Kaine Mandaala
23-04-2007 01:38:02
According to the May issue of EGM, Bioware is working on a KOTOR MMORPG. Frankly I'd like it to just be as good as NWN 1 (but, obviously Star Wars). As crusty as that game looks now - back when it came out it was awesome. You can't beat the customization either.
I hope this rumor turns out true.
Been hoping for a KOTOR MMO for a long time.
Rigar Ulrand
23-04-2007 18:23:26
I loved KOTOR as a single player game, its gonna be awsome as an MMO
Kaine Mandaala
23-04-2007 21:06:59
I hope it comes true, though I seriously would be happy with any SW RPG with MP capabilities (aside from SWG).
Vladet Xavier
23-04-2007 21:27:51
SWG hardly qualifies as an RPG anymore ...
I hope it comes true, though I seriously would be happy with any SW RPG with MP capabilities (aside from SWG).
Hehe MP or not I will be happy see another Knights of the old Republic or SW RPG at all:)
24-04-2007 10:16:43
I just want KOTOR 3 to come out! I want revan to come back an PWN everybody! AGAIN!
Nah but for real I am hooked on KOTOR it's insane how addicted I am.
Tarax Kor
24-04-2007 12:46:41
I just want KOTOR 3 to come out! I want revan to come back an PWN everybody! AGAIN!
Nah but for real I am hooked on KOTOR it's insane how addicted I am.
The way I hear it, Obsidian is heading up the KotOR III project. And that's good, really. Their gameplay in KotOR II was awesome. I just hope they finish the storyline on time and don't have many bugs next time.
As for BioWare's MMORPG...thank god. That stuff will ROCK. I just hope they base it in an era that actually happened, or rather follows some of the books.
25-04-2007 00:30:49
An MMO based on Kotor sounds awesome, let's hope the rumors are true.
Sakh nhem
25-04-2007 13:02:34
Yeah, that would rock.
Kaine Mandaala
26-04-2007 09:05:30
02-05-2007 21:45:05
*Drools uncontrollably*
Yesssss........New Kotor Good.......MMO is a luke-warm subject with me though. I'm too poor to pay for those things .
Shinichi Endymiron K
03-05-2007 08:58:20
Wee need another good SW flying game. I remember when TIE Fighter and X-Wing came out they were awesome. Now we need one with the New Republic, the Imperial Remnent, and the Vong.
Tarax Kor
03-05-2007 12:17:15
They could use the same, or similar, engine as Tachyon: The Fringe
03-05-2007 12:56:03
but they wont, at least i doubt it
Sakh nhem
07-05-2007 07:28:25
I've heard that KOTOR 3 for the xbox will be able to read saves for KOTOR 1 + 2 and your guys from them will be in the storyline. I don't think that's true cause the guy who told me this talks utter crap at times. Has anyone else heard of this?
Adien Falaut
08-05-2007 13:29:26
I've heard that KOTOR 3 for the xbox will be able to read saves for KOTOR 1 + 2 and your guys from them will be in the storyline. I don't think that's true cause the guy who told me this talks utter crap at times. Has anyone else heard of this?
It would be nice though LOL but yeah if there's any doubt in the reliablity in a person I wouldn't put too much stock in it.
A KOTOR MMO sounds like something I would play. That's what I was originally hoped SWG was, but it turned out to be something else entirely that I never did get into.
10-05-2007 20:12:43
Just to clear this up for anyone who may be worried.
The KOTOR MMO would not be replacing KOTOR 3, Bioware is making the MMO and Obsidian is making KOTOR 3.
KOTOR 3 will continue the KOTOR storyline which is assumed to be to find the True Sith Empire and stop them, or join them.
A KOTOR MMO would be an online game set during the events of the old republic, most likely during one of the large wars between the Jedi and sith. It would likely follow the play style of KOTOR but it would not interfere with the story.
The KOTOR timeline is perfect for a true Star wars MMO complete with Jedi knights and sith warriors battling across the galaxy.
It would be what SWG should have been so while KOTOR 3 will come out for sure lets hope the rumors of a KOTOR MMO are true as well
14-05-2007 01:26:31
It would be what SWG should have been so while KOTOR 3 will come out for sure lets hope the rumors of a KOTOR MMO are true as well
SWG IS starting to make a comeback, they brought these things back sorta:
Skill Points
Harder NPCs
Doctor Buffs
But i do hope for a KOTOR MMO dont get me wrong, and i hope for a SWG rollback
SWG IS starting to make a comeback, they brought these things back sorta:
Skill Points
Harder NPCs
Doctor Buffs
But i do hope for a KOTOR MMO dont get me wrong, and i hope for a SWG rollback
I have played SWG since the day it launched and seen things and content come and go but I don't share your optimistic appraisal of the SWG situation. This is neither a Flame nor an attack on anyone who likes or still plays but my own personal opinions and assessments of the game currently known as SWG.
First of all a rollback is no longer possible because SOE wiped all of the pre-NGE data from the servers. On a side note the player base has fallen to about half what it once was.
Yes they have brought some small things back such as.
Camps which are the exact same as before with some added tweaks.
An extremely limited skill variation system that is nothing but a cheap attempt to bring back some skill base.
Harder NPCs? If you’re referring to ridiculously overpowered NPC tweak with the next patch that is not something being brought back as pre-nge I didn't require a full group just to go hunt some lev 90 non-elites (btw SOE said NPCS were way to powerful and will be weakened)
They have not brought back doctor buffs, only returned a few of the buffs medic had during the CU.
As a former MCH and BE I did take great interest in the new beast mastery system only to find it so ridiculously monotonous and complicated it was sickening, Just to meet the basic requirement to Engineer a decent creature you need the services of a master of every crafting profession in game along with a massive amount of high quality resources.
This new “expertise” is going to end up only viable to those with multiple accounts and the very rich who will hold monopoly on pet eggs and dictate any price they want from those unable to work the system on there own.
SWG post-NGE with its 9 classes, hundreds of Jedi, lack of any challenge, and poor combat has become a mockery of the fun and diverse game it once was and will continue to die a slow death that will last until SOE runs out of new players they can rope in with cool looking trailers and false/half filled promises. I only play now in memory of the 2 years I spent in pursuit of becoming a Jedi and I have given up on the naive hope that SOE will fix what they have done because no matter how many tweaked systems they return SWG will never become the great game it once was.
I place all my star wars MMO hopes now in the possible future of a KOTOR based timeline where there will be no arguments over Jedi and sith and we can play following the core of star wars, The Force
Now that's over lets get back to the topic at hand of a KOTOR MMO.
28-05-2007 22:58:44
I will only say this, If a Kotor online does come out I will be quitting SWG after 3 1/2 years of game play.
SWG needs to return to its Golden Age of Pre-NGE and as a HUGE KOTOR fan I would live in there.
Severon V
21-03-2008 11:16:20
I really just want KOTOR III to come out. >:)