DJB Gaming Questions


22-01-2007 14:53:06

he guys im new here and im also part of another clan called igf (imperial ground forces) and id like say something i was thinking of doing a clan fight against you guys whit igf only you have to be part of the bsc you know (battle stats report) just type in battle stats report ore bsc in google and it wil show up anyway if this clan cant come then mabye one of the other clans (your allies ) can come id love to fight an rebel clan for fun this is just a sugestion so just type in wat you think of it o and this is not spam ok and great clan you guys have very nice the only thing that bothers me is the long test of lore you gotta do thats so lame

Sephiroth Kali

22-01-2007 17:33:04

I would suggest contacting the ICTE tribune.

Kaine Mandaala

22-01-2007 21:03:54

the only thing that bothers me is the long test of lore you gotta do thats so lame

Because we are not a gaming clan - we are a fully involved Star Wars fan club. We have fiction writing activities and encourage an RPG element. You need to take the Test of Lore simply because it demands a level of commitment to our vision.


23-01-2007 03:51:32

not a gaming clan.....ummm, you listed just two forms of writing, this "Club" **DOES** do more gaming.


23-01-2007 05:03:05

i think he meant not just a gaming clan. IGF example is only gaming. So yeah :)

Sephiroth Kali

24-01-2007 12:19:42



30-03-2007 19:25:27

Because of the recent invasion of spam from unregistered users, I've changed the Guest level of Forum Membership to "Read Only" meaning they cannot post anything anywhere. Even PM's are off limits.

What this means for you:
If you're having a problem with your account, you'll need to contact me directly instead of trying to use the Tech Support forum. I know this may be inconvenient for some but you can thank the anonymous spammers.

Ok will do but i have a question. What games does DJB play? Do they just play SWBF2?


30-03-2007 23:01:54

Pretty much any JK game (Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, etc), both BF's, and flight sims. Any SW game pretty much

Kaine Mandaala

31-03-2007 01:10:49

Moved from a thread where all this was irrelevant to the original post.


31-03-2007 09:17:51

oh ok thanks.