much, that my point is that without the servers ppl who can't host wouldn't play as the enjoyment to disadvantage ratio would be too ugly and therefore you wouldn't have the past activity outside the servers. Don't agree? close the servers, see how many ppl play. I'll say again, for the moment the servers are good to keep. But in the longterm you do need to look for other options for keeping JO open.
As for your last comment, I've gone through this before. Everyone has the right to your own opinion. You base your feelings towards mine on the fact that I'm new to the DB, and in a leadership role. But the fact remains, I've been in the SW and gaming community as long as you Kir and held my share of leadership roles in SW clubs. That's why I'm QUA now, due to my successful experiences in the past. Feel free to look at my personal self to find means to your arguments, I'll just do the same.
Posted By OP Hel-Pa Sklib - 2/26/2008 [9:41:00 AM]
This argument is making me, and I'm sure others, dumber.
For my own brain cells, stop?
Posted By OP Tarax Eosphoros Kor - 2/26/2008 [10:54:00 AM]
Also, Raiju...look onto other successful Houses - like Dinaari - as an example on how to succeed. Kkthx.
*touches Kir*