RC MP Rants
Kaine Mandaala
08-03-2005 23:20:11
There is a thread in the official LucasArts forum about this, but I figured I'd start it within the DJB as well. The next section I am going to post below is from the Lucas Forums, but I agree with everything... I think they left a whole lot of good/useful features out.
---- start Lucas Forums thread ----
- ADD the option to turn the HUD on/off (helmet / non helmet)
~ I find the removal of this option sad, the helmet HUD, made the single player game more intense and imersive, now in multiplayer it's gone, I don't know why but it disturbs me.
[HRLD's Note] I want the HUD from the SP with the other teammates' status and position.
- ADD ironsights for multiplayer.
~ Also I don't know why it was taken out. Being able to zoom to the sights with the DC17 Blaster and other weapons attachment was something good, and it's gone from mutliplayer. I want to shoot through sights as I can aim better at enemies. Please add them to mp.
[HRLD's Note] I think this pisses me off more than anything in the RC MP. I want to be able to zoom in dammit. I have far better aim that way.
- FIX/ADD the ability to be able to wear more than just one weapon.
~ You should be able to wear all the DC17 attachments, and a bonus weapon, like you did in the singleplayer. Now we have to exchange each DC17 attachemnt. Why is this so? Once you run out of ammo, you last chance is to hit the enemy with the weapon, run for another one or die. Make it so we can pickup attachemnts, without losing our previous one. So we can have all three when we picked them up. But let us spawn just with the blaster. The Trandoshan can also equip the DC17 so no problem here.
[HRLD's Note] I did think it was pretty stupid you could only have 1 weapon + your hold out blaster. This is all fine and dandy for DM or TDM... but... well more on that later.
---- end Lucas Forums thread ----
Also mentioned in the forums are the small maps, which I agree... the maps should be bigger.... but what I wanted to really touch on was the lack of true team support. Why isn't there a real tactical mode in MP? Why does it have to turn into a fragfest garbage heap?
I was really looking forward to Assault mode - which I STILL have yet to play - with warm, fuzzy thoughts of Republic Commandos moving in precision down a series of corridors to a door they have to blow up or slice while Trandoshan slavers work to sabotage their efforts. I had all these memories of Assault in UT (the original) mixed with how the SP game plays... Why can't it be that way?
Along the same lines is the thoughts of weapons - why can't there be class-based character choices ? A lofty idea, I know, but I want the Assault mode of UT/UT2K4 mixed with the class selection of SWBF/BF1942... Hell - ok - what I want is RC to be like RTCW:ET. I don't know why more people don't draw ideas from that game. It was FREE and had more "right" with it than about 80% of the games I've paid for.
Aidan Kincaid
08-03-2005 23:43:04
Umm, if you change to your pistol and then pick a weapon off the ground you'll have two good weapons. Not sure why so many people have missed that. I like to keep my regular blaster with the AA, rocket launcher or heavy repeater.
Kaine Mandaala
08-03-2005 23:57:53
Probably because it's not a very clear thing in MP. In SP it seems you are only picking up the attachment and holding on to the base gun's attachment, where in MP you're getting a whole new gun.
Now that you mention it I seem to remember having the sniper and blaster rifle at the same time. Guess I didn't realize I exchanged the pistol.
After a quick glance I don't really see that in the "manual" anywhere... meh - it's more like a loose informational pamphlet half-jammed with credits.
Aidan Kincaid
09-03-2005 00:00:59
Ya pretty much. They leave a lot to figure out for yourself. There's actually a link to an in-depth MP guide on
www.republiccommando.net you just need to sign up for an account to see it. Top thing on the news page there.
Kaine Mandaala
09-03-2005 01:00:42
09-03-2005 02:41:13
Well, as for the visor, I'd think in Multiplayer you'd *want* it to cover minimal portions of your screen. Otherwise it'd all seem convoluted. You can see more without that visor in you face (at least, I'm pretty sure you could). So I don't see how that's a bad thing, Kaine.
After reading some of the MP gripes, I'm not sure if the game is worth my time or not. I'm positive, judging by everyones opinions of the game that it's a great Singleplayer experience. What I'm unsure on is the Multiplayer. The only people I've seen that say the Multiplayer is good, is Dinaari people. Now I'm not picking on anyone, but when I see places like Gamespot, IGN, Gamespy, and Penny Arcade complain about the Multiplayer it makes me wonder. So far I've seen the following..."The Multiplayer isn't all it should be, and here's why." And..."The Multiplayer RULES!"
Only 10 freakin mp maps? You can only carry 2 guns at once? You cant rocket jump?
