Anakin or Darth Vader
11-10-2006 07:39:01
hey all i just want to know which one you all like
I like Anakin more he looks cool
11-10-2006 11:22:06
Anakin was only the beginning...
Lord Vader is the greatest... almost.
Baron Zarco
11-10-2006 11:54:30
I used to idolize Darth vader back in the day (70s-80s-90s) then I found out about Anakin. Anakin disgusts me. Knowing the backstory on Anakin has made me ashamed I liked Vader.
12-10-2006 03:03:07
Ok but you have to mit he looks cool on the Mustifar system
Well then i guess we need more replyes
But no one is going to reply are they
People come on and talk
[EDIT] Merged your 4 posts. Don't do that ever again. -- KM
19-10-2006 08:37:15
Anakin was weak, mentally. He had no true sense of identity. As for Anakin looking cool on Mustafar, remember that by that point he had already been named Darth Vader. Vader himself (as we know him from the original trilogy) is still, in my mind, the greatest movie villain ever. I will admit that his evil seems somewhat diluted by his backstory now but remember that when indoctrined into the Sith, a member severs all ties to his previous existence so, yeah, I still prefer Vader.
Adien Falaut
19-10-2006 18:21:53
My votes with Vader...
Xayun Erinos
20-10-2006 03:45:10
Vader all the way.....first time we hear him speak he's ruining some Rebel's [Expletive Deleted]. First time we hear Anakin speak he's getting all doe-eyed over Padme. I'll take badass Sith, thanks.
20-10-2006 15:49:11
I vote vader. He looks cooler, and dont forget he was one of the most powerful sith lords a far a force powers go...
I'd have to go with the majority here. I mean, Potential is ok, and sure, he had the coolest outfit of the Jedi, but Darth had the best lines in the whole of the series!! Plus, he seemed to actually have the Courage of his Convictions once he took the leap to Darth. Easier to get behind a villian who's decidedly a villian, y'know??
**edit: Oh, I will however give points to Ani for being so damned smooth with the 'saber work. He was killin' 'em softly on Mustafar, mayne!
Adien Falaut
23-10-2006 14:00:01
Ya I did like the work they put into making the saber play look cool...
Laigerick Sithelhood
19-12-2006 19:23:41
personally, I like Anakin better, because he was more powerful. I don't like a Sith that has to have a suit to basically live... ya'know what I meanz?
23-12-2006 18:18:27
Darth Vader!!!
He's by far one of the coolest villians of all time! It's that chilling breathing noise that really gets me liking Mr. Vader.
Anakin is well... Anakin. The Mustafar duel was good, but Anakin overestimated his power, and henceforth, got owned.
27-12-2006 14:53:10
Vader all the way
Even though Vader had to rely on a suit to live, it was uber pwning scary black armor. His breathing sounds are chilling as well, makes you think he's unhuman. Don't forget he's so talented he can kill people by making a cupping motion with one hand
30-12-2006 21:40:36
Darth Vader definitely wins this one, as far as I'm concerned. He knows what it's like to lose, he's weaker than he should have been-- he has stuff on his shoulders, he's not just a spoiled brat that always gets his way. Anakin was pathetic really, didn't know anything about himself... Vader owns Anakin.
Droveth Kathera Vectivi
31-12-2006 19:25:10
You all have to go back to what Zarco said... On Mustafar, Anakin was ALREADY Vader...He dawned that name right after he cut off Windu's arms. So, The only real Anakin you see is a little, short brat going goggle-eyed for a princess. Teenage Anakin was a flip-flopper, so you can't really count that. Vader all the way.
22-01-2007 13:58:19
well, when you say vader, i see the vader from the original movies. not anakin after being sworn in as vader. but my vote still goes to vader. he wasnt really weaker because of the suit, in fact, his suit has sith chemicals in it that make him even harder to kill. and just because in the newer movies it shows better fighting scenes, doesnt mean that anakin is a better fighter than vader. seeing as vader is just anakin later in life, he still knows how to fight like that, just the older movies didnt have such good fight choreographers.
Ani was as queerish as Luke would become.
Vader is [Expletive Deleted F-word]ing iconic
07-03-2007 14:13:51
Anakin. I enjoy the years before Lord Vader.
Xayun Erinos
13-03-2007 05:34:09
Vader. Anakin was just all 'Ok, so, he may have killed a whole lot of people, but look, he was a nice when he was kid!' Utter bull[Expletive Deleted].
Sakh nhem
15-03-2007 12:54:39
well, when you say vader, i see the vader from the original movies. not anakin after being sworn in as vader. but my vote still goes to vader. he wasnt really weaker because of the suit, in fact, his suit has sith chemicals in it that make him even harder to kill. and just because in the newer movies it shows better fighting scenes, doesnt mean that anakin is a better fighter than vader. seeing as vader is just anakin later in life, he still knows how to fight like that, just the older movies didnt have such good fight choreographers.
I totally agree with that.
15-03-2007 22:26:24
Nobody will probably agree with me, but I say Anakin. He was younger, faster, and better. If he hadn't let love get in the way, he would've pawned. Darth Vader was strong and scary, but still pretty slow
Seti I Shadim
17-03-2007 09:41:11
I voted for Darth Vader.
By this I mean the REAL Vader in the armor, Episode IV. Anakin in Episode III is a wussy. I'm sorry but on Mustafar he's on the bridge crying. Crying Sith Lords? :'( >:) Additionally, throughout RotS Anakin is a whining spoiled brat. He is put on the Jedi council, but soon he is whining"Something's happening . . . I'm not the Jedi I should be. I want more, and I know I shouldn't." He's just too lame for words. lol
I voted for Vader. While post-suit Vader is exceedingly badass, I still like pre-suit better. Before he got the suit, Vader was arguably the most powerful Force-user in existence. Lucas even said that if Vader hadn't sustained the injuries on Mustafar, he would have been twice as powerful as the Emperor, who could hold his own against Mace and Yoda.
30-03-2007 19:15:04
I totaly agree Vader is da best of all time.
30-03-2007 19:17:34
I voted for Vader. While post-suit Vader is exceedingly badass, I still like pre-suit better. Before he got the suit, Vader was arguably the most powerful Force-user in existence. Lucas even said that if Vader hadn't sustained the injuries on Mustafar, he would have been twice as powerful as the Emperor, who could hold his own against Mace and Yoda.
Yea I so totaly agree with you but the part about being a badass doesnt.
31-03-2007 17:33:24
Vader, although Anakin isn't horrible.