21-12-2007 22:17:10
Tarax Kor
22-12-2007 01:22:12
Yeldarb Vohokou
22-12-2007 01:49:01
Morgan. I've known you for...what? 6½, 7 years?
We've had our differences about how things should be done. But honestly. Seriously. Quite already, shut the [Expletive Deleted F-word] up.
Let the people who handle Gaming worry about how this club will continue with its gaming platforms. They are more in tune with what's going on in the gaming industry than you are. Do not tell them how to do their jobs.
Instead of moaning on forums, as you often do nowadays, tell people specifically what your ideas are. Don't just randomly rant about when drunk. You're making an ass out of yourself.
22-12-2007 10:14:34
22-12-2007 10:37:31
Sith Bloodfyre
22-12-2007 12:22:21