Orv Dessrx
25-01-2007 23:01:06
Heya people. I've noticed a number of sub-groups haven't a site of any sort so I've set up a service over at
http://djb.borkweb.com where members (by request) will be able to set up sites that are super easy to manage (the sites are run off of WordPressMU). Initially, there are only three default themes but for those that wish it, they can create their own themes and I'll add it to the available sets.
So far, the sites can do the following:
- News
- Commenting System
- A selection of default themes
- Statistics
- Easy page and news management
- Basic user management
- Live Rosters
- Live Dossiers
As I try to poke and prod Jac and Xia Long to do a few syndication mods, I'll be able to begin constructing plugins to add roster/award functionality to the sub-sites.
Sub-Sites using the service:
Vengeance: Clan Feud
House Galeres
Lucius d'Tana - blog
FYI, the 3 themes are currently on display here:
Simple Brotherhood
Green Bolt
If anyone is interested, let me know. Otherwise...I'll use it for any of the sites I do for the DJB
Orv Dessrx
27-01-2007 00:54:24
Orv Dessrx
27-01-2007 14:38:19