Wes Biriuk
02-08-2006 22:38:53
I found the following at JediPurge.com
Darth Seer died of old age, succeeded by his apprentice. Darth Mongerer faithfully continued the Order of the Sith in hiding on Coruscant. A Jedi dueled and beheaded Darth Mongerer, but Mongerer hid the fact that he was a Sith and his apprentice succeeded him as Sith Master. Around this time, Yoda D’Kana the Whill was born on Grentarik, the World of Records. Yoda’s father, Syville Demetris D’Kana, allowed his son to be taken in by the Jedi Order at a young age. Yoda trained under Bontu Sitmus the orange Whill. Bontu Sitmus trained under Losho Yik the Whill as a youngling, and under Tracktius Mutheon as an apprentice. Bontu Sitmus became a legend in his own lifetime by slaying 7 Dark Jedi at a single time, all by himself.
I found this entire writing an interesting read and it uncovered a lot of information I previously had no idea existed.
Either little or none of this is true. GL specifically told the world that Yoda was not a Whill. As far as life goes, look on Wookieepedia. He grew to a certain age and left his homeworld with his human friend. They crashed on Dagobah, and Yoda and his friend were taught by Master N'kata Del Gormo. GL and his Lucasarts, Lucasfilm, and other buddies have refused to tell us what Yoda is, or where he came from, much less his homeworld. As far as I know, there was no Darth Seer or Darth Mongerer.
Wes Biriuk
02-08-2006 23:15:47
You're getting this from Supershadow? Now I know it's fake. Lucasarts themselves have called Supershadow a source of Fanon.
Wes Biriuk
03-08-2006 00:39:46
Disregard this topic. After further investigation I have discovered all sites related to SuperShadow.com to be faked and are purely the imagination of some poor guy from North Carolina. I apologise for this and will make certain of such claims in the future.
Kaine Mandaala
03-08-2006 07:43:24
We're keeping this thread around as a reminder.
Supershadow cannot be trusted. Don't even consider him a source of anything but lies.
"jedipurge.com" points right to him.
And as another reminder: LucasFILM owns the rights to the Star Wars franchise. LucasARTS makes games; some based on Star Wars, some not. Though ARTS is owned by FILM, they are not interchangable.