21-02-2005 16:41:07
This Sunday Tournament had Clan Taldryan absolutely demolishing stuff.... nice work btw.... and scoring mucho points. Props..
While other clans.... i honestly dont know, I know CNS did not do well.... like 10 points or somethin, maybe? lol
That's besides the point...
In an effort to make the DB run smoother, the Obelisk office is going to incorporate Sunday Tournmanet Points, into an upcoming ladder.
Working closely with BF, we want to expand the list of available items, and make it a more central DB thing. Yea... thats the right word...... thing.
So what id like from the membership is:
What kind of items do *you* think should be in the sunday tournament/upcoming Obelisk tourney/and beyond?.
What are we missing? from any category... personal/weapons/ship upgrades/crazy jedi crap etc.
I think that's Jac's orders. Sorry.... but i will ask.
How much should it cost?
Also, are the prices now reasonable or should they be increased/lowered.
FInally, any comments on the system as a whole... would be greatly appreciated. I know BF loves constructive criticism =P.
If somebody says something particularly insightful to me or submits something I deem special.... I may toss somethin your way...
No go... Post!
22-02-2005 17:07:22
Personally I dislike the small based awards and artefacts on the grounds they seem too insignificant to worry about.
That said I'd really rather see more substantial awards that a Clan can itself be proud of. I mean, I don't think saying you own a few jetpacks somewhere on your Clan website is going to impress anyone. I really don't see the problem with awarding more starfighters. That was the whole idea when I awarded every Clan starfighters after the last Sith War. I deliberately kept the numbers rather limited and made a huge contrast between the numbers given to first place and last place to encourage expansion in the future.
I mean if you run the numbers (and this is from memory so they're rough guesses), Clan Exar Kun has about 30 starfighters whilst Clan Tarentum has close to 70. That's a substantial difference. Especially if you note also that not only does Clan Tarentum have more fighters they're also better quality. The idea there was to provide room for every Clan to expand by making the point "not every Clan is the same size". In the past starfighters were directly linked to squadrons and a Clan had either 12, 24 or 36. That was it. Set in stone. Lame. Boring.
Right now, without any way to actually earn new fighters, it does rather leave Clan Exar Kun in the dark and Clan Tarentum way out in the lead. I always envisioned it as being an ongoing thing...
Its not as if numbers become a problem. It just requires a system that has freedom but is also restrictive enough to keep things sensible. If a Clan had 150 starfighters I'd not see it as unreasonable given the sizes of some Clan's fleets and the fictional fact that a Clan is meant to have a fleet substanial enough to defend an entire system. If we reserved 'special' ships for Vendetta Awards (basically anything TIE Advanced or bigger remaining only for Sith Wars and the like) but allowed ordinary TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors and their equivalents to be awarded I can't see where we'd go wrong really.
My views here copy over to ground based equipment too. I'd far rather see the choices of transports fleshed out a little more. Things like AT-ATs, AT-STs, AT-PTs, AT-XTs, AT-TEs and various other things along those lines. Though we don't actually see any in the original trilogy its been pointed out in a few sources now that the older AT designs we see in the Clone Wars, Episode II and Episode III would have still been in use by the time of the Battle of Endor. The AT-ST was invented before Episode III and is still in use today so by the same argument there would be no reason the AT-TE we see in Epsiode II wouldn't be modern enough to still be in use today.
Why am I going on about that? Basically because there's nothing much in the original trilogy beyond AT-ATs and AT-STs. There's quite a lot of other types of terrestrial transportation and military hardware that we could award. Not everyone is going to want walkers either so there are quite a lot of anti-grav tanks that were used by the Rebel Alliance that we could add to the prospective list.
I don't think they should be unreasonably difficult to earn either. To me an appropriate allocation would be if your Clan scores First Place one fortnight I'd say that would be sufficient justification to award a couple of new TIE Fighters or equivalent (from either ground or aerial based lists). That's hardly a lot of ships. That would mean in a whole year you'd see 52 TIE Fighters awarded, for a years work. The Sith War awarded about 300 starfighters for a months work. So it wouldn't be too unreasonable in my mind.
Anywho... just suggestions. I don't really want to get into a long debate so if anyone wants to talk about it I'd rather discuss things through email.
Sith Bloodfyre
23-02-2005 00:28:33
Starfighters aren't going to be available in the Tournament items. That was one thing Jac and I had discussed at length when I created the system, because of personal ships being purchased through credits, and bulk amounts of fighters being through the Sith Wars. Yes, no new fighters have been awarded recently. That's not a huge thing.
Tournament items also aren't meant to be phenominally huge, since that's what major comps are for. These are supposed to be decent, small-to-moderate items. Other vehicles are possible. Kaiann brought up the idea of adding in podracers, and is going to be helping create add-ons and base pods (stats) for use. Other ground vehicles and weapons are more than possible. I have always said, if anyone wants to see anything else, let your voices be heard.
23-02-2005 07:07:00
I don't exactly see the difference between a vehicle and a starfighter. If we are prepared to award an AT-AT why not a TIE Fighter? I'd argue that an AT-AT is a lot more valuable than a TIE Fighter, as they're built to last, a TIE Fighter is built to be cannon fodder.
Sith Bloodfyre
23-02-2005 11:12:37
Why not award a TIE? Simply because we have other ways planned for rewarding them, and you can't always get everything in the same manners. Yes, there's more behind it, but I don't see the need to divulge all of my intentions and plans for the future now. Suffice it to say, I do understand where you're coming from, but fighters won't be getting added to the Tournament unless you make many, many petitions to Jac, and he changes that.
23-02-2005 15:03:10
and now that *thats* all straightened out....
come on people!!! I made this a thread so that *you* can get *your* ideas into the Sunday Tourney.... all ive heard so far is "add some more vehicles" fine.... we'll work on that. I'm also gonna talk to BF about points and such later..
but come on, what *else* do you want to work for? The Obelisk are going to be incorporating the points system into their upcoming comp, so if you want the chance to win cool stuff, then tell me/BF/Korr what u want!
LoL, Raist