27-08-2006 16:15:20
Kaine Mandaala
27-08-2006 17:10:22
Ah the Master Replicas Force FX Darth Vader Episode V saber. Nice.
I was thinking of the Mace Windu one but all that gold is unappealing. If only they could fit those electronics into my own hilt design...
If nyou had a stream of money flowing from your *ss, they probably could.
22-09-2006 19:42:15
i wanted to get luke skywalker's. i dont know why, i just like his green saber alot.
Baron Zarco
25-09-2006 20:59:29
I think it is the coolest one too.
Shinichi Endymiron K
04-10-2006 17:01:50
Actually not that bad to create your own. I got a base unit from
Ultrasabers Had vinyl graphics done by a local print shop. Had 6 aluminum black blades spot welded onto the hilt. Got a few extra parts (clips, screws etc...) from
The Custom Saber Shop and basically built the saber from my
Dossier for under $300. It even has a purple polycarbonite blade so I can smack the hell out of it without breakage. Ask Muz, Shikyo or anyone who went to
Dragon Con this year. I'm now looking and designing and creating more for next year. It's addictive when you can actually build your own.
Kaine Mandaala
10-10-2006 11:18:14
OK so I went and bought the Anakin Skywalker Episode 3 saber (aka the Luke Skywalker ANH one). It's cool for the most part, but the blade looks like a sky-blue piece of PVC when lit. It gives off a lot of light, and the "scrolling" effect is neat (even if it's a tad slow) but the color needs to be a tad more refined. I think it needs to be a bit more rich (darker) blue -- more like a true blue. It also needs to be a boatload brighter so that the core is white.
I've been looking at having
Advanced Light Weaponry make my primary, but I really like the blades at
Hyperdyne. I hear Hyperdyne's just way too bloated as far as their pricing is concerned, and I don't see a violet blade there (yet) either.
I'm thinking of the one system with the colored discs (silver/white blade with about 2 dozen translucent discs to change the color). This method isn't as bright or pure a color as the dedicated color blades, but it may be the only way to get the color I want. Oh and that's at
Galactic Arms has a blade that looks purple, too.