Well, would you look at this.
It's been damn near 6 years since I was active with the DJB, and here you guys are, still going strong.
I'm impressed.
Interesting to see what's changed, but even more intriguing is what hasn't. I even see a few names I recognize!
I doubt most of the people lurking these forums will remember me, but some might (hopefully well - I was a confused kid trying to make things fun for other confused kids!). If you do, cheers.
Anyway, I've been playing World of Warcraft pretty steadily the past few years, and life has changed a lot post-DB - I'm living in my own place now, with my girlfriend of almost 4 years. I was joking around about the DB the other night with her, and it inspired me to come here and see what was up - and WOW, what a site/setup!
So, yeah - good to see everyone's still doing their thing. Maybe I'll find an easy, low-key way to contribute again, somehow...
Much <3,
Obelisk Primarch Mage (I think that's still my rank...)
Headmaster Emeritus of the Shadow Academy
...and no longer a crazy 13-year old kid.
Heya Mage, glad to see you're back - and yes, you're still a Primarch, and it's good to see there are still SOME people who know which order is the best! I'm glad you like the new site design - mad props for that go to Jac, so if you see him around let him know you like it.
Hopefully you rejoin a clan and return to our big happy family again - or you know...umm, stab things with your lightsaber...yes, that's what I meant.
11-02-2008 22:38:23
Hopefully you rejoin a clan and return to our big happy family again - or you know...umm, stab things with your lightsaber...yes, that's what I meant.
So in this "family" of ours, are you the alcoholic dad or the uncle everyone is nervous around because of his days in Viet Nam?
Tarax Kor
12-02-2008 10:36:32
In case anyone somehow missed it, Kraval has issues.
Drichar Deis
13-02-2008 10:03:50
You dont say.....
Ha ha LOL!
20-02-2008 21:06:41
One could almost get the impression that you're posting to raise your post count....
21-02-2008 23:06:07
Really? I would've never gotten that idea...
22-02-2008 04:33:55
duh, only n00bs and 13 year old kids do that.
Corran Force
22-02-2008 12:06:00
Hey there Mage. I'm glad to see you stopped by to check up on us. We still have the same IRC channel if you ever want to stop in to chat a bit. I'm still suprised that i'm still around since it will be like 10 years for me in Nov. of being in the DJB. I don't do much gaming since I'm currently deployed and didn't bring my JA. But when I get back from R&R I'll be sure to bring it and then it'll be game on!