And now it's looking like there may be a problem with this, where there wasn't beforehand.
For those who don't know me, hi. I'm Kant Lavar. I started this whole thing in the TIE Corps under the name Jakar Streng, and after a couple years, created a character in the Bounty Hunter's Guild under the name Kant Lavar. As time went on, I retired from the TIE Corps, with Kant Lavar becoming my main character in the EH. I had a couple other guys off and on in varying other SGs (the Senate, the Hammer's Fist, and the Intelligence Directorate), but none of them really lasted. After a while, I decided to make Kant a little bit of a munchkin (and/or a bit of Gary Stu, I'll admit) and have him be in the Dark Brotherhood as well. I joined the Krath (since at that point I had none of the games required for the other orders) and had a good time of things in Clan Naga Sadow, eventually hitting DJK.
I had to go on an extended leave of absence and came back just in time for the DJB's split from the EH. I ended up staying in the EHDB, mostly so I could continue to have a character in the BHG as the same guy. (Not that anyone in the BHG would have cared, in all actuality, but whatever.) After a while doing that, with the same Kant Lavar being in both the EHDB and the BHG, I had to go an exetended LOA again, this time while I was in training for my current job with the US Army.
So then after nine months, I manage to get my hands on my own computer and an internet connection, and one of the first things I do is I go to reactivate my BHG membership. I also reactivate myself in the EHDB, but once I find out the BHG has left the EH (to insultingly little fanfare on the EH side of things, I would add), I let the EHDB side of things drop, come up with a vague reason why, and go back to sitting around in the BHG alone.
Last week, after a fairly decent discussion in my Kabal mailing list (Kabals are roughly equivalent to Clans, for the uninitiated) about how the non-EH DJB is sucking people's time away from the BHG (which is somewhat quiescent of late), how the orders are now more for RP purposes and, yes, I could join the Obbies which I'd thought Kant would have been more suited for in the first place, so I did. And now here I am. After finding the Wiki, I went and started working on the DJB Wiki entry for Lavar, and started working on one for his primary ship, the
this happened.
Now, don't get me wrong, I can understand people's first reactions about this. Some random guy shows up and automatically has at least one multi-million credit ship? I'd be a little suspicious myself. But in the BHG, multi-million credit ships are not only not uncommon, they're practically the norm, especially for people who have been around for over 6 years. (Wow. I had to make sure I saw that right on
my BHG roster entry. Anyhoo...) The reason for it is, when they were looking at the old SSL, the BHG Commission realized that even very new members, with very little effort could create ships that could outfly the
Millenium Falcon and blow up a Star Destroyer singlehanded. This was considered a problem, and short of reworking the value of a credit in the BHG and therefore screwing up everyone's rank until they got that fixed, they decided to do the much easier thing - make a ship much much more expensive to build.
So, anyway, my question boils down to this: Am I being totally unreasonable here? During my first tenure in the DB, nobody had a problem with my character actively being a bounty hunter - granted, that was while lots of people had characters in both the DB and another subgroup - and now there's problems. I'm not unwilling to make concessions and compromises, but I really wanted to have Kant Lavar regain his Force powers, have to come to grips with being at the bottom of the ladder after being, while not on top, not that far down it either, etc.
So, while I think I'm being reasonable about this, I figured since I probably have a certian bias on the matter I'd place the question at the feet of the general membership. I'm not looking to incite anything, insult anyone, or anything. I'm just asking if I'm being a total idiot by expecting to be able to bring my character from another former subgroup of the EH here, as I did when both groups fell under the EH umbrella.