Ylith Pandemonium
13-12-2006 08:14:09
personally for me at work...
because there is nothing to do than stare at a screen all day, with no DB stuff I can do...
so what about you guys?
Werdna Elbee
13-12-2006 15:05:42
I feel the most boredom when I'm on IRC. Why do I carry on checking it when no one talks for hours???
Adien Falaut
13-12-2006 19:48:42
hmmmmmmmmmmm, boredom right now at this moment I feel that pretty much anywhere I go since I can't play any of my games online, but yeah I'd have to agree with Ylith it's even worse at work.
Makurth Mandalore
13-12-2006 19:52:36
Hmm, yeah, I guess work does count. Can't even get online unless I have break or something, and even then it's hard to do since the internet is down most of the time.
If your bored at your girlfriends house than she must be getting not bored somewhere else while your at work >_<