Revan Vs Emperor
04-11-2007 21:25:59
This one has been botherin me forever who do you think would win or would they both kill each other :huh:
04-11-2007 23:21:41
Revan, just for the sole reason that he wasnt old and disfigured. But seriously, Palpatine wouldnt have known anything that Revan didnt already know, or even created himself. I like Revan in this one.
Draco Maligo
05-11-2007 00:38:30
I'll say Revan too, but I don't think age and physical condition have anything to do with knowledge of and command of the Force. If anything, Palp's age would give him more experience using the Force, and an advantage.
05-11-2007 03:02:30
It would be a very close battle but I have to say that Palpatine would eventually come on top. Palpatine had the rare ability to create the wormhole-type Force Storms, which is probably why he'd be able to defeat Revan.
09-11-2007 22:12:41
It would be a very close battle but I have to say that Palpatine would eventually come on top. Palpatine had the rare ability to create the wormhole-type Force Storms, which is probably why he'd be able to defeat Revan.
i disagree i mean for all we know revancould use a super wicked force power we dont even know about cus hes been in games where you choose his powers you never find out what his true powers are
10-11-2007 14:11:42
I would say Revan. I think the thought bomb Revan uses is more deadly.
10-11-2007 18:33:53
Lord Kaan was the one with the thought bomb, altho Bane made him use it as he knew it'd kill him.
11-11-2007 14:14:05
Lord Kaan was the one with the thought bomb, altho Bane made him use it as he knew it'd kill him.
Lord Kaan activated the last known thought bomb. Bane gave the bomb to Kaan after he learned it from Revan's holocron.
Makurth Mandalore
16-11-2007 22:42:59
True enough. In my opinion, both are very powerful and probably have more tricks up their sleeves than Han Solo playing Sabaac. Anyway, I think that it would be more likely that they would wind up with a double KO since they are quite capable of mass anniliation.
I mean, think about it. If they both used their most powerful attack at the same time (In this case, the Force worm-hole and Thought Bomb) they would quite literally obliterate each other.
17-11-2007 02:44:39
But then again, Palpatine was diplomatically and politically strategic, while Revan was combat and offensively strategic. Revan no doubt. Palpatine was never truly in a real battle. Yes, he fought Yoda and Mace Windu, and most likely a few other people. But he wasn't in constant battle such as Revan was. Palpatine didn't have any experience, while Revan did. Revan would win.
Seth En-Saeur
17-11-2007 20:27:25
Revan would win mostly because of his brilliant tactical mind. He was quite simply the strategist. While Palpatine could manipulate people into doing as he pleased, Revan could force the situation to be one in which he had the advantage. As much as I like Palpatine, I think Revan was one of the better Sith because of his mass amount of control of the Force as well as his tactical mind. He would have more brute power than Palpatine as well as he would not strike until he had Palpatine at a disadvantage.
Revan was a fighter with no equal. Palpatine was frail, but he was also smart, he would have known he stood no chance. Palpatine would have commited suicide, by creating a powerful force storm and in doing so, would also kill Revan.
Total annialation.
24-11-2007 18:01:45
I would go with Revan. Palpatine was powerful, but Revan was just as powerful- if not moreso- while still having a combat-able body. And as to the whole thought bomb thing earlier, the thought bomb kills any who use it, and as far as I know, there aren't different strengths of thought bombs. As such, Revan would know he should die to just kill someone as- in my opinion- idiotic as Palpatine, so he would probably just stab him and be on his way. Palpatine was blinded by his greed and lust for power, and overconfident to boot. I don't think he would have been smart enough to know he couldn't take Revan.
Drichar Deis
18-01-2008 16:10:01
My moneys on Revan, Dark Side powers have been lost over time!
Force Storms are Force Storms, no matter what era.
Rigar Ulrand
05-02-2008 04:22:21
Revan Hands down
07-02-2008 07:48:32
Palpy's my favorite...
Besides, I'd win
10-02-2008 23:01:16
This one has been botherin me forever who do you think would win or would they both kill each other :huh:
Alright heres a point on the subject Revan would win because he did not fall to the darkside simply experimented with it so he knows both the light and darksides techniques, force pwers etc. and another thing Revan was kinda the first chosen one and is far older than palpatine so he would be so far advanced it would be phenominal
In this case, Palpatine would win.
Let us examine the two combatants before we get into the mechanics of the fight.
Revan was a Jedi turned Sith who was a great saberist, and decent with force powers. His strength came from his ability to learn swiftly, and master complex issues with ease. He was of an older breed however, back when the Sith Lords did not pass along their complete knowledge of the Dark Side, preferring to seek their own glory and let their apprentices try as they might to match them. This effect actually weakened the Sith Order as time went one. Revan, as an inductee to the Sith Order, would not have had full command of the Dark Side, however formidable he was.
Palpatine on the other hand was a brilliant strategist, and THE most powerful force user of all time. I know that can be argued, but how many people can you name that exerted influence over every individual in the galaxy, enhancing the strength and cohesiveness of his forces across the same expanse, as well as controlling several battles at once, holding a political entity under his control, while some were in open rebellion, all while managing to keep his own "Chosen One" apprentice from killing him, or any of the other force adepts gathered under his power. Palpatine's power was beyond measure, reaching every nook and cranny of the galaxy. He is also the last of a line of Sith Lords that had carefully cultivated their power and strength over a 1000 year period, in which the apprentice was taught all that the lord knew until the apprentice was strong enough to kill the master, and would only add to their knowledge. On top of it all, he not only had the culmination of 18,000 years of Dark Side knowledge, he had gathered all the surviving Jedi holocrons from the temple, and added them to his already great store of Jedi Knowledge.
If we compare the two, it should be apparent who the strongest force user should be. Now, in a battle to the death, where there was no agenda or person to goad (i.e. Jame's Bond villain complex), do you really think two strong force users would come to sabers? I don't. Palpatine would win in force power alone, crushing or annihilating Revan before he could even think to summon a thought bomb.
Even if it came down to sabers, Revan was a master of one or two combat styles, Palpatine was a master of nearly all. Though he preferred the quick kill, he was more than well versed in saber combat (i'm one of those who, despite a love for Mace Windu, believe that palpatine let him win so that skywalker would succumb to the dark side.)
Hands down, Palpatine would win. His deformed exterior is a trick, used to lull his enemies into a state of unpreparedness. Who would suspect the crippled old man could actually kick your ass (i.e. Yoda?)
12-02-2008 21:46:09
In this case, Palpatine would win.
Let us examine the two combatants before we get into the mechanics of the fight.
Revan was a Jedi turned Sith who was a great saberist, and decent with force powers. His strength came from his ability to learn swiftly, and master complex issues with ease. He was of an older breed however, back when the Sith Lords did not pass along their complete knowledge of the Dark Side, preferring to seek their own glory and let their apprentices try as they might to match them. This effect actually weakened the Sith Order as time went one. Revan, as an inductee to the Sith Order, would not have had full command of the Dark Side, however formidable he was.
Palpatine on the other hand was a brilliant strategist, and THE most powerful force user of all time. I know that can be argued, but how many people can you name that exerted influence over every individual in the galaxy, enhancing the strength and cohesiveness of his forces across the same expanse, as well as controlling several battles at once, holding a political entity under his control, while some were in open rebellion, all while managing to keep his own "Chosen One" apprentice from killing him, or any of the other force adepts gathered under his power. Palpatine's power was beyond measure, reaching every nook and cranny of the galaxy. He is also the last of a line of Sith Lords that had carefully cultivated their power and strength over a 1000 year period, in which the apprentice was taught all that the lord knew until the apprentice was strong enough to kill the master, and would only add to their knowledge. On top of it all, he not only had the culmination of 18,000 years of Dark Side knowledge, he had gathered all the surviving Jedi holocrons from the temple, and added them to his already great store of Jedi Knowledge.
If we compare the two, it should be apparent who the strongest force user should be. Now, in a battle to the death, where there was no agenda or person to goad (i.e. Jame's Bond villain complex), do you really think two strong force users would come to sabers? I don't. Palpatine would win in force power alone, crushing or annihilating Revan before he could even think to summon a thought bomb.
Even if it came down to sabers, Revan was a master of one or two combat styles, Palpatine was a master of nearly all. Though he preferred the quick kill, he was more than well versed in saber combat (i'm one of those who, despite a love for Mace Windu, believe that palpatine let him win so that skywalker would succumb to the dark side.)
Hands down, Palpatine would win. His deformed exterior is a trick, used to lull his enemies into a state of unpreparedness. Who would suspect the crippled old man could actually kick your ass (i.e. Yoda?)
Lright fine all that taken into consideration palpatine would win but palpatine would only be around his 90s at the return of the jedi meanwhile revan is 4000 years old no matter how much knowledge palpatine has he cannot defeat revan in the period we are talking about because of the fact that revan went to fight the true sith so if he is still alive his material body would be gone so palpatine would be fighting a living incarnation of the force not only this but because in revans era the apprentices were to train on their own would mean the full extent of all knowledge would not be known to palpatin not in the manner that is spoken of because most holocrons of the sith and things on teaching these arts were either destroyed by the jedi or were lost in the void of timenot to mention you can only be so powerful in the force in a material body creating harsh effects on the user in terms of just being old
12-02-2008 22:21:03, I'm pretty sure we're not talking about Revan all of a sudden showing up and picking a fight with Palpatine within an actual timeline. I'm pretty sure they just meant one against the other. In our imagination.
05-03-2008 21:29:39
I say that it would be Palpatine because he has the Kyber Crystals making him more powerful than most Sith.
Severon V
21-03-2008 11:07:06
I do believe that Revan would totally annhilate Palpatine for the sole reason that Palpatine's power originates from Revan. >:)