19-08-2006 19:35:18
After reading the Death Star vs. Star Forge poll. I thought of this one... P.S. I chose the Star Forge.....
Death Star II, any day. It was bigger, more powerful, better defended. It even had it's own shield.
Both the death stars were stupid ideas that cost the Empire the war.
I choose the ship that destroyed them both.
20-08-2006 18:13:47
The Death Star was an awesome idea. The only problem was that the Empire was stupid enough to make so many ways to destroy it. Either way, the second one was slightly bigger and better defended, but then the target to blow it up was much bigger. As with the shield, the only reason the second one had one was because it was outside orbit of Endor, where the shield was being generatred from. As soon as it was finished and started traveling the galazy the shield would have come down
23-08-2006 19:08:46
If the emporor was smart he would have read his history better and made the star forge but even more powerful and created A fleet of death stars each 5 times size of the second death star then he wouldnt die and he would rule the galaxy >:)
The Emperor couldn't read the history of the Star Forge because the records weren't released to the public. Even if they were, they were probably lost when the Republic was reformed after the Battle of Ruusan. Even if he could read the records, how would he figure out how to reproduce Rakatan technology that was around 5000 years before the Republic?(For those who aren't nearly as absorbed into the history of Star Wars as me, the republic was formed about 25,000 BBY) He couldn't and wouldn't be able to track down the Rakata to do it for him, they were probably extinct and even if they weren't, they lost those secrets after they nuked each other to hell.
The only reason the second Death Star was destroyed by the rebels was because there was a gaping hole in the side of it, exposing it's weak spot. The amount of unfinished superstructure on the thing when the rebels attacked it shows that had it been completed, it would have probably been invincible to martial might or technology. It would simply be too big for a surface attack to nearly reach it's power core. Palpatine, of course, had to try to pull off one of those complete, perfect, in-your-face, permanently historic victories that never work and invite the rebels in, giving them all the plans they needed to draw them in close. He was, though it may sound confusing, one of the most brilliant idiots the Galaxy had ever known.
Oh, and to answer a very often asked question, the reason it took so much less time to build it than the one in ANH is because with the first one, they put together a big frame-model with a superlaser before building the actual thing. That would take awhile. Also, the second one was half-built.
22-09-2006 20:02:47
i would most definitly take the second one, if it was completed. if i had to take it still unfinished, i would rather have the first one. and even if the records of the star forge werent released to the public, palpatine wasnt exactly the general public. and even if he found records of the star forge, he wouldnt be able to build it. the rakata were people that were genetically linked to the force. there wasnt force sensitive and non force users. they were all force users. so one or two force users like palpatine and vader, plus all the dark jedi they had at their disposal couldnt make a new star forge, even if they had step by step instructions. and why would you want a deathstar five times the size of the original? isnt the size of a small moon big enough? that would be like the size of a large planet. then what would you destroy with it? i mean, you couldnt destroy a whole system with it, i mean even at five times the size it would be no sun crusher.
11-10-2006 06:05:14
It would have to be number 2 beacuse it is a much better one
Hey all
Laigerick Sithelhood
19-12-2006 19:31:11
The Death Star was an awesome idea. The only problem was that the Empire was stupid enough to make so many ways to destroy it. Either way, the second one was slightly bigger and better defended, but then the target to blow it up was much bigger. As with the shield, the only reason the second one had one was because it was outside orbit of Endor, where the shield was being generatred from. As soon as it was finished and started traveling the galazy the shield would have come down
true are the words of my favorite CONman
23-12-2006 18:02:08
Death Star II all the way! >:)
27-12-2006 14:57:04
They both got blown up by one single starfighter, hence proving the weakest battlestation in the galaxy if you knew one small weakness like the rebels did
but, Death Star II, if completed, would be my choice for better defended