I seriously hope I misread, or misunderstood what people were saying about this. Maybe there's 10 original MP maps, and the rest are ones that were rehashed from Singleplayer? Maybe 2 guns includes all upgrades for your main weapon? Maybe you *can* rocket jump (and effectively to gain advantage), and the people who say you can't are just newbies?
Can someone clarify this for me please? Thanks
Aidan Kincaid
09-03-2005 22:47:12
*shrugs* All I know, is that since I joined and JK was popular only a handful of people played gun matches because the JK-series was about the saber, the guns sucked. Same with JO same with JA. Now we have a Star Wars game that's all about guns, no saber no force, on a good engine... And everyone [Expletive Deleted F-word]ing complains that its not better. This is what everyones been asking for for the last 4 [Expletive Deleted F-word]ing years. Holy [Expletive Deleted] people. No game is perfect. You can't stack each game up to a predecessor or base if off your own favorite game. Games are different, its what makes them interesting.
Everyone is just complaining that its not better than it is. Theres nothing wrong with it. I find MP amazingly fun because I like Star Wars and I like guns. Combine the two and wow it's amazing. If we're gonna get more people doing stuff and into the DB then we can't just complain about every little aspect of a game.
Blade - You can only hold 2 guns in MP at any given time, and 3 different kinds of grenades with a max of 5 for each. It's like Halo 2 in that respect and everyone loves Halo 2. I'm not sure about how many MP maps there are because I haven't seen them all yet, but who cares? How many maps did you play in JK MP? All of 2? In JO we only use one. RC has more interesting maps then either of the games. I've had fun on each I've played. The rocket jump, I'm not sure Ive never tried. A direct hit rocket is basically a one hit kill so I'd think rocket jumping would be a deadly undertaking. Though even if you could... you wouldnt get much of an advantage in RC, unless you turn the game speed up. I played on one server that was at 150% speed, was fun

And ya... thats it. Like it or don't, just stop ragging on it because then you turn off people who might find they actually do enjoy it.
09-03-2005 22:52:57
I didnt have much problem with it, i usually averaged about 10 kills per game. It was alot of fun for the first time, learned how to use the trandy shotgun and the concussion rifle pretty well too.
10-03-2005 05:46:18
I'm not ragging on it, calm down dude
I was just asking questions. I don't want to waste my own money on a game that I'm not going to like. I'm sorry if my questions bother you, but I want to be absolutely positive I will enjoy the game before I go and purchase it.
If that hurts peoples feelings, or turns people away from getting it...that's not my problem. It's my money. I'll ask what questions I want
EDIT: Btw yeah I generally played 2 MP maps in JK...but that was JK. JK was special, and nothing really will ever compare to JK in my mind. But that's the only multiplayer game that I consistently played where I only played one map. In Unreal Tournament I probably played on hundreds of maps, all unique to a particular setting. The same in Quake 3. In JA when I played that beta release I only played 1 map usually, but that's because I was on an older PC and any other map besides the one I was playing on, my framerate would go to hell. I think it was a Bespin map, I don't know. It was really small.
Aidan Kincaid
10-03-2005 22:56:41
Nah I didn't mean that (like I splained on IRC) Questions are good. It's the people who do have it that are just posting more and more [Expletive Deleted] about the game. At least you're still questioning, most people would take what others say on faith. And again, I'm not referring to just you Kaine

(also kind of explained on IRC) I mean people in general, and not just DBers. Games, movies, everything gets hyped up... it's what they do. And how many times in the past has the hype matched up with what they deliver? 1/10000 times? Don't place your faith in a team of marketing experts who haven't even looked at the game. Their job is to make it sound so unbelievably great that you just have to buy it - and then you get our current situation. Everyone says RC didn't meet their expectations, games rarely do. We get what we get and instead of bashing it we should use it to the best of our ability. There are no huge problems in RC as I found in BF.
BFs lack of editibility (by the common man at least) put me and a lot of others off, and ruined its further use in the DB. It also relied heavily on AI which takes away from MP gaming. They say they need the AI there, but Allegiance is the same thing with more RTS (and its in space) its built for teams of 20vs20 and [Expletive Deleted], but if we can only field 4v4 they dont flood it with AI bots that take away from any real skill required. RC doesn't do that at all. It's nothing ground-breaking but it is Star Wars, it has Multi-Player and it's on a good gun engine.
Mike Halcyon
22-03-2005 03:32:42
Let me put it this way:
RC SP = great
RC MP (when compared to SP) = suckage
I had a very lively discussion with Kaine yesterday about how LucasArts [Expletive Deleted F-word]ed up this one. I don't want UT2K4 with Star Wars skins - what would have swayed me was if RC's MP was like SP: One teamleader, several more teammembers, all specialized in certain areas (demolitions, slicing, sniper etc.). Then include the maneuver ability from SP as well as all the little details like hand gestures and the visor.
This is just another symptomatic game for LA. They are releasing all their games for PC and console at the same time - and you can see it. While the SP is awesome and introduces a new standard to FPS', the MP hasn't been developed as toroughfully.
Long story short, Republic Commando fails where Battlefront failed as well: The multiplayer just sucks. When I'm writing "sucks" I don't mean "is the worst around" but "is unaccaptable bad for that game". Maybe one day, LucasArts will realize that the future of games is in their MP-part. EA did that already - and look how great BF1942 and BFV turned out - nothing can beat those.
Unless LucasArts stops [Expletive Deleted F-word]ing up, this won't get better. And, trust me, a patch won't change a thing.
Aidan Kincaid
22-03-2005 21:48:37
umm given the trouble we have trying to get 2v2 matches in any DB-related game, having RC stick to a strict squad-based theme for MP would have made it completely unusable. LA realized that so they made the MP more FPS style, which is really the first of its kind for SW. The JK series were all about the sabers. This is about the guns. UT2k4 is an FPS engine, why would you expect it to be any different?
This is exactly what I expected/wanted. A SW game we could use in the DB that doesn't have lightsabers and Force powers. No whiners can say "I want to play sabers" like they did for JK, JO and JA. The MP is far from sucking. For an FPS, I find it a lot of fun. And yes, I own and have played HL2 and CS: Source and Halo 2. Still prefer RC MP over all of them. And, yes, a patch will make a difference because we'll be able to rent a server for it.
Mike Halcyon
23-03-2005 02:25:49
Well, it's not what I expected after I played the MP. And, Shadow, no offense but you seem to be nice-talking it. Even if it was squad based, I'm sure they would have put in a Deathmatch mode. We have enough Star Wars shooters with guns - you can always disable them in the JK-series. Also, I'm 99%-sure that there are already a lot of total conversions for Q3 (duh) and UT2Kx.
My main complain about RC is not as good as the SP is. I can't stop plaing SP over and over but the MP is lacking on many aspects. At one point I can even get over not being able to walk about with more then two weapons at a time, I use the normal rifle most of the time anyway, but the lack of "iron sighing" with the rifle is just lacking. Come on, how hard it could be to do it in MP once you coded it for SP ?? You lose soo much accuracy without "zoming" that it's unbelivable. Lag, also, is a major issue. I tried to play with some server close by, with a ping of 65, and yet lag was an issue ...
Aidan Kincaid
23-03-2005 02:57:39
If your ping was 65 and your screen was jumping around - thats usually framrate issues, or the guy hosting has a [Expletive Deleted]astic computer.
We don't have enough SW shooters with guns. I can quote over a dozen different people saying they won't play in JK or JO guns because those games were for the saber, they played with guns in UT2kx. Well, we have UT2k4 SW guns, not just some buggy mod but a real game and everyones still [Expletive Deleted]ting all over it. My favorite part though, is that half the people bitching are the one's who were saying "RC is going to save the DB!" No wonder it didn't meet expectations. You people placed it in godlike status before it was even out. Hell, before you even played the demo.
If you aren't going to play the game, or play MP thats fine. I honestly could care less. But when you're ragging on it turns of people who would probably enjoy it for the game it is, thats just [Expletive Deleted F-word]ed up. Start your own mini-email thread to eachother and bitch about the game there. We're a SW gaming club that just insults the SW games - that sure makes sense to me.
And Khan, you can only use 2 guns in Halo 2 and everyone loves that, and RC has more grenade choices. *shrugs*
Well buddy, I haven't played Halo 2 yet. I don't have an xbox and the pc release is far far away so I can't comment on that.
As for the hopes on this game it was high yeah but for me it wasn't much the "saving the day game", no game can actualy do that imo. A good game can "help" rise our numbers ? If the thing is runned and planned ahead perhaps it could and eventualy in the number of people we could reach out thanx to RC we can even find some people interested in our whole bunch of activity, wich is the point.
The DB offer so many different kind of activities that there's in for any taste as long as you are a SW geek like we all are.
Btw, back to the topic, as I said, what bugs me is the MP being so different from the SP, that's it.
Mike Halcyon
23-03-2005 19:44:26
Shadow, you behave like RC was your own personal baby... or girlfriend - whatever fits better.
I wasn't among the people who proclaimed RC the savior of the DB. I didn't even inform myself about the game before it was out. My judgement is based on playing SP first and MP afterwards - nothing else.
And we're not going to make our nice little email chain - this message board is here to voice opinions, and I believe quite a lot of people are dissatisfied with Repulic Commando.
LucasArts [Expletive Deleted F-word]ed up, get over it.
Aidan Kincaid
23-03-2005 22:39:30
And its all we got. So stop bitching about the [Expletive Deleted F-word]ing game and either play it or don't.
23-03-2005 23:17:30
Personally i love RC MP. RC SP is awesome don't get me wrong but the MP kicks so much ass it sint funny. The CTF games are so crazy on big servers. And i have lagged once and thats cause my dad was downloading stuff on out other comp. I personally don't like squadbased games but RC SP is i just can't see anyone being able to do it with out talking. But the fps styled MP is the best i think.
And the only complaint i have is that the sensitivity only goes to 10... but thats SP and MP.
Mike Halcyon
24-03-2005 05:39:37
I'll bitch as much as I want. So here again: RC MP sucks compared to the SP and could have been better. And Lucas Arts sucks, too. We're happy they let KOTOR made by a third party.
24-03-2005 13:22:14
Im glad you just like to say how bad something sucks and put a good game down that could help us get more members for the DB. I will agree KOTOR and the RC SP is good but the MP is much better. Plus no one in the DB likes to take oreders in a game, which is what you want to do, tell people what to do. If they did do the RC MP like the SP everyone would want to be the leader, maybe some would want to be the sniper, but that means 2 guys would have the "speacial" jobs of standing infront of something and either blowing it up or opening a door. That sounds like a real fun time to me .
Have you even tried a game mode like Assault or CTF on RC? They're fun and take people cooperating and working as a team to get things done. Team work is fun in a game if you try to work with others.
But you won't take any of my suggestions cause it isnt exactly like the SP. But I have one more suggestion to offer you. Petition LA to make a version of Assault where its exactly like SP. They can call it something like Tactical Assault.
Mike Halcyon
24-03-2005 14:28:55
You know what? I'd be absolutely happy with that.
Also, have you ever played BFV? Because there, you have to work as a team, too. I agree that not in the way you'd have to in RC, but still as a team. As per your assumptions, there are always people who are camping somewhere as sniper and there are always idiots who are plane/copter-stealing. However, I've often enough experienced a game in which everybody was doing their roles - and had fun with it. Those were the best online-experiences I ever had, and nothing could beat it so far.
Kaine Mandaala
24-03-2005 23:12:15
...no one in the DB likes to take orders in a game...
... which is why I hated playing SWBF on the DB server. And it's really not about giving and taking orders in some kind of power-trip way. Some people have been playing these kinds of games for a long, long time and they want to be able to coordinate a well planned attack instead of it being a glorified free for all. And I know it seems people can get by as is without actually communicating but I think it'd be so much better if there was a way to say things w/o using the voice chat tree or typing. SP made that part simple,a nd I think using F-keys would work for MP.
Have you even tried a game mode like Assault or CTF on RC?
Yes - and let's just say I was far from impressed. RC, as a multiplayer SW-based shooter, is fine... I just wished it offered something with a little more thought than glorified FFA modes. Everyone is the same. Weapons are randomly thrown throughout the level. It becomes a matter of who can find the Wookie rocket launcher or DC-17m AA gun first. What would make a Tactical Assault version work is if there were other classes that had purpose.
Can hand out ammo packs. Can revive teammates faster. Gets more ammo for DC-17m. Can use all light and medium weapons. Has Diversonary Flash Grenades.
Slice terminals to open a door/hack a system. Any class can do it but this class does it in half the time. Can use all light/med weapons. Starts with pistol and DC-17m. Has Electrostatic Charge grenades (8 total).
Attach explosives. Any can do it - This class does it faster. Can use light/med weapons. Starts with pistol and DC-17m. Has proximity mines.
AA/Heavy Weapons
Gets more ammo for AA. Can use all heavy weapons. Starts with pistol and DC-17m AA attachment. Gets more TD's. (8 total)
Gets a shield booster or some sort of invisibility-power up type bonus that builds up over time but depletes when active (option straight from UT2K4). Gets more ammo for sniper. Can use all light weapons. Starts with pistol and DC-17m Sniper. Has Sonic Detonators.
I've played a lot of team-based/class-based FPS's and I like them a lot better than the loose pseudo team format in all the other games. When you are limited to what you can do and have to rely on others to get a task done it's a far more enjoyable experience to me. It could be what I loved about RTCW/RTCW:ET. A medic couldn't get through all the objectives alone. They needed an engineer. Engineers couldn't do it alone. They needed Soldiers, who needed Field Ops. Everyone needed the medic, but the medic needed others to help achieve the goals